Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2011, Blaðsíða 27

Reykjavík Grapevine - 29.07.2011, Blaðsíða 27
27 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 11 — 2011 Zombies | Excerpt! (+ survival guide) Glacier Walks Accommodation Golde n Circ le Super Jeeps Blue Lagoo n Car Re ntals Bus Tours and more ... Whale Wat ching Sp ö r eh f. PLAN YOUR ADVENTURE WITH US L a u g a v e g u r BOOK YOUR TOUR HERE Bankastræti S k ó l a v ö r ð u s t í g u r FREE BOOKING SERVICE Icelandic Travel Market - 10 % Of f s ele cte d Su pe r J ee p a nd Gl aci er Tou rs if y ou br ing th is ad to th e ITM . INFORMATION AND BOOKING CENTER Icelandic Travel Market Bankastræti 2 - Downtown Scan QR code to locate ITM Tel: +354 522 4979 - Open 9 - 19, Summer 8 - 21 1 Zombísland_Zomb classic killja 12.7.2011 18:40 Page 1 Chapter Two Zombie Apocalypse Playlist Track 2 The Great Escape by Jeff Who? Twenty-four Hours Earlier. Barbara scraped her auburn hair into a ponytail then rubbed her moss-green skinny jeans with the pockets on the side of the knees. She couldn’t store anything in them, they were just for show. She felt sticky with sweat under her loose black t-shirt and lopapeysa5 but it was her nerves that were getting the best of her, not the wool. “Fuck! Fuck, shite, tits, fuck. I don’t know the fucking code! Jónsi? What’s the fucking code? Is he picking up?” Barbara’s eyes were bulging out with panic. A lump of vomit clogged her throat as she stared the safe down. “Jónsi? For fuck’s sake is he picking up?” “Huh?” her teenage brother grunted from the living room. “Is dad6 answering the phone?” “I’m not calling him, so how am I supposed to know?” Jónsi’s voice 16 5 Lopapeysa is a traditional Icelandic sweater that is characterised by a yoke design which is a wide decorative circle around the neck opening. The yarn used is called lopi and is made from the wool of Icelandic sheep. The wool is not spun so as to increase the sweater’s insulation. According to the Handknitting Association of Iceland, Icelanders have been knitting since the 16th century but the lopapeysa is relatively young. The ori- gin of the Icelandic lopapeysa is disputed. Some believe the lopapeysa was inspired by the Greenlandic national women’s costume while others suggest it is connected to sweaters made in southern Sweden. However, the Handknitting Association of Iceland believe these to be far-fetched theories and that there may come a day when the creator of the Icelandic lopapeysa comes to light. 6 In Icelandic the word for dad is ‘pabbi’. Just so you know. Zo ísland_Zomb classic killja 12.7.2011 18:40 Page 16 11-07-13 - 14:55:55 Ork nr -- 1A 1107118 Zombie Icel KCMY Ten Things To Do in The Event of a Zombie Apocalypse 1. Don’t Panic. 2. Don't get sentimental, the zombie won't. 3. Secure the apartment; zombies come over without calling first. 4. Knives, guns and ammo, find them, use them. 5. Secure the food supplies, zombies eat, why shouldn’t you? 6. Rob the pharmacy, zombies won’t get the f lu, but you might. 7. Get the generator ready in preparation of black out. 8. Don’t take chances and trust no one, especially someone zombie shaped. 9. Stay away from windows, somehow zombies know to break through them exactly when you’re standing too close. 10. Stay inside.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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