Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.07.2013, Blaðsíða 4

Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.07.2013, Blaðsíða 4
 Hello, We are Americans, and we wanted to post a comment, but even though I was "logged into" Yahoo, it wouldn't let me post it. Can you post this as a comment for me, or as a Letter to the Editor? Thanks! See below: ICELAND is the BEST PLACE for Edward Snowden, and, if this tiny, lit- tle country stands up to just one-half the bullies in our American govern- ment, because that's all it is, knowing that it's just the politicians but not the American people who are hateful to- wards Snowden, then, Icelanders can know that they have the SUPPORT of the ENTIRE WORLD, plus the foreign governments such as Russia, South America, China, and others. To give you even more courage, the American government wouldn't DARE do anything to Iceland, or they'd face the WRATH of the ENTIRE WORLD. So, if there is any hesitation, Ice- landers, STOP! Edward Snowden can hide out all over Iceland without being found by the CIA. Plus, Icelanders will be on the lookout for NON-SPEAKING CIA goons, and turn them in! I pray for the Christians in Iceland, and ALL the good people living there, to support Edward Snowden's citizen- ship, as he would fit into your culture the best, be safest there, and would be a good addition to your population. Besides, the charge of "espionage" means giving classified information to an enemy, and all Snowden did was give the information to the American people. So, are we the "enemy" now? Laura & Carl Pivonka USA Dear Laura & Carl Pivonka from the USA, Yeah, our comment system dis- criminates against non-Facebook users, but this will all change soon with our new website, which is coming soon! It was supposed to launch before our birthday on June 13, but you know how these things go. It’s like remodeling a house. It always takes way longer than the contractor tells you it’s going to take and eventually you wind up moving in without kitchen. But it’s coming! And it’s a good thing considering the CIA is spying on all of our social media activ- ity. That Snowden, he really did us all a favour, huh? That’s what our Minister of the Interior says anyways. Since you wrote us, he’s reportedly applied for asylum in Iceland and intends to apply in a whole bunch of other countries. We’re not sure if Iceland is his best bet, but if it is, dear Icelandic gov- ernment, here’s a letter of support from a nice American couple. Thank you! The Grapevine Hi, As promised [when he called our office]. I am sending you some pictures from a 1 year old bachelor party. They were taken on May 19th, 2012, it was a saturday. I met the group that day on my last full day in Reykjavik, one day before re- turning to my country, The Netherlands. It was fun to speak with them, and one of the girls challenged me to pro- nounce some Icelandic words. Well, I tried to pronounce Eyafjallajokul............. (or something like that) but the only re- action was: nice try, but we don’t know what you are talking about. What I ask from you: could you please make an article with the pictures I will send to you now, hoping that the girls involved will recognize them- selves? I really don’t know how long the group was having this party already, and in what ‘’condition’’ they were at that moment. But starting early in the afternoon, I think that tey still kwew what they were doing and what they were saying. My name is Jos Meijers, I live in the Netherlands I would appreciate it if you will let me know IF these girls react on the ar- ticle made by you, and if they do: what their reaction will be. If possible, I would appreciate a copy of the 5. July issue of the Grapevine Magazine. Many regards from Maastricht Hmmm… Okay, here it goes! Say your piece, voice your opinion, send your letters to: Sour grapes & stuff MOST AWESOME LETTER YOUR PRIZE FOR THAT MOST AWESOME LETTER OF YOURS IS: AN ICELANDIC LAMB MEAL FOR TWO AT HRESSINGARSKÁLINN (HRESSÓ) Dear reader. We love you very much, especially those of you that write us letters all the time. In fact we love you so much that we keep trying to reward you somehow for writing us those letters. They entertain us, and they keep us informed of what our readers think. That is a pretty great deal. Now. Whoever wrote this issue’s MOST AWESOME LETTER gets a prize. And it’s a pretty great one. Like this delicious meal of ICELANDIC LAMB FOR TWO AT HRESSÓ, that our winner can treat themselves and a date to! And may we say that Hressó do a really tasty job cooking up our local mountain-roamers. Lucky, lucky winner! And if you for some reason didn’t write this issue’s MOST AWESOME LETTER, you can always try again later. The Hamburger Factory Reykjavík Höfðatorg Tower. Groundfloor. Opening hours: Sun.-Wed. 11.00 – 22.00 Thu.-Sat. 11.00 – 24.00 Reservations: Tel: 575 7575 BE SQUARE AND BE THERE Gullfoss and Geysir are surely a must-see in Iceland, but neither is something you eat. That's why we have 15 brilliant and creative hamburgers at the Hamburger Factory. Located on the groundfloor of the highest tower of Reykjavík, and on the groundfloor of the historic Hotel Kea in Akureyri, the Hamburger Factory has been packed with burger-craving customers since it's opening in april 2010. Among the regulars is Iceland's best known fisherman, Eric Clapton. Attention: Our hamburger buns are not round. They are square. Does it taste better? You tell us. HOW TO GET THERE SOME TIPS ON HOW TO GET TO US WHILE LOOKING COOL AND LOCAL From that point on you are in good hands. Be there or be square! “Íslenska Hamborgarafabrikkan, takk” („The Icelandic Hamburger Factory, please“) This is what you say to the taxi driver or when asking locals for directions: “Sælar! Hvað er að frétta” (Hello! What‘s up) When you arrive you tell the waiter: “Ég er þokkalega svangur, get ég fengið hamborgara” (I‘m quite hungry, can I get a hamburger) The Hamburger Factory Akureyri Kea Hotel. Groundfloor. The Hamburger Factory has two restaurants in Iceland. 4The Reykjavík Grapevine
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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