Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.09.2011, Síða 43

Reykjavík Grapevine - 09.09.2011, Síða 43
BANKASTRÆTI AUSTURSTRÆTI SKOTHÚSVEGUR TRYGGVAGATA GEIRSGATA MÝRARGATA NÝLENDUGATA VESTURGATA RÁNARGATA BÁRUGATA ÖLDUGATA TÚNGATA KIRKJUSTRÆTI HAFNARSTRÆTI SÓLVALLAGATA SÓLVALLAGATA H O LTSG ATA GRANDAVEGUR HÁVALLAGATA ÁSVALLAGATA REYNIM ELUR VÍÐIM ELUR GRENIM ELUR Æ G ISÍÐ A FOR NHA GI DU NH AG I A R A G AT A O D D AG AT A HAGAM ELURM ELHAGI NESHAGI HO FS VA LL AG AT A KAP LAS KJÓ LSV EGU R ME IST ARA VEL LIR ÁLA GRA NDI EIÐ SG RA ND I BR Æ ÐR AB OR GA RS TÍ GU R FRA MN ESV EGU R ÁN AN AU ST GR AN DA GA RÐ UR FIS KIS LÓ Ð H Ó LM A S LÓ Ð TJ A R N A R G AT A SU Ð U R G AT A A Ð A LS TR Æ TI SÆ M U N D A RG AT A BI RK IM EL UR FU RU M EL UR ES PI M EL UR Æ G IS G AT A G A R Ð A S TR Æ TI GRETTISGATA FR A K K A ST ÍG U R NJ AR ÐA RG ATA NJ AR ÐA RG AT A N A U TH Ó LS V EG U R FLUG VALL ARVE GUR N AU TH Ó LS VE G U R M EN N TA V EG U R VA TN SS TÍ G U R K LA PP A R S TÍ G U R BE RG ST A Ð A RS TR Æ TI BERGSTAÐARSTRÆ TI FR ÍK IR K JU V EG U R P Ó S TH Ú S S T. LÆ KJ AR GA TA IN G Ó LF SS TR Æ TI G R U N D A R S TÍ G U R ÞI N G H O LT SS TR Æ TI Ó Ð IN SG AT A ÞÓ RSG ATA AMTMANNSST. BÓKHL.ST. VONARSTRÆTI LO K A STÍG U R BA LD UR SG ATA BR AG AG ATA VI TA ST ÍG U R B A R Ó N SS TÍ G U R SN O R R A BR A U T SN O R R A B R A U T BA RÓ NS ST ÍGU R SKÓ LAVÖ RÐ U STÍG U RL A U FÁ S - V EG U R LAUFÁSVEGUR FJÖLNISVEGUR FREYJUG ATA SÓ LEYJA R G A TA NJÁLSGATA GAMLA HRINGBRAUT MIKLABRAUT MIKLABRAUT MIKLABRAUT LISTABRAUT OFANLEITI VATNSMÝRARVEGUR ÞORRAGATA EINARSNES BAUGANESSKILDINGANES BÚ STA Ð AVEG U R BÚSTAÐAVEGUR SUÐURHLÍÐ HRINGBRAUT HRINGBRAUT HRINGBRAUT H R IN G B R A U T BERGÞÓRUGATA EIRÍKSG ATA EG ILSG ATA HVERFISGATA LINDARGATA SÖLVHÓLSGATA SKÚLAGATA SÆBRAUT SÆBRAUT SÆ BRAUT HÓLSVEGUR DYNGJUVEGUR D A LB R A U T K A M B SV EG U R H JA LL A V EG U R LA N G H O LT SV EG U R LA N G H O LTSVEG U R EF ST A SU N D EFSTA SU N D VESTURGARÐAR KLETTAGARÐAR KLETTAGARÐAR VATNAGARÐAR SUNDABORG KLEPPSVEGUR KLEPPSVEGUR BORGAR TÚN SÆ TÚN SKÚLAGATA HÁTÚN MIÐTÚN SÓLTÚN HÁ TÚ N SIGTÚN LAUGATEIGUR HOFTEIGUR KIRKJUTEIG UR HRAUNTEIGUR KIRKJUSANDUR LAUGALÆ KUR HR ÍS AT EI GU R LA UG AR NE SV EG UR SUNDLAUGAVEGUR BRÚNAVEGUR V ES TU R B R Ú N A U S TU R B R Ú N R EY K JA V EG U R LAU G AR ÁSVEG U R SUNNUVEGUR SK IPA SU N DHO LTA VEG UR ENGJAVEGUR ENGJAVEGUR GNOÐARVOGUR LJÓSHEIM AR Á LF H EI M A R G O Ð H EI M A R SÓ LH EI M A R SKEIFAN G R EN S Á SV EG U R SUÐURLANDSBRAUT ÁRM ÚLI ÁRM ÚLI SÍÐUM ÚLI FELLSMÚLI H Á ALEITISBRAU T SAFA M ÝRI LAUGAVEGUR LAUGAVEGUR SKIPHOLT ENGJATEIGUR FLÓKAGATA HÁTEIGSVEGUR BÓLSTAÐARHLÍÐ SKAFTAHLÍÐ ÚTHLÍÐ SKÓ G ARH LÍÐ ESKIH LÍÐ BARMAHLÍÐ STIGAHLÍÐ MÁVAHLÍÐ GRÆNAHLÍÐ DRÁPUHLÍÐ HAMRAHLÍÐ VES TUR HLÍÐ BLÖNDUHLÍÐ HÖRGSHLÍÐ H Á A H LÍ Ð BRAUTARHOLT N Ó A TÚ N LA N G A H LÍ Ð S TA K K A H LÍ Ð S TA K K A H LÍ Ð ST IG A H LÍ Ð R EY K JA H LÍ Ð K R IN G LU M Ý R A R B R A U T K R IN G LU M Ý R A R B R A U T Á LF TA M Ý R I LÁ G M Ú LI H A LLA R M Ú LI K R IN G LU M Ý R A R B R A U T R A U Ð A R Á R ST ÍG U R R A U Ð A R Á R S TÍ G U R G U N N A R SB R A U T N Ó A TÚ N H Ö FÐ A TÚ N SKIPHO LT The OldHarbour H JARÐ ARH AG I TÓ M A SA R H A G I FÁLKAGATA STURLUAGATA EGGERTSGATA LYNGHAGI STARHAGI K V ISTH A G I BSÍ Coach Terminal Nordic House Culture Center University of Iceland National museum National library Austur- völlur Icelandic Parliament Reykjavík Domestic Airport