Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.02.2013, Blaðsíða 8

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.02.2013, Blaðsíða 8
After spending a gazil- lion dollars convincing foreigners that Iceland in winter is not an uninhabitable rock f loating in the colder bits of the North Atlantic, the tourism industry has found itself overwhelmed by an influx of winter visitors. Having been lured here by the promise that Ice- land wants to be your friend, they have instead found that Icelandic nature has all the personal skill of an enraged rein- deer bull and the charming demeanour of a sand blaster to the face. SO ASYLUM TOURISM RE- FERS TO TOURISTS SEEKING ASYLUM FROM THE WINTRY WEATHER? No, not really, but the reality is only slightly less ludicrous. The term "asy- lum tourism" was imported into Icelan- dic public discourse by Kristín Völun- dardóttir, the head of the Icelandic Directorate of Immigration. OH GOOD, AN EXPERT! WHAT DOES THIS TERM SHE USED MEAN? Here is the odd thing. In a recent Ice- landic language press release she used the term "asylum tourism" in English. In English, that means visiting disused psychiatric institutions and has noth- ing to do with asylum seekers. As far as this column has been able to discover, the term "asylum tourism" as Kristín used it could have three origins. The first comes from Slovakia and began life as yet another slur on the Roma. The second meaning, referring to asylum- seekers being housed in tourist accom- modation, was born in Austria. DO YOU KNOW WHO ELSE WAS BORN IN AUSTRIA? Kommissar Rex, the crime-fighting Ger- man Shepard. And really, enough with the Hitler jokes about Austria, it has been absolutely ages since they have given us a genocidal dictator. The third meaning of "asylum tourism" refers to the prac- tice of shuttling asylum seekers between different countries in Europe. However, none of these meanings have anything to do with what Kristín Völundardóttir was talking about in a radio interview that got her into hot water. DURING THE ICELANDIC WINTER, HOT WATER IS WHAT YOU WANT TO GET INTO. That is true, but this is the metaphori- cal hot water where you end up getting immediately pencilled in for a meeting with your boss, in this case Minister of the Interior Ögmundur Jónasson. You see, there was an outcry in the media when Kristín implied that some of the asylum seekers her institution is sup- posed to serve were nothing more than tourists that applied for asylum to re- ceive free room and board in Iceland. THAT'S A RATHER ODD THING FOR A CIVIL SERVANT IN A POSITION OF AUTHOR- ITY OVER ASYLUM SEEKERS TO IMPLY. Well, she did not imply it so much as say it outright. She told Icelandic state broadcaster RÚV that "It can be a bit ap- pealing for people who are not exactly asylum seekers, who intend to work il- legally or come here for other reasons, to come to Iceland. It could be a very attrac- tive bonus to get free food and shelter when the application process is so long." OH GOODNESS. She went on: "People are just going abroad to get to know the country and nation and make use of the services that asylum seekers are offered." When the interview caused outrage Kristín put out the previously mentioned press release claiming that her words had been taken out of context. In response, RÚV released the entire interview reveal- ing that, in fact, she had not been taken out of context. MAYBE SHE DOESN'T UN- DERSTAND WHAT WORDS MEAN; APHASIA IS A RECOGNISED DISORDER. She certainly has a history of using words that make people confused. In an article in the newspaper Fréttablaðið, Tatjana Latinovic, former head of the Organiza- tion of Women of Foreign Origin, brought up a number of remarks by the head of the Directorate of Immigration, for instance that people from one particular country routinely trafficked children and that for- eigners were gaining Icelandic citizenship in large numbers using forged papers. BY NOW I'M JUST GONNA ASSUME THE WORST AND GUESS THAT THERE'S NOTH- ING TO BACK UP THOSE CLAIMS. Tatjana says the civil servant offered no data and made the excuse that the in- stitute she runs has neither the money nor time to do scholarship or research. Which, you know, if they prioritise tak- ing care of the people in their care, is excellent news. THEY DO? SO THERE IS AN UPSIDE TO... OH... YOU'RE BEING SARCASTIC. RÚV's cultural program Víðsjá dedi- cated part of recent show to this issue. Asked by a reporter if he considered his stay in an Icelandic detention centre for asylum seekers a form of tourism, Af- ghan refugee Naveen Noori said that it was like being in a sort of prison. The rest of the segment bore him out. Have you engaged in asylum tourism? Tell us about it,! Iceland | FAQ So What's This Asylum Tourism I Keep Hearing About? Words Kári Tulinius Illustration Lóa Hjálmtýsdóttir Kolabrautin is on 4th floor Harpa Order a table in phone 519 9700 Whether you experience our surprising neo–Nordic influenced cuisine, or have a drink at our renowned cocktail bar while enjoying one of the best panoramic views in Reykjavík, an evening at Kolabrautin is truly a feast for all the senses. ICELANDIC PRODUCE MEDITERRANEAN TRADITIONS. January started off on a sensational note with international media re- porting that Iceland was the thing to fear in 2013. Two different shows on America’s Public Broadcasting Ser- vice depicted Iceland as a ticking time bomb ready to explode this year. While Iceland is volcanically active, geologists were quick to point out that predicting eruptions to the year is pretty close to impossible. An Icelander became the unwitting subject of the international news af- ter he drank a bottle of Tópas liqueur, boarded an Icelan- dair flight bound for New York and proceeded to yell at and spit on other passengers before they and the crew managed to tape him to a seat and gag him. A fellow passenger photographed the “the air hooligan” and the image went from Facebook to Reddit, at which point his fate was sealed. The airline says the man will face charges. President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson had a few things to say this month. In an interview with the BBC, he said Iceland’s economy is recovering because of the national character. Never mind that this was the same reason he cited in 2005 to explain why our eventually doomed venture capitalists were succeeding. He also proclaimed that Icelanders will “nev- er forget Gordon Brown,” that his name will live in infamy in Iceland for “centuries.” I guess we’ll have to wait and see if he’s right about that one. Whether it was something about her national character or not, Vilborg Arna Gissurardóttir became the first solo Icelander to reach the South Pole. She travelled by skis and slept in a tent the entire 60-day journey, which is perhaps something to keep in mind when it’s cold and you’re wait- ing for the bus. Her supporters donated a total 6.5 million ISK to the char- ity LÍF, which raises money for wards catering to females at Ice- land's national hospital Landspítalinn. Kudos to Vilborg! A drunken man who was arrested for trying to skip out on paying for a des- sert spent the night in a jail cell where he at some point attempted to eat a mattress. The man insisted that he was hungry and had been denied food by the police. The police said they vis- ited the man a total of 17 times, giving 8The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 2 — 2013 – Continues over – NEWS IN BRIEF JANUARY


Reykjavík Grapevine

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