Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.09.2011, Síða 14

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.09.2011, Síða 14
14 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 14 — 2011 Iceland | Analysis A Chinese gentleman wants to buy a big tract of land in the Northeast, and a central weakness of Icelandic politics is revealed. It is all about opinion. A government min- ister comes on television and starts talking about the Chinese who are buying up all the land in the world. The President enters the stage—he is extremely anti-EU and he says that all good people should be welcome in Iceland, not only Europeans. And so it goes back and forth—with ev- erybody arguing. A SERIOUS LACK OF OBJECTIVITY But the aforementioned, China-fearing minister is incidentally the one who has to determine whether the Chinese gentleman should be allowed to buy this land. He should be looking at laws, rules and regulations, not fantasising about Chinese world domination. And the President fails to mention that Iceland is a part of the European Economic Area, and thus has adopted a large chunk of EU legislation. This stipulates that Euro- peans can buy land in Iceland and that Icelanders can buy land in Europe. There is no such agreement with China, no reciprocity—basically Icelanders are not allowed to buy land in China. But this is the way politics work in Ice- land. There are a lot of opinions, a lot of moulding facts to one's purpose, a fertile ground for conspiracy theories, a frus- trated nation that can easily be played upon by demagogues, propagandists and political adventurers—but very little objectivity. Our Nobel Prize winning novelist, Halldór Laxness, once wrote that Ice- landers are almost immune to sensible arguments, preferring to fight over things that have little to do with the matter at hand and dwell on absolute trivialities. AN AVERSION TO FACTS There is even a certain aversion to facts. The last government before the crash spent enormous efforts to try to disprove that the tax burden of the lower classes had actually gotten heavier while the rich were paying less and less. Before that, then-Prime Minister Davíð Oddsson actually closed down the National Economic Institute, because its findings differed with his own opinions. Thus, there was no independent author- ity to monitor the economy, only people with different interests—and opinions. This proved to be rather fateful when the economic system totally overheated and then blew up. In this way everything is politicised and subjected to political haggling. The arguments about the Icelandic agricul- tural system—which is heavily subsidised and very archaic—have gotten to the point where the Minister of Agriculture claims that high tariffs are actually bene- ficial for the general consumer. An asso- ciation of young farmers took out ads in the media claiming that EU membership would be harmful to Iceland to the extent that young people from here would have to serve in a EU-army. A lot of time goes into debating nonsense like this—in some ways the media are to blame for not siev- ing out the more outrageous claims. NO AGREEMENT ON THE RECOVERY The latest debate is between the govern- ment and the opposition. The govern- ment claims that the country is on the road to recovery, pointing to statistics from the IMF—which has just left the country, less than three years after the meltdown of October 2008. The opposi- tion seems to believe that the country is totally on the skids with no investment and people fleeing en masse to Norway. There is also a debate between the gov- ernment and the president—a sort of a subtext to the whole thing—about who saved the country. In a place where poli- tics are so partisan and the independent sources of information are so weak, this makes for a very hard tangle for the gen- eral public to unravel. Another instance is a plan recently put forward on how to utilise the nation’s natural energy resources, waterfalls and geothermal areas. This has been long in the making—many have cited it as a sort of a settlement that would allow us to harness our resources, free from strife. But as soon as the document was published it was evident this would not happen. Those who are on the side of industrialisation claimed it was far too restrictive, that this would destroy plans for energy plants that had been many years in the making. Preservationists on the other hand claimed that this would destroy far too many natural wonders. So the same fight continues, nothing has been settled, one almost wonders whether the much-awaited plan is worth the paper it is written on. AN OPPRESSIVE POLITICAL ATMO- SPHERE So, even if Iceland seems peaceful on the surface, the political debate is very quarrelsome and exhausting—some- times it seems actually degrading to participate in it. Blogs have not neces- sarily made things better—they are often foul tempered and prejudiced. Citizens' initiatives, which flourished for a while after the crash, have come to little frui- tion. Trust in politics is minimal, but ideas about how to do things differently are not welcomed. For example, the interest in proposals by a constitutional committee suggesting democratisation and open- ness is strangely muted. Some politicians actually thrive well in this atmosphere. It is strangely easy to manipulate public opinion. This does not seem to be the time for reason or level-headedness, so it is the masters of political gamesmanship who thrive, men like President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson and former Prime Minister Davíð Odds- son, who know every political trick in the book, but who might both be seen as lacking in sincerity. A FARM IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE But back to the Chinese gentleman, Mr. Huang Nubo. He is buying what is the largest or second largest farm in Iceland. But that does not tell the whole story. The farm, Grímsstaðir, is far in the moun- tains of the Northeast, in a desolate area, desert-ified by the overgrazing of sheep, an unusually cold place for Iceland—with temperatures sometimes sinking below minus 30°C. The place also has no special natural beauty. But in Grímsstaðir Huang wants to build a luxury resort, mostly for Chinese tourists, and even a golf course. This is surely an interesting plan, but many have wondered: what is he really after, beside cold and solitude. These can actually be found in the deserts north of Beijing, which might not be so different from the landscape around Grímsstaðir. THE YELLOW PERIL So all sorts of speculation takes off. Even the respected Financial Times publishes an article linking this to nascent Chi- nese imperials, stating that this might be linked to plans to gain foothold in the North-Atlantic. Here we enter the realm of James Bond's ‘Dr. No,’ wrote The In- dependent. Grímsstaðir is a landlocked place, as far from any harbour as you can get in Iceland, so it is a bit hard to link this to imperialistic intentions, except if the plan was to turn it into a military instal- lation at the touch of a button. We can picture this: Peaceful Chinese tourists with their cameras, suddenly turning into agents of world domination. There we have an old motive all over again: The Yellow Peril. It is easy to fan- tasise about it. But China has been send- ing delegations to Iceland for many years and inviting lots and lots of Icelandic poli- ticians and luminaries over. Our president has been especially active in this regard; he has gone to China six times in the last five years, but he almost never goes to Europe. But really not much has come out of this—except rather clichéd talk about the Chinese being very clever and thinking in the long-term (the way they manage their economy actually disproves this, with environmental catastrophes spreading all over China and a bubble economy that cannot possibly last). Iceland does not have very much to sell to China, and of course the distances are long. There have been negotiations on a free trade agreement between the countries, but due to trade imbalances and the way the Chinese do business this is difficult to finalise. ARE THE CHINESE BETTER FRIENDS THAN EUROPEANS? So Huang’s offer to buy this large tract of land came as a surprise. Instantly the affair became very politicised, it in fact caused a minor political explosion in the beginning of September. Interior Minis- ter, Ögmundur Jónasson, was very scep- tical; it was he who said that we must be wary of Chinese buying up all the land in the world. Words Egill Helgason Illustration Lóa Hjálmtýsdóttir Egill Helgason is a journalist, political commentator, blogger and the host of Iceland's only literary TV show, as well as Iceland's premiere political talk show. How he has time to write articles for us, we do not know. But he does. “We can picture this: Peaceful Chinese tourists with their cameras, suddenly turning into agents of world domination” AGENTS OF WORLD DOMINATION? Continues on page 34 Dr. Nu comes to Iceland, and the nation once more explodes into quarrel “Blogs have not necessarily made things better—they are often foul tempered and prejudiced.”


Reykjavík Grapevine

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