Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.07.2013, Blaðsíða 50

Reykjavík Grapevine - 05.07.2013, Blaðsíða 50
50The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 9 — 2013 Helgi Hrafn Guðmundsson is one of the editors of an Icelandic web magazine called Lemúrinn (Icelandic for the native primate of Madagascar). A winner of the 2012 Icelandic Web Awards, covers all things strange and interesting! Go check it out at Was Reykjavík A Shithole In The Seventies? Words by Helgi Hrafn Guðmundsson – Photos by Christian Bickel “This is the ugly city of my youth,” wrote the prominent writer Guðmundur Andri Thorsson about a Facebook al- bum of photos taken when he was a teenager in Reykja- vík during the seventies. It was clear after the photos had spread through the Icelandic social media channels that the majority who witnessed—or should we say survived—the seventies in Reykjavík were not particularly nostalgic for the period, which was dominated by high inflation rates and the Cod Wars (confrontations with Britain over fishing rights in the North Atlantic). But why was Reykjavík “uglier” then? One reason might be that many of the old houses in the centre were decaying as the movement for the preservation of his- toric buildings did not gain momentum until later. There were also no tall trees or bushes. And Reykjavík was definitely not a cosmopolitan city in the seventies. There were hardly any bars or clubs, and beer was strictly for- bidden. The winters were colder and the colours seemed to be greyer than they are today. US President Richard Nixon and French Presi- dent Georges Pompidou met at Kjarvalsstaðir art museum in the summer of 1973. His first night in Iceland, Nixon went for a spontaneous midnight walk from the U.S. Embassy to the nearby pond Tjörnin. Only two bodyguards and two Icelandic policemen accompanied Nixon, who stopped by every person that he met and greeted them, especially the kids. "Everybody knew him, and the people welcomed him, ex- cept for one man, who was quite drunk and wanted to give Nixon a lesson," one of the po- licemen said later in a newspaper interview. Icelandic filmmaker Friðrik Þór Friðriksson, who began his career in the ‘70s, tells this story about German director Werner Herzog’s visit to Reykjavík: “Werner Herzog came to Iceland in 1979—at that point there was no film production in Iceland. At a press conference he was asked whether he be- lieved there would ever be an Icelandic Cinema. He answered that he did not expect there to be. He had just arrived from Peru where he had been shooting ‘Fitzcarraldo.’ There he had seen such pain in the streets of Lima, but there was no pain on the streets of Reykjavík, and he believed pain was necessary for cinema.” At that point I stood up and told him ‘we have pain on the brain, Mr. Herzog.’” Frakkastígur in January 1974. Soviet satellite tracking ship Kosmonaut Vladimir Komarov is in the background. It was often seen in the Reykjavík harbour during the seventies. The shoreline at Skúlagata, 1973. Lækjargata and the pond, September 1975. Vitastígur, close to Hallgrímskirkja, 1973. Grettisgata, January 1974. Premium Quality Vegetarian Food THE GREEN CHOICE Grænn Kostur is the perfect downtown choice when you are looking for wholesome great tasting meals. Ӥ Vegetarian dishes Ӥ Vegan dishes Ӥ Bakes and soups Ӥ Wholesome cakes Ӥ Raw food deserts Ӥ Coffee and tea | Skólavörðustíg 8b | 101 Reykjavík | tel.: 552 2028 | Opening hours: Mon - Sat. 11:30 - 21:00 | Sun. 13:00 - 21:00 1.790 kr . Vegetar ian Dish of the D ay Werner Herzog in Iceland, 1979Richard Nixon in Iceland, 1973 Credit: Tíminn newspaper Credit: Oliver F. Atkins
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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