Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.09.2011, Síða 27

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.09.2011, Síða 27
27 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 14 — 2011 Theatre And Performance | APPLY NOW! ‘Transeuropa’ is a young European theatre and performance festival in Hildesheim, Germany. For its seventh edition, transeuropa made Iceland one of its partner countries. From May 12-19, 2012, the festival will provide a platform for emerging artists and initiate exchange among the countries. Exploring and pro- ducing new formats, ‘transeuropa’ encourages discussions about dif- ferent aesthetics and artistic work approaches. For this edition we are looking for young theatre makers searching for new ways to commu- nicate with their audience and cre- ate spaces for experience of new and unique communities. Inviting artists from Iceland, Lithuania, Portugal and the German-speaking performance scene, we create a net- work for upcoming performers to pres- ent and reflect their work and celebrate their get-together. Besides applying for a guest per- formance, you have the opportunity to work in one of our production formats especially developed for the festival. These residency programmes will be realised in Hildesheim and will premiere in the course of the festival. Through- out the entire production period we will place an office and a production assis- tant at your disposal, as well as provide accommodation and budget. Transeu- ropa will cover all travel expenses. CALL FOR APPLICATIONS For the production format ‘living room’ we are looking for young artists from all artistic genres who would like to be part of a European flat-sharing community. Together with artists from Portugal, Lithuania and the German speaking countries Austria, Germany or Switzerland, you form the flat-shar- ing community yourselves. The team of transeuropa2012 will choose the first flat mate; this person will autonomously decide which country the next flat-mate will be from, look through the applica- tions of that country, talk via Skype with potential flat mates and finally choose one. Subsequently the two flat mates will jointly choose the third and fourth member of the flat share. Four weeks prior to the festival you move into an empty apartment in Hildesheim, in which you will live, work and perform. How would you like to live and work together? How can you free yourselves from your conventional and familiar ways of living? How do the objects from the disbanded apartment influence you? What material will you collect to document your living together? Apply with an English-speaking video (max. four minutes), in which you present yourself in your own flat. Up- load it on a video sharing website and send the link to info@transeuropa-fes- by September 30. ‘Partner ship’ is a cooperation of three young graduates of ‘Theory and Practice’ from the Academy of Arts in Reykjavík and three graduates of ‘Cul- tural Science and Aesthetical Practice’ from the University of Hildesheim. Together they will develop a piece re- searching on the conflict and friction within the fields of collective, scientific and artistic practice. Theatre needs the body, needs the corpus. Theatre is a physical act through and through. It is when the- atre professionals develop an interest in scientific questions that abstraction meets activism. But where to begin? Does theory come first or is it praxis that delivers the material out of which theory derives? The first meeting of the group will take place in Reykjavík early in 2012. Rehearsals will start four weeks prior to transeuropa2012 in Hildesheim. GERMANY NEEDS YOU! So apply for transeuropa2012 already! HANNAH PFURTSCHELLER, PAMINA DITTMANN, MARLEEN WOLTER Apply to WHALE WATCHING EXPRESS TOURS SPECIAL Make the most of your day! We offer free pick-up in the Reykjavik area! Call us +354 892 0099 or book online HOW TO BOOK? Takesonly 2-2 hours Spend more time whale watching and less time waiting. Say the keyword and save 20% of your whale watching adventure: Grapevine Special Offer. APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OKT 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 14:00 17:00 17:00 17:00 15 JUL – 15 AUG 20:00 20:00 WHALE WATCHING TOURS „That was marvellous! We saw many whales and dolphins. Fantastic.“ -Samantha Continued from page 10 Customs Is Cracking Down IS THIS REALLY NECESSARY? Many would naturally like the duties lowered, believing that it is unneces- sary to hassle people like this about the purchase of personal items, but Hörður points out that it would be unfair to the stores in Iceland that are importing prod- ucts from abroad, paying duties and VAT to sell them here. “If there are huge amounts being imported to Iceland every week without paying tax, that’s making things difficult for Icelandic stores,” he says. But as all items are taxed regardless of whether or not they can be purchased in Iceland (like kilts), the philosophical underpinnings of the law are not about protecting domestic businesses. What it comes down to is simple. “The point of the tax is not to protect the stores in Ice- land,” Hörður says. “It’s just money to the State. More than 30% of the State’s in- come comes through Customs—tax, VAT and fees.” Will Customs relax? Probably not. So perhaps it’s just time for a change of at- titude. Instead of getting all worked up in a fit of hate, you could take Virgile Collin- Lange’s approach of embracing Customs with love, which he extolled on our Face- book: “[I] love to pay taxes on the Xmas gifts I am receiving from abroad...Love the way they open the gift for me.print a price from amazon for me...Say good bye to the surprise effect...But what I love the most is to pay the chocolate tax.... Every time my brother sends me chocolate usually with other stuff..They disappear... Strange.” In case you’re curious about the choc- olates, they told him that “they sometimes get rid of suspicious food people send.” It was Leonidas chocolate [YUM!] and Vir- gile says it’s happened at least twice.


Reykjavík Grapevine

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