Reykjavík Grapevine - 21.05.2010, Side 32

Reykjavík Grapevine - 21.05.2010, Side 32
20 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 06 — 2010 If you've never been to Kolaportið, go there. It's cool. Kolaportið, Reykjavík’s one and only flea market, is a chaotic writhing mass. Every species occupies a niche in this harbour- side warehouse: vendors of all stripes, and buyers to match. Some are shed- ding old things while others are gather- ing them back up. It’s the perfect venue to play cultural ecologist, studying how everyone does their part to make the flea market work. The hawkers Perhaps 40 or so vendors occupy Kola- portið on any given weekend. Among the used goods sellers, there are three major classes. Some regular sellers are profes- sionals. They buy from the real raw sec- ond-hand places like Góði Hirðirinn and the Red Cross store, then mark up their wares for sale every weekend. Other vendors, like Ásta Ólafsdóttir, are at Kolaportið just for a day or a week- end. “I’m cleaning out my storage room,” Ásta explained. She’s making enough from selling, she said, to make the stall rental worthwhile for the weekend. It’s a good way to wring a few last Króna from your old items on their way out. And then there are the vendors whose selection of wares follows no rhyme or reason. “Some people sell just junk. Re- ally old stuff,” said Ásta. Ingibjörg Magnúsdottir began sell- ing like Ásta did—cleaning out her closet. But the project rapidly snowballed into a hobby. Soon Ingibjörg began attracting repeat customers. “They collect books. They collect knives, razors, bottle open- ers.” Now she picks out items and saves them for her regulars. The foragers The market attracts anyone who’s hunt- ing for a bargain. Kolaportið was even featured in the internationally acclaimed Icelandic film 101 Reykjavík—the charac- ters got a deal on a tacky artificial Christ- mas tree. Jóna Ásgrimsdóttir, part-owner of Kolaportið, says customers range from “poor people to the bishop. People like you and me, and famous people. Mainly Icelandic.” The sections of the market draw dif- ferent customers. Younger people gravi- tate to the used clothing, Jóna explained, but the grocery section of the market is frequented by older people, perhaps be- cause younger generations aren’t very familiar with some of the traditional Ice- landic products. Þorsteinn Hallsson, a young man sell- ing potatoes, had experienced the same phenomenon. “Younger people eat rice,” he laughed, suggesting that perhaps his customers were mainly older because younger people don’t have as much pa- tience for boiling potatoes. The environment Kolaportið, which turns 21 this year, is a refreshing contrast to those vintage shops along the main drag. You know you’re in the wrong place if they use the word “vintage” to describe their merchandise in the first place. Their wares represent only a select sliver of the broader world of used goods, so for those of us who get a thrill from pawing through mounds of used things in search of The Find, they’re a little boring. There’s no hunt, and the price mark-up reflects that. Despite their beautiful collections, shopping at these places feels like cheating. Meanwhile Kolaportið lays the whole kit n’ caboodle in your lap whether you like it or not. It’s like walking through a kaleidoscope of junk. In some ways, however, Kolaportið is a little tamer than a classic flea mar- ket. Icelanders don’t really bargain, and there’s even a restaurant with tables so shoppers can rest their feet. Guðmundur Björn Sveinsson, one of the many sellers of dried Icelandic fish, said Kolaportið is straight-laced and well-organised. “I’ve seen flea markets here and there, but nothing like this. I mean, I would call this a market, a marketplace,” he said. “It’s a little step higher.” Kolaportið is open on Saturdays and Sun- days from 11:00 to 17:00. Kolaportið: A Sampling Sweater Store: Long underwear, plastic necklaces, and traditional Icelandic patterned sweaters, hats, bibs, baby clothes, dog clothes. Victoria’s Secret Store: Zebra print bra, peace sign hoodie, Tender Whisper body lotion, candles that look like rocks, Talking Brick Game portable electronic game, Fashion Forms shoulder pads. Joe’s Garage Sell & buy: Strump- arnir (Smurfs) 4 DVD, Algjör Sveppi og leitin að villa DVD (a kid’s adven- ture), Night At The Opera by Queen on vinyl, Please Hammer Don’t Hurt ‘Em by MC Hammer on CD. candy Shop: Brjóstsykur hard candies, Sport Lakkrís, coconut- covered chocolate cylinders, giant fruit gummies. Fish Market: Red seaweed, dried haddock, rotten shark, smoked hali- but, cured salmon, fish balls, horse meat sausage, smoked whale meat, hanged lumpfish and cod. The Junk part Of Kolaportið: Mushroom statuette, slotted spoon, cassette tape of “Aerobic Dancing,” Tarzan comics (in Icelandic), book of sex positions with full-colour photographs, 6 pairs mega-platform pumps, tin of marbles, cardboard box full of romance novels, baby Snugli. The Hawkers And The Foragers Kolaportið is an ecosystem of used goods Article | Shopping “I’ve seen f lea markets here and there, but nothing like this. I mean, I would call this a market, a marketplace.” Words Stephanie Orford photography Julia Staples The good people behind the artFart festival will be writing us occasionally this summer, giving a sneak preview this year’s programme and some insight into the inner-workings of producing an independent arts festival in Iceland. For those that have not yet become ac- quainted, artFart is an international, con- temporary arts festival that takes place in Reykjavík every August. Since 2006, art- Fart has taken up residence in theatres, galleries and alternative spaces across Reykjavík to present a programme of performance events that provide a space for artists and audiences to come to- gether and celebrate contemporary per- formance here in Iceland. As an independent festival, we pride ourselves in being Iceland’s foremost presenter of both homegrown and in- ternational contemporary performance, and seek to represent the work of artists that may otherwise remain massively un- derrepresented in this country. There is a fast-growing wave of new homegrown artists, and an unprec- edented level of interest from interna- tional groups offering an awesome array of performance delights. artFart, armed with a tiny budget and a penchant for punching above its weight, is lining up a series of miniature art-world coups to accommodate them all. It is still very early days in the artFart 2010 calendar. Although preparations for securing funds are now moving health- ily into their final phase, the process for programming and scheduling the three- week event is still very much an open field. There are a few insider secrets that I am at liberty to share, however. I can reveal that artFart’s 2010 head- quarters will set up camp in an enor- mous warehouse space down by the harbour. The space is called Útgerðin and will host many of the indoor works, workshops, and talks taking place at this year’s festival. The theme of this year’s festival is ‘alternative spaces’ and part of this fo- cus has led to the creation of a specific artFart programme entitled The Reykja- vik Public Space Programme: a series of performance events dedicated to the ex- ploration of contemporary performance practices that use public space as a plat- form. Excitingly for the artists of Iceland, part of this initiative includes a selec- tion of workshops, all led by established European artists. Even more exceptional is that these workshops will be free of charge and applicants will be selected on the basis of their artistic motivation and interest, rather than by the size of their wallets. Alexander Roberts Let The Farting commence! artFart starts the fart Art | Fart


Reykjavík Grapevine

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