Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2011, Síða 27

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2011, Síða 27
27 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 12 — 2011 Breaking My Spell Art | Performance A performance endurance piece MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS – Eddas and Sagas The ancient vellums on display. MILLENNIUM – Icelandic art through the ages. Phase one. Starts 23 June. CHILD OF HOPE – Youth and Jón Sigurðsson Tribute to the leader of the independence movement. EXHIBITIONS - GUIDED TOURS CAFETERIA - CULTURE SHOP The Culture House – Þjóðmenningarhúsið National Centre for Cultural Heritage Hverfisgata 15 · 101 Reykjavík (City Centre) Tel: 545 1400 · · Open daily between 11 am and 5 pm Free guided tour of THE MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS weekdays at 3 pm, except Wednesdays. Michelle L. Morby has come all the way from San Francisco to Reykja- vík to participate in the Reykjavík half marathon on August 20. Not planning to set any records, Mi- chelle is here to do a performance endurance piece called ‘Breaking My Spell,” involving nine costume changes. It’s based on a fairy tale she wrote about an enchanted horse-turned-wal- rus going on a transformational journey to find itself. On the journey, the wal- rus meets different animals—a puffin and then a fox, for example—and each time it gives something of itself away until little by little it discovers itself as a horse again. “The idea is that the different things that the walrus sacrifices are all defence mechanisms to get back to the original vulnerability and strength of self,” Mi- chelle explained. “The tusks are about defence, the blubber is about creating a boundary, and the skin is about creat- ing tough skin. When you shed all these layers, you reveal your true self.” The piece is very much part of Mi- chelle’s own transformational journey. “I had gained a bunch of weight, and just going to gym was not enough,” Mi- chelle said. “I’m really disciplined in my art practice, so I thought, what if I made this into my art practice. It’s a different way of contextualising discipline and eventually it becomes a ritual. I’m cre- ating this transformation. I’m still in the walrus body and I’m transforming into the horse as I get stronger and more fit and flexible.” She adds: “One of the reasons I wanted to do a walking performance is because it is referencing the circum- ambulation that people do in different religious sites. It’s a sort of walking meditative preponderance of the trans- formative quality.” The whole art project, which will span three countries over the next three years, will also wind up being a film. Visit www.breakingmyspell.wordpress. com to find out more, and if you catch Michelle in the act of transformation during, she encourages you to send in your photos. ANNA ANDERSEN ODDVAR öRN HJARTARSON


Reykjavík Grapevine

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