Hlemmur Bus Terminal Sundhöllin Swimming Pool Laugardals Swimming Pool Sigurjón Art Museum Viðey ferry Cruise harbour Zoo and family park Camping site Kringlan Shopping Mall Laugardalshöll Sports hall The Tower City Hall The Einar Jónsson Museum Hallgríms kirkja Church National Theatre Culture House Central Bank Main Tourist Info Reykjavík Art Museum Maritime Museum Old Harbour Area Harpa Concert Hall Tjörnin Klambratún Park Öskjuhlíð Laugardalur Nauthólsvík Perlan University of Reykjavík Kjarvalsstaðir National Museum Hótel Loftleiðir Hljómskáli Park Vesturbæjar Swimming Pool National Gallery of Iceland Taxi Taxi Taxi Taxi 6 7 8 9 10 3 A DAY IN THE LIFE Haukur Már Helgason Hi and thanks for the offer. This escaped me completely the first time. The only problem is, my days are really uninteresting. Less interesting than anyone would imagine and than anyone would benefit from reading about. I hardly even eat, let alone attend concerts. On the rare occasion that I leave the periphery of my house and workspace at all I tend to go to the same café, every single time, not even a really good one, just because they allow smoking there. So … you know. At first glance it doesn't seem very smart marketing to brag about this. I'm finishing a film, yes. The details of post-production … yesterday we realised the whole soundtrack was two frames off sync, and had to reposition and export the film once more, just when we thought we were all done. Or as all done as it gets. This should interest most people even less than the choice of typefaces for the film's credit list, or the route through which we process subtitles, which involves an outrageous number of stand-alone applications, each contributing its tiny bit to the final outcome. I did buy a ten-trip card to the swimming pools this summer. And went twice. I would love to claim this as a habit, but that would be stretching it … in both cases, though, I went early in the morning, eight-ish, which is definitely swimming pool prime time. But telling tales about the boyish games that half-naked senior gentlemen play in the locker room wouldn't be very gentlemanly at all. Last weekend, though, my girlfriend and I went on a trip, aiming for one of those natural hot tubs, or domesticated hot springs, the natural hot spots that people bathe in, and are featured in every tourist guide ever published. I'd never been to one before, so this was definitely occasion for some excitement. After three or four hours driving we did find the place we had been told about, and it looked most awesome: if there's anything that beats nature, it's gentrified nature. The water is kept in place by stonewalls erected long enough ago to be moss- grown and covered in flora that looks tropical in comparison with the barren surroundings. The heat of our hot springs, however, seems somewhat exaggerated. As does their liquidity: the little water there in this particular container was neither warm, nor was it in motion, but static, chilly and, as we realised once we decided that we had stayed in there long enough to say we did our best and stepped out, quite muddy. And we forgot to bring towels. Of course this, however, is no fault of the country or its tourist guides, but rather bears witness to my lack of insight and know-how when it comes to living around here. Or anywhere else for that matter. Which is precisely why it seems both wise and polite to kindly