Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.06.2012, Blaðsíða 45

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.06.2012, Blaðsíða 45
Cocktail pleasures and Visual stimulation How to use the listings: Venues are listed alphabetically by day. For complete listings and detailed information on venues visit Send us your listings: » |oPENINGS Hafnarborg (Hafnarfjörður) 15:00 “The Last Abstraction” The exhibition of abstract paintings celebrates the wide-ranging work of one of Iceland's earliest modernists, Eiríkur Smith. Runs until August 19 Museum of Design – Hönnunar- safn Íslands 17.00: "Something To Write Home About" The emerging changes in Icelandic design are on display to highlight how product designers are using more collaboration. Runs until October 14 » |oNGoING The Culture House Medieval Manuscripts Eddas and Sagas It includes principal medieval manu- scripts, such as Codices Regii of the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda, and law codices and Christian works, not to forget the Sagas of Icelanders. On permanent view Child of Hope - Youth and Jón Sigurósson Exploring the life of Icelandic national hero Jón Sigurjónsson, made espe- cially accessible to children, families, and school groups. On permanent view Medieval Manuscripts - Eddas and Sagas Some of Iceland's medieval manu- scripts on display. Guided tour in English on Mondays & Fridays at 15:00. On permanent view Millennium - phase one Selection of pieces from the collection of the National Gallery displaying a variety of works by Icelandic artists in the last two centuries. On permanent view The Library Room The old reading room of the National Library displays books of Icelandic cultural history dating from the 16th century to the present. Works include oldest published versions of the Sagas, Eddic Poems, and more. On permanent view The Einar Jónsson Museum Einar Jónsson The museum contains close to 300 art works spanning a 60 year career: carvings from the artist's youth, sculptures, paintings and drawings. A beautiful tree-clad garden adorned with 26 bronze casts of the artist's works is located behind the museum. On permanent view A R T in June Space: The Final Frontier Gallery i8 Runs until June 30 Free While the days of NASA—both the club and the American space agency— are dwindling, exploring space outside the atmosphere is becoming more and more difficult. For an artistic take on the concept of space, however, be sure to check out “Open; Wait”, the newest show at gallery i8 featuring the sculptures of Margrét H. Blöndal and drawings of Silvia Bächli. Minimalist aspects of both art- ists merge to express a distinct visual canon which exists as more of a visceral meditation on space than a material installation. The combined ef- fort confronts the space around us and personal polity in a manner all its own. Native Icelander Margrét works for the first time with Silvia, who is based in Paris, France, and Basel, Switzerland. London-based critic and writer Chris Fite-Wassilak curates the event. BW To INFINITY AND BEYoND Artists explore concepts of space in "Open; Wait." Ever had one of those Sundays when you feel wiped out and you’re not sure whether to go to an AA meeting or take in a movie? Well, thanks to Bíó Paradís, which hosted a SÁÁ (kind of like AA, but without the religious con- notations) film festival last week, you didn’t have to choose. There was no need to get up and declare your name and preferred addiction; it was just about kicking back with some pop- corn and letting the recovery begin. You could take your pick of drunk Swedes (who turn out to be Finns) or a double dose of drunk Danes or Brits on the piss. As with all drunks, the films are full of worldly wisdom. To wit: never assault a telephone booth (might lead to loss of hand), never urinate on a sleeping girlfriend (might lead to loss of life) and if you intend to take a hatchet to your neighbour’s dog, do it sooner rather than later (before the beast starts attacking local children). ENGLISH ANGER, DANISH RoT The films are of high quality, although one needs a strong stomach to take the inces- sant wife-beatings, wasted childhoods and general misery that comes with rou- tine overconsumption of the nectar of the Gods. Perhaps the most acclaimed is the Danish ‘Submarino’ by ‘Festen’ Director Thomas Vinterberg, starring Jakob Ceder- gren (I got drunk with him once), which deals with the addictions of working class Copenhageners. For those who prefer upscale alcohol- ics, there was ‘Applause,’ featuring the spicy Paprika Steen as a famous actress caught in a downward spiral. Even more depressing, predictably, was the British ‘Tyrannosaur,’ although it seems to deal more with anger management issues than alcoholism (everyone gets theirs in the end, both abusive spouses and annoying dogs). MEN WHo HATE WoMEN EVEN MoRE Taking the cake was the Swedish ‘Svino- langorna’ (“Pigsty”), starring ‘Män som hatar kvinnor’s’ Noomi Rapace, about Finns who moved to Stockholm in the 1960s to look for a better life, with some of them winding up beating their wives and drinking themselves to death instead. Inci- dentally, at the same time, large numbers of Icelanders went to Gothenburg to check out the famed Swedish welfare system, sometimes with similar results. The SÁÁ festival might be over, but Bíó Paradís is still worth a visit. It is Reykjavík’s only arthouse cinema and, incidentally, the only one with an alcohol license. Currently on offer are, among others, ‘Tyrannosaur’ (from the festival), Ralph Fiennes Shake- speare epic ‘Coriolanus,’ the Finnish space Nazi extravaganza ‘Iron Sky’ and Iceland’s very own crime epic, ‘Black’s Game’ (with English subtitles). Enjoy. Sunday Morning Coming Down A different kind of alcohol rehab at Bíó Paradís Film | Alcohol VALuR GuNNARSSoN At the seashore the giant lobster makes appointments with mermaids and landlubbers. He waves his large claws, attracting those desiring to be in the company of starfish and lumpfish. > Only 45 minutes drive from Reykjavík Eyrarbraut 3, 825 Stokkseyri, Iceland · Tel. +354 483 1550 Fax. +354 483 1545 · · by the sea and a delicious lobster at Fjörubordid in Stokkseyri Reykjavík Stokkseyri Eyrarbakki - The Seashore restaurant Sp ör e hf . Summer opening hours: Mon - Sun 12:00 to 22:00 BanThai Ba n T ha i i s t he fi ne st Th ai res tau ran t i n I ce lan d 1/10 The Best Restaurant in Iceland the best thai food year 2009, 2010 and 2011 the best goddamn restaurant 2011 Laugavegur 130, ofan við Hlemm te l: 69 2- 05 64 recommend....... yummi yummi Thai Fusion Food Hverfisgata 123 við Hlemm Tel. 588-2121 One price 1000 kr. ww w. yu m m iy um m i.n et Take away


Reykjavík Grapevine

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