Reykjavík Grapevine - 11.03.2011, Síða 41

Reykjavík Grapevine - 11.03.2011, Síða 41
In gó lf ss tr æ ti In gó lfs st ræ ti Bal du rsg ata Hafnarstræti Vatnsmýrarvegur Nja rða rga ta Nj ar ða rg at a Sturlugata Sturlugata Flókagata Flókagata Freyjugata Freyjugata Fr ík ir kj u ve gu r Þi ng ho lt ss tr æ ti Þi ng ho lt ss tr æ tiLæ kj ar ga ta G ru nd ar st íg ur Es pi m el ur Víðim elur Fu ru me lur Reynim elur Grenim elur Ho fsv all ag at a Bl óm va lla ga ta Túngata Ásvallagata Sólvallagata Hávallagata Ránargata Bárugata Öldugata Æ gi sg at a Br æ ða bo rg as tíg ur Ra uð ar ár st íg ur Þv er ho lt Sn or ra br au t Sjafnargata Fjölnisvegur Bjar nar st. Kár ast ígu r Týs gat a Bra gag ata Sæ m un da rg at a Brynjólfsgata Guðbrandsgata Bi rk im el ur Lj ós va lla ga ta Tj ar na rg at a Skothúsvegur Vonarstræti G ar ða st ræ ti G ar ða st ræ ti AusturstrætiA ða ls tr æ ti Bankastræti Sk ól as tr . Sölvhólsgata Faxagata Ka lko fns ve gu r Vesturgata Mýrargata Án an au st Sk ól av ör ðu st íg ur Sk ól av ör ðu st íg ur Eiríksgata Eiríksgata Þórsgata Lokastígur Lau fásvegu r Laufásvegur U rðarstígur Bergþórugata Bjargarstígur Njálsgata Njálsgata V it as tí gu rFr ak ka st íg ur Grettisgata Grettisgata Grettisgata Grettisgata Ó ði ns ga ta Ó ði ns ga ta Bergstaðastræ ti Be rg st að as tr æ ti Be rg st að as tr æ ti Sm áragata Sóleyjargata Gamla Hringbraut Fjólugata N önnugata Mí mi sve gu r Hverfisgata Hverfisgata Hverfisgata K la pp ar st íg ur K la pp ar st íg ur Sæbraut Sæbraut Lindargata Lindargata Ba ró ns st íg ur Ba rón sst ígu r Hlemmur Skúlagata Skarph.gataKarlagata Mánagata Vífilsgata Skeggjagata Hrefnug. Kjartansg. Guðrúnarg. G un na rs br au t Bollagata Leifsgata A uð ar st ræ ti Egilsgata Laugavegur Laugavegur Laugavegur Laugavegur Tryggvagata GeirsgataG ró fin Hringbraut Hringbraut Hringbraut Hringbraut Su ðu rg at a Su ðu rg at a Su ðu rg at a La ng ah líð N óa tú n Va tn sh ol t H já lm ho lt N óa tú n Há tú n Kr in gl um ýr ar br au t Háteigsvegur Háteigsvegur Úthlíð Bólstaðarhlíð Stórholt Stangarholt Skipholt Skipholt Brautarholt M eðalholt Ei nh ol t Laugavegur Borgartún Borgartún Sóltún Miðtún Hátún Samtún H öfðatú n H öf ða tú n Sk ú la tú n Sætún Laugavegur 1 4 37 24 17 2 25 28 12 10 19 3 30 11 5 26 16 6 22 13 15 27 18 8 7 21 9 31 23 20 14 1 Þý/íða Graphic design and photography KronKron - Laugavegur 63b 2 Nostrum / Hulda Fríða Debut collection of fashion de- signer Hulda Fríða Nostrum - Skólavörðustígur 1a 101 tækifæri A new book about architecture in Reykjavík. Mokka - Skólavörðustígur 3a VÍK PRJÓNSDÓTTIR SCARF FACTORY 25.–27.03 12:00–18:00 Among the strongholds of knit- wear company Vík Prjónsdóttir is the traceability and transparency of the production of Víkurprjón (located in the village of Vík í Mýrdal). At DesignMarch, Vík Prjónsdóttir will operate a scarf factory, allowing guests to observe the production process and purchase freshly made scarves made by the designers as well as Víkurprjón’s staff. As in every other factory, production does not stop except for coffee breaks, and therefore this little factory will have a steady pulse, heat and sweat throughout DesignMarch. A reception, by invitation only, will take place on Friday March 25th between 5 and 7 pm. Laugavegur 6 3 SMASH & GRAB 24.03–28.05 Scintilla debuts a new home textiles collection at Spark Design Space on March 24th, the first day of DesignMarch. This is Scintilla’s second home textiles collection, emphasising, as before, progres- sive graphics and top quality natural fibres. A part of the col- lection comes in a limited edition, made especially for the exhibition. This collection manifests fresh currents in Icelandic design, where direct inspiration from nature gives ground to vibrant colours and an exotic world of graphic forms. Scintilla’s designer is clothing and textile designer Linda Björg Árnadóttir. With fifteen years of experience in the field, she has for example worked at fashion houses in France and Italy. For the past nine years, she has presided over the faculty of fashion design at the Iceland Academy of Art. The open- ing party will take place Thursday March 24, starting at 5 pm. Spark Design Space Klapparstígur 33 4 Hönnuðir í Kiosk Graphic - and Product Designers at clothing boutique Kiosk Kiosk - Laugavegur 65 5 Örtískumynd Skaparans Video by clothing label Skaparinn Hljómalindarreitur - Klapparstígur 6 STEiNUNN Experimental Installation by clothing label STEiNUNN 101 Hótel - Hverfisgata 10 A TEA PARTY 26.03 15:00–17:00 A collective of ceramicists host a tea party at the Icelandic Opera. Four kinds of teacups, made from Icelandic clay by four ceramicists, will be featured in which a special tea blend made by Þóra Þórisdóttir from four Icelandic tea herbs will be served. During DesignMarch, the teacups will be on display in the window of ELM boutique, Laugavegur 1 Íslenska óperan /ELM Ingólfstræti 2a SHAKE 25.03–03.04 10:00–20:00 An exhibition hosted by The Ice- landic Fashion Institute, featuring a short film focusing on Icelandic fashion design, as well as an installation exhibiting some of the featured outfits. The film was made in collaboration with Saga Film and the Inspired by Iceland initiative. Following DesignMarch, it will be used as promotional material for Iceland and Icelandic fashion design. 101 hótel - Hverfisgata 10 7 Doll Me Up Fashion show by díS*IgN Hótel Reykjavík Centrum Aðalstræti 16 8 GuSt & kurlproject New collections by GuSt and kurproject GuSt - Bankastræti 11 9 KRADS - PLAYTIME Workshop hosted by architectural firm Krads and LEGO Listasafn Reykjavíkur - Hafnarhús - Tryggvagata 17 SOUND OF FASHION 25.03 20:30 Fashion houses Andersen & Lauth and Farmers Market, in collabora- tion with filmmakers and musi- cians, host an event at Design- March. Located in the courtyard of Reykjavik Art Museum, Hafnar- hús, the idea is to create a little Reykjavik love story, attempting to cause guests’ hearts to beat as one in synch with live music, improvised from the event’s theme. The sophisticated and adventur- ous feel of Andersen & Lauth will be entwined with the air of the countryside romance surrounding Farmers Market, resulting in an Icelandic fairy tale for eyes and ears. Listasafn Reykjavíkur - Hafnarhús - Tryggvagata 17 10 Kvon Fashion design Þjóðminjasafnið - Suðurgata 41 11 Arctic Designs textíll Textiles collection debuted Antíkhúsið - Skólavörðustígur 21 Teikning, textíll og keramík The Reykjavik School of Visual Art 12 Tónar - Skólavörðustígur 15 12 Hönnður marsmánaðar Textiles by Rósa Helgadóttir Listasafn Íslands - Fríkirkjuvegur 7 13 Leikgleði Design for children by Bryndís Bolladóttir and Brynja Emilsdóttir. Aurum - Bankastræti 4 Bollar í blóma Aurum debuts a collection of porcelain teaware Aurum - Bankastræti 4 Drífa Aurum debuts a collection of jewelry inspired by the snowflake Aurum - Bankastræti 4 Black Magik Kria Jewelry design Aurum - Bankastræti 4 Gling Gló Jewelry Bankastræti 6 14 Grafía Graphic design by IAA students Saltfélagshúsið - Grandagarður 2 Mæna Launch of a new issue of graphic designer's magazine Maena Saltfélagshúsið - Grandagarður FÍT 2011 Graphic Designers' Awards and Exhibition Grafískir hönnuðir Saltfélagshúsið - Grandagarður 2 ON DISPLAY 24.03–26.03 10:00–17:00 27.03 13:00–17:00 ‘Sýniletur / Font on Display’ is the free-style creation of fonts, where graphic designers allow their creativity to run wild, unshackled by the tradition and discipline of font design. Graphic design- ers Rán Flygenring, Gunnlaugur Briem, Siggi Eggertsson, Stefán Kjartansson, Sveinn Þorri Davíðs- son, Siggi Oddsson, Úlfur Kolka & Co., Siggeir Hafsteinsson and Matej Hlavacek exhibit the results of their experiments and the joy of creation involved in font design. Saltfélagshúsið - Grandagarður 2 15 ORÐ! Graphic design by Elsa Nielsen IÐA - Lækjargata 2a Kaffibollar og mál Coffee cups designed by cerami- cist Audur Inga Súfistinn í IÐU - Lækjargata 2a 16 Lausaleturspartý! Offset printing experiments Lindargata 50 (bakhús) 17 THE NATIONAL FLAG 23.03–27.03 ‘Iceland’s Flag – Usage, Respect and Treatment’ (‘Þjóðfáni Íslands – Notkun, virðing og umgengni’) is a new book, illustrating every principal rule and tradition pertaining to Iceland’s national flag, which is utilised on surpris- ingly few occasions. Undoubt- edly, that is because of people’s fear of infringing the strict rules they believe accompany it, for example that if the flag touches the ground it has been ruined and must be destroyed immediately. This book’s purpose is to dispel such myths and demonstrate how easy and enjoyable it is to hoist the flag every day. The book will be published at DesignMarch. The opening party and exhibition at the book’s publisher Crymogea will begin at 8:30 pm, Thursday March 24. The exhibition will continue at Crymogea over the following weeks. Crymogea - Barónsstigur 27 18 Mæjónes-safarí Majónes, Tjarnarbíói Tjarnargata 12 19 Bú kartöfluflögur Potato chips Norræna húsið - Sturlugata 5 SHEEP HEADS & SODA ICELANDIC CUISINE IN CON- TAINERS The Icelandic Ceramic Associa- tion launches an exhibition at the Nordic House which focuses on Icelandic cuisine in-containers, referring to Icelandic traditions regarding the preparation and serving of food in various contain- ers such as pots, pans, plates and wooden urn-like objects. The participating artists focus and re- flect on forms and tools associated with Icelandic food preparation in various periods. The exhibi- tion brochure contains Icelandic recipes and serving suggestions intended for each container. Norræna húsið - Sturlugata 5 20 Fiskur og fínheit Jewelry design by the harbor Gullsmiðja Sædísar - Geirsgata 5b 21 Gibbagibb Pegs made from sheep horns Á skörinni - Aðalstræti 10 FOLKLORIC JEWELS 24.03–25.03 9:00–18:00 26.03–27.03 12:00–17:00 An exhibition of pieces designed and made by members of the Icelandic Guild of Goldsmiths. Their inspiration came from Icelandic folklore and mythol- ogy. Participants are: Anna María Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Arna Arnardót- tir, Dýrfinna Torfadóttir, Guðbjörg Ingvarsdóttir, Guðrún Bjarnadóttir, Harpa Kristjánsdóttir, Lilja Unnars- dóttir, Lovísa Halldórsdóttir, Reynir Már Ásgeirsson, Sif Ægisdóttir, Sigrún Sigurjónsdóttir, Sigurður G. Steinþórsson, Sigurður Ingi Bjarnason and Þorbergur Halldórs- son. The exhibition’s opening party will take place at 7 pm Wednes- day March 23rd and everyone is welcome. Fógetastofa - Aðalstræti 10 22 Spáð'í bolla Ceramic coffee cups displayed Kaolin - Ingólfsstræti 8 23 Kirsuber Kirsuberjatréð - Vesturgata 4 24 Varius Jewelry and accessories by RIM Emami - Laugavegur 66 25 Illuminati Nordica A lamp inspired by Icelandic light Minja - Skólavörðustígur 12 26 Opin vinnustofa Young designers of FærID, Bor- garmynd and architects of Skyggni Frábært open their studio Klapparstígur 16 27 Skyrkonfekt frá Erpsstöðum A new range of chocolates containing Icelandic dairy product skyr Turninn - Lækjartorg 28 CUT_FISH Cuttingboard debuted Fiskbúðin - Freyjugata 1 29 FÉLAGIÐ A collective of architects Grandagarður 16 Ferlið - sýning arkitekta Exhibition of the work process of architects Grandagarður 16 10+ Exhibition of interior designers Félagið, Útgerðinni Grandagarður 16 Borgaraleg hegðun Documentary by Borghildur Félagið, Útgerðinni Grandagarður 16 Kaffibíllinn - kaffihús Coffee shop Félagið, Útgerðinni Grandagarður 16 Snortið landslag Exhibition hosted by landscape architects Félagið, Útgerðinni Grandagarður 16 Íslenskir framleiðendur Exhibition of furniture designers Félagið, Útgerðinni Grandagarður 16 Fyrirlestrar Lectures regarding architecture Félagið, Útgerðinni Grandagarður 16 COLLABORATORS / FÉLAGIÐ 25.03 11:00–23:00 26.03 11:00–17:00 27.03 13:00–17:00 This DesignMarch, the head- quarters of the living architec- tural centre, FÉLAGIÐ, will be at the Reykjavik harbour. This year’s theme is ‘Architecture and Industry’. Just like last year, this is collaboration between three trade unions offering a varied programme, not to be missed by anyone interested in architecture and design. The programme is filled with exciting exhibitions and events. Also, guests are invited to enjoy refreshments at a unique café overlooking the harbour. Among the main events are furni- ture exhibition 10+, featuring thirty new and exciting pieces; Process— an exhibition of the working process of architects; Touched Landscape—an experiential space created by landscape architects; lectures as well as a screening of the film ‘Borgaraleg hegðun’ (‘Civil Behaviour’) by students of the Icelandic Academy of Arts. In addition, furniture and material manufacturers will exhibit Icelan- dic design, which is currently in production. The opening party will take place Thursday March 24th, starting at 8 pm. Grandagarður 16


Reykjavík Grapevine

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