Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2011, Qupperneq 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2011, Qupperneq 36
Eistnaflug is a three day festival. You can read our extensive coverage of the final two days online at The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 12 — 2011 Situated in the Central Bank´s main building in Kalkofnsvegur 1, Reykjavík. Open Mon.-Fri. 13:30-15:30. Free admittance. Numismatic Museum The Central Bank and National Museum of Iceland jointly operate a numismatic collection that consists of Icelandic notes and coins, foreign money from earlier times, especially if mentioned in Icelan- dic sources, and more recent currency from Iceland’s main trading partner countries. A selection from the numismatic collection is on display in showcases on the ground floor of the Central Bank’s main building. Open from 14:00 – 17:00 on Culture Night. Music | Eistnaflug - Day 1 The annual sweaty moshfest that is the Eistnaflug metal festival de- scended upon the tiny Eastfjords village of Neskaupstaður like a bearded raven of the Apocalypse. As Eistnaflug features more mol- ten metal and noise than a dozen volcano eruptions, we sent our most rugged reporters to cover the event. What follows is their ac- count of three days of metal, hard- core, punk and... an Alice In Chains cover band. Thursday dawned upon us with intense cold. Last year was chilly, this year felt as if God himself scooped up Nes- kaupstaður and shoved it into the back of his freezer. Surveying the campsite as everyone nursed their hangovers, everyone seemed in need of fireworks and searing metal heat. FOREVER ALONE! Shame it didn’t really kick off with festi- val openers Dánarbeð. A bunch of kids from Akureyri, they played what one friend described as “the sound you get when you try to recreate a demo of a Swedish death metal band from 1992.” They were a bit all over the place. The drumming struggled to keep up with the pace, the singer’s guitar solos were rudimentary, and there wasn’t much stage presence to speak of. It felt like the start of a long day. Thankfully my spirit was heightened with the arrival of Manslaughter and some decent moshing to bring out my inner bastard. Or rather lonely bastard, as once again I find myself forming a moshpit of one. And this is a shame as Manslaughter were shockingly fast, brimming with violent energy and, sur- prisingly, very funny. Also, their song ‘Eistnaflugslagið’ sums what’s so great about the festival in under 2 minutes. Unfortunately, due to my exertions, and the fact that this reviewer has a BMI of a pork scratching, I suffer a bad wardrobe malfunction and spent all of Hamferð’s set in a bar across the road while I sewed up my shorts. TANGY MANFAT, FETID ZOMBIES After a beer and a couple of shots I ventured back to take in the perfor- mance from Dimma, but I really wished I hadn’t. Their ‘90s hard alt-rock sound was bland enough, but their stage presence was the most preposterous I’ve seen from an Icelandic rock band since... well, ever! Like the ‘serious’ band from the film ‘School Of Rock,’ their cock rock antics were so full-on I could feel the tangy manfat from their mighty metal wangers at the back of my throat. They made Magni Ásgeirs- son look like Black Flag. My psyche is soothed a little when I come in to see what Carpe Noctem were up to. Despite being slightly non- plussed with their take on black metal, it was certainly 100% better than what preceded it. They all looked like fetid zombies with smudged corpsepaint and great big spikes coming out of their arms. Hmmm, perhaps things are finally starting to look up. Having seen Innvortis a few times, I can understand why people like them (especially those pogoing in the crowd that they commanded), but their folk tinged punk doesn’t do it for me. Atrum are next up. Their sound is harsh, intense and probably the tight- est of the local death/black metal bands this evening. And the lead singer with his lovely Adam Ant corpsepaint and pouty lips looked rather cute and handsome. ALICE IN CHAINS TRIBUTE BAND? Alice In Chains Tribute Band were up next. Admittedly these guys had been cast as the whipping boys of this year’s festival (‘Why?’ was the word that of- ten followed their name), and truth be told, I’m not a big AIC fan either, so I watched their rendition of ‘Them Bones’ and went straight to the bar. But imagine my surprise when I came back 30 minutes later to find not only were they still playing, they had a big crowd and everyone was singing along! God- damn these metal fans are fickle. But I doff my cap to AICTB, they were going for it big guns and their sheer, bloody- minded presence won the crowd over. After all the slightly downer moodi- ness, we need some proper fashioned bopping and who better for the pur- pose than S.H. Draumur? There he was, Dr. Gunni along with bandmates Steini and Birgir wringing every ounce of energy from their post