Reykjavík Grapevine - 20.05.2011, Side 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - 20.05.2011, Side 8
8 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 6 — 2011 Iceland | Whaling Whale watching attracts more tourists than any other tourist activity in Reykja- vík. Tourists who go whale watching are mostly against whaling and come from anti- whaling nations. Yet, by the time they find themselves on a whale watching boat, 19% say they have already eaten whale and the majority say they would eat whale for cul- tural and historical reasons. This is a paradox that anti-whaler Sig- ursteinn Másson would like to tackle. A former journalist, Sigursteinn has been working for the International Fund For Animal Welfare (IFAW) since 2003, when Iceland—after a 24-year hiatus— resumed whaling again. The Grapevine met up with Sigursteinn to learn more about whaling in Iceland and his efforts to stop the practice. So Iceland stopped whaling for 24 years. Why did it start up again? When Iceland stopped whaling in 1989, politicians and the public were not happy about it. There were a lot of dis- cussions about in Alþingi; the whaling camp in Iceland has always had lobbies in the political parties. The public has shown little interest in the issue. When people are asked, they say they are pro-whaling like they are pro-Iceland. It’s not because they have thought so much about it, or be- cause they have studied the issue; it’s out of patriotism. In recent years, I have been trying to find ways to address this, to reach an understanding that people can support Iceland without supporting whaling. Do you think that Icelanders are mostly thinking of jobs and the economy? Or is it really a patriotic thing? I think people are realising more and more that this argument, that whal- ing is creating so many jobs and that it is economically viable, is wrong. But I think people still believe that whales should be killed like any other animal. People often compare whaling to the slaughtering of cows or chicken. From an animal welfare perspective, we can’t justify the inhumane killings of whales by pointing to something that is bad elsewhere. As soon as Icelanders re- alise that, I am sure we will have a dif- ferent situation. You’ve been working on this for eight years. How’s it going? There have been ups and downs. I have to admit, there was a backlash in 2008 with the economic collapse. People turned back to basic attitudes and val- ues of the past. In many ways it was very good, but in other ways it was not. For instance, the national sentiment be- came more pro-whaling after the crash compared to the year before the crash. But I think people are realising that whaling is not very economical, and that minke whaling is disastrous for the whale watching business here in Reyk- javík. It’s by far the biggest tourism ac- tivity in Reykjavík. So having the minke whalers here in the same Faxaflói Bay killing the same minke is just absurd. What do you think of Animal Plan- et’s reality TV show, ‘Whale Wars,’ which documents the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s struggle to end whaling? What do you think of their tactics? They may very well have achieved their goal in the South Pacific. Although I have never seen the programme—I guess it makes for good television—I prefer a more civilised and sophisti- cated approach like we have been do- ing here. I don’t think Iceland would be whaling today if the Sea Shepherd had not sunk two whaling boats here [Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson sank two whaling vessels in the Reykjavík harbour in 1986]. It was like a terrorist attack on Ice- land. It made Icelanders determined to never give in. When IFAW, a forty-year old organization, came here eight years ago, it was considered a terrorist group. We are now considered a reliable part- ner by the government. We take a very soft approach to this issue. We engage in dialogue rather than a typical cam- paign calling for sanctions and things like that. So the organisation is more about dialogue—how do you reach indi- viduals? This summer we will go further in rais- ing the issue publicly in Iceland and targeting foreign visitors. What has happened is that more and more res- taurants are offering whale meat on their menu. Two years back there were only a couple of restaurants doing it. The strange thing is that tourists, who are mostly ordering it, say they are op- posed to whaling when asked. They also come from countries that are to- tally against whaling. A scientist conducted a survey on boats of a whale watching company in Reykjavík. She asked 1500 tourists who were going whale watching some ques- tions. It turned out that 19% had already eaten whale meat in Iceland before go- ing whale watching, and a majority of tourists said they would taste it out of cultural and historical reasons. The situation in which foreign tour- ists who oppose whaling are keeping minke whaling alive in Iceland is very ironic. This is an issue that we will spe- cifically work on, and we will be intro- ducing a campaign in the beginning of June. We wouldn’t organise a boycott, but we just think that every person should think twice about what they or- der, so that they are not contributing to whaling. I’ve never thought of whaling as be- ing part of Icelandic culture… And it isn’t in fact. To explain a bit, the commercial whaling, killing big whales, only started around mid last century with Icelanders. And then there was a twenty-four year break. The history of minke whaling is a little bit longer, about thirty years longer. So this is something that tourists coming to Ice- land should realise. Whaling is not part of Iceland’s history. Commercial whal- ing of big whales has been conducted by a single family in Iceland. The father, Loftur, started the company and then his son, Kristján Loftsson, took over the business. So that has been a single- family business. According to a Gallup poll, only 3-5% of Icelanders eat whale meat regularly. It is neither historically im- portant, nor is it a part of the heritage, nor is it a big part of the culture. So you can say that when it is introduced to our foreign guests in Iceland as historically important and a part of the culture, that Icelanders eat it regularly—that is false. What’s the ultimate goal of the campaign that you are launching? Of course the ultimate goal is to have whaling in Iceland a part of its history, where it belongs, and to have respon- sible whale watching as the only whale business in Iceland. That should be the aim. Now that Japan and Iceland have stopped fin whaling, I think there is an historical chance to do things right. If there is any animal on Earth that we can look at and say, we have really treated you badly through the centuries, it is the whale. We hunted some of them to extinction and others to endangerment. The hunting has been extremely cruel. It can take up to an hour to kill a whale after the first harpoon hits. It’s com- pletely unnecessary. I see the whale as symbol of the connection between nature and hu- mans; if we can stop whaling, humanity has grown. Words Anna Andersen Photography Maroesjka Lavigne Whale Watching Tourists Eating Whale Anti-whaling advocate Sigursteinn Másson interviewed Mountaineers of Iceland • Skútuvogur 12E • 104 Reykjavík • Iceland Telephone: +354 580 9900 • • www. SUPER JEEP & SNOWMOBILE TOURS Hey, what do you think? Would you eat whale? Have you? Do you go whale watching? Send us a letter or an opinion column, or rage on this article's comment system when we post it on


Reykjavík Grapevine

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