refuse your offer. Still, thanks a lot. HMH Ask for a Tax free form and save up to 15% Handprjónasambandið The Hand-knitting Association of Iceland’s official store, Handprjónasambandið, sells wool products of uncompromising quality. The store features pullover sweaters, cardigans and other woollen accessories. Skólavörðustígur 19 10 Sruli Recht –The Armoury For the fashionably adventurous, The Armoury is a sort of showroom/store for the designs of Sruli Recht and Megan Herbert, which are on display and for sale. This is the place to find useful products with personality, like brass knuckle umbrellas, whale penis wallets, whale penis shoes, typefaces, and scarves. Hólmaslóð 4 12 Public phones There aren’t many public payphones in the city centre. The tourist information centre at Aðalstræti 2, City Hall, Kolaportið, en- trance at Landsbankinn and in Lækjargata. Prepaid international phone cards are recommended for int’l callers. Internet Access Most cafés offer free wireless internet ac- cess. Computers with internet connections are available to use at: Ráðhúskaffi City Hall, Tjarnargata 11 Ground Zero, Frakkastígur 8, near Laugavegur 45 The Reykjavík City Library, Tryggvagata 15 The National and University Library, Arn- grímsgata 3 Tourist Information Centre, Aðalstræti 2 Icelandic Travel Market, Bankastræti 2 Reykjavík Backpackers, Laugavegur 28 Swimming Pools There are several swimming pools in Reyk- javík. The one in 101 Reykjavík, Sundhöll Reykjavíkur, is an indoor one, located at Barónsstígur. That pool features a nice sunbathing area and some outdoor hot tubs. Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 06:30–22:00, Friday from 06:30–20:00, Saturday from 08:00–16:00, and Sunday from 10:00–18:00. Public Toilets Public toilets in the centre can be found inside the green poster covered towers located, for example, at Hlemmur, Ingólfs- tortorg, by Hallgrímskirkja, by Reykjavík Art Museum, Lækjargata and by Eymundsson on Skólavörðustígur. Toilets can also be found inside the Reykjavík City Hall and the Reykjavík Library. St. Paul's, Tryggvagata 16 Their slogan says, “since 1971” but this gourmet sandwich and soup bar is newly opened in downtown Reykjavík! And guess what! They serve bagels! Yes! Bagels! Not frozen bagels from Bó- nus! But freshly baked bagels! This may not sound like very exciting news to those of you privileged to live in a neighbourhood with a bagel shop around every other corner, but for those of us in Iceland where the bagel shop is non-existent, this is some very exciting news. Yes! Exciting! In addition to bagels, they also have a nice selection of sandwiches, wraps and soup, and everything is moderately priced too. So if you’re looking for a quick take away bite to eat (seating is limited), you might want to check out St. Paul’s, which is open for business weekdays from 10:00 to 16:00. NEW IN TOWN For a map of outside downtown Reykjavík visit or the Icelandic phonebook website # EATING # DRINKING # SHOPPING LEGEND LAUGAVEGUR 56 101 REYKJAVÍK WWW.NIKITACLOTHING.COM 13 Blue Lagoon Store Geothermal seawater spa The Blue Lagoon is a world famous healing spot as the water is rich with silica and sulphur that are extremely good for the skin. The natural skin care products produced from the healing minerals are sold at the downtown Blue Lagoon shop. Laugavegur 15 11


Reykjavík Grapevine

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