Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.02.2013, Qupperneq 17

Reykjavík Grapevine - 01.02.2013, Qupperneq 17
17 The Reykjavík GrapevineIssue 2 — 2013 Iceland follows Den- mark in closing its doors to Austrian Jews. Several Jews are expelled from Ice- land as Icelanders’ at- titudes grow increas- ingly hostile toward Jews settled here. The Aid Association of German Jews concludes that refuge in Iceland from Nazi Germany is im- possible. The first Jewish con- gregation is estab- lished in Iceland. Jew- ish soldiers among the British forces practice the first non- Christian religious ceremony in Iceland in 940 years. More Jews, includ- ing a rabbi, arrive to Iceland with the American forces. Iceland becomes independent. 2,000 Jewish soldiers are stationed in Ice- land. 500 Jews are present at a Rosh Hashanah service at the Naval Air Station Keflavik. Nine Jews reside in Ice- land, according to Ice- land’s Statistics Bureau. Iceland votes in favour of the Partition Plan at the United Nations. The plan is widely perceived as a boon for Israel. Jewish author and jour- nalist Alfred Joachim Fischer visits Iceland. He notes that almost all Jews settled in Iceland have taken Icelandic names. President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson marries Dorrit Moussaieff. Dorrit, though secular, was born in Jerusalem to a wealthy Bukharian Jewish family. She is credited with bringing positive publicity to Iceland’s Jewry, though the community says she maintains her distance from them. Rabbi Berel Pewzner of the Orthodox Jewish orga- nization Chabad presides over a Passover Seder in Reykjavík. Over 50 attend, and he is encouraged to return for more services in September. Je w s In M od er n Ic el an d 1939 1940 1941 1944 1945 1947 1955 2003 20111938 “The funny thing is, there’s a building here built by a Jew, and it would be the perfect place,” Mike says, referring to the Jacobsen building on Austurstræti, built in the early 20th century by the Jewish trading agent Fritz Heymann Nathan. “What I would love to do is get the second floor of that building, somewhere above the Laundromat Café,” a space currently occupied by a restaurant. But if procured, a synagogue in a space like this—right in the heart of 101—brings other questions to mind. Namely, how does the Jewish community expect Iceland’s pub- lic to react to such a development? One has only to think of the Islamic community’s struggle to build a mosque to gauge the recalcitrance with which foreign religious institutions are granted shape in Iceland. In 2000, the Muslim Association ap- plied to build a mosque in Reykjavík. Only after more than a decade of waiting in si- lent bafflement has the Association received from the city the land it requested. “There’s conflict between the two groups [Sunni and Shiite Muslims], which is sup- posed to be the reason there’s no mosque there. There are over 600 Muslims here, why no mosque? It seems very strange to me,” Mike says. The Muslims in the Muslim As- sociation continue to worship, in a chapel on the third floor of an office building at Ármúli 38, which is safely outside of the city’s cul- tural core. “The chapel today is not making a state- ment—nothing like the huge building they wanted placed downtown,” Mike says. Ob- serving the Muslim Associations efforts, Mike says, he feels compelled to think, “What if this was me and I was looking for a place to make a synagogue?” Mike concedes that the obstacles the Muslim Association faces are probably simi- lar to what the Jewish community would face, but he notes that the Jewish commu- nity’s modest bank account would be com- pletely unable to finance projects on the scale of the Muslim Association’s. But what if, against all odds, the money was raised—perhaps by foreign Jewish or- ganisations or untapped donors with gen- erous pocketbooks? Beside finances, what opposition to a synagogue has the Jewish community run into, in concrete terms? “The sad truth is we’ve never really ap- plied for state recognition. There probably aren’t enough community members willing to go in and self-identify,” Mike says, refer- ring to the 50 members of a religious organ- isation whose signatures are required on the application for state recognition and the at- tendant financial aid. Mike believes that the Jewish community could win the designation with a delega- tion numbering far less, but even rallying a smaller group could be difficult. “What I’ve been waiting for is a core of 15–20 people, or a grassroots group. I don’t want to do this by myself,” Mike says. And at this moment, the layers of self-abnegation drop from his guard. The contradictions he’s sprinkled in; the denials that he’s a com- munity leader in any way, or has been since arriving to Iceland in 1986; the portrait he desperately wants to portray of himself as non-essential to the organisation of the Jewish community, even while constructing their Torah ark and running their services all these years—all of it evaporates in this mo- ment, into the wind lashing the glass win- dows outside Kaffitár. “I don’t want to do this by myself,” he says again—a man who has expended so much on the community’s behalf in the quarter cen- tury he’s been here. But is that what it feels like? That the synagogue—a glass ceiling for the small community—can’t be breached because the nucleus of the community doesn’t extend beyond a single person? “That’s how it’s felt for me. Well, for me and one other woman,” Mike says. THE TATTERED DREAM COAT Sigal Har-Meshi, the community’s treasurer, tentatively agreed to meet with me at Café Babalú only because Mike, in the previ- ous interview, had an opportunity to vet me against the legion of reporters he’s met with representing Iceland’s other publications—a legion for whom Mike is the token Jewish voice in articles, and to whom Mike, after frustrations with the simplifications of jour- nalism, has decided to stop talking. Some- how in our meeting I pronounced the shib- boleth, and he agreed to open Sigal’s node of the community phone tree to me. Sigal was born in Israel and lived there until deciding, in the midst of extensive trav- el, to work a stint in an Icelandic fish factory with her sister. They both married Icelandic men, and since then, Sigal has raised three children at different lengths in both Iceland and Israel. Silences often fell between us. Much of the time I felt that Sigal was not in my com- pany at all, nor I in hers. Sometimes she only fixed me with the mild, half-focused gaze of a dreamer, and although she spoke of so much happiness—a year ago, in the same café, they held an informal Hanukkah celebration and were now preparing for another—there was in this look something witheringly sad and lost. And she was still afraid: afraid that some Icelander might recognise the Jewish symbols with which she imbues her jewel- lery, afraid of being photographed for this article, afraid of speaking openly about her culture with her children’s classmates and with her own Icelandic relatives. “The synagogue? That’s Mike’s dream,” Sigal Har-Meshi says. “All I want is a Jewish funeral for myself,” she says, referencing the open-air ceremony which trades stones for flowers as tribute to the dead, and which, to date, has never been performed in Iceland. The year 2011 was, by all accounts, a his- toric year for Jews in Iceland. In the spring, the Orthodox Jewish organisation Chabad made clear its interest in developing the Jewish community here, sending Rabbi Ber- el Pewzner as its emissary to preside over the first kosher Passover Seder ever held in Iceland. More than 50 people showed up for the service. The rabbi decided to return for the High Holy Days in the fall. They were the first formal services with a rabbi and kosher To- rah scroll held in the city since World War II, when U.S. soldiers observed the holidays, even as Iceland followed other European na- tions in suit, denying German Jews sanctu- ary in Iceland. In 2012, the rabbi came back and again presided over services. He insists on enthu- siasm: “We are now going through a very exciting stage of community building, with monthly meetings and children’s programmes, and hopefully we will have a synagogue and a permanent Jewish community centre in the very near future,” he said in an email to the Grapevine. And yet, it is telling that when Mike mentioned feeling alone in his struggle, along with one other person, that that per- son was not Rabbi Berel Pewzner. It is tell- ing that, when rabbis in strict adherence to kosher principles and decorum in services set their sights on a small community, the former leader of those services is displaced. It is further telling that, of the hundred or so Jews in Iceland—from the Argentinean coral researchers to the Venezuelan videog- raphers, from the president of the Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association to the handful of Jewish musicians here, not a single one is, like the rabbi, an Orthodox Jew, though none strictly oppose him. “When the rabbi came, it was interesting to see how the services were performed, to see more culture,” Sigal says. “But the truth is that the Jewish community in Iceland isn’t very religious.” There’s no escaping the fact that most of the Jews in Iceland come from secular back- grounds, and while they may be interested in occasionally meeting foreigners with similar cultural backgrounds and having their kids discover their ethnic Jewish roots, the com- munity’s identity may not, in the end, lie in religion. The decision of Jews in Iceland not to push for a synagogue may not be coward- ice, but honesty. NODULES IN THE TREE The community found in Mike the leader it needed. Not someone who could carry out the services perfectly, or someone insistent on a kosher Torah as opposed to a paper one, but someone who takes symbolic construc- tions like the ark for that paper Torah into his own hands, someone who can be their broker when the rabbi shows up and tell him that instead of kosher meals for services, they’d rather partake in an informal potluck. With a synagogue, a more rigid hierarchy would replace skeletal phone trees and the same services Mike now cherishes might be- come alienating once more, as they were for him in Vienna. With a synagogue comes the question of who would lead those services, for it is a task for which Mike is not qualified, in the strictest sense. Indeed, when faced with the choice of presiding over a formal service like a Jewish wedding, Mike’s anxi- ety about his floating position has led him to decline the honour. But still, though he’s served his commu- nity plenty, served it perhaps as much as it wants him to, there remains his unquenched ambition and his dream. There remains the impulse of the frontiersman to clear a path and break new ground. Looking at the new generation of Jews in Iceland, and especially his own children, who were his most cherished reason for be- coming involved in the first place, he can’t help but feel like the seeds he’s tried so hard to plant have either fallen on rocky soil, or weren’t the seeds he thought he’d planted all along. “Why is there a synagogue in Oslo? Why are there synagogues in Copenhagen? There should’ve been one a long time ago, but there’s something that’s working against it,” he says. Within days of our interview, Mike de- cided that my own study of the Jewish com- munity was counter to its aims. In a zealous push, convinced that any press was bad press in a state where Jews are often misun- derstood, he refused to let us take his photo. After much coaxing, he finally agreed to it an hour before print, but said he had a bad feeling about it. In the summer, Mike will return with other community members to tend a plot of trees and new seedlings in Heiðmörk forest. They’ll pour mulch and clean a picnic table that is publicly used. “Our plot doesn’t have the biggest trees,” he said to me. “But some of them were plant- ed before I came here, over 25 years ago.” But the truth is that the Jewish community in Iceland isn’t very religious. “ „ That’s one of the most important reasons for me to participate—so that my kids can experi- ence first-hand my own religion. “ „


Reykjavík Grapevine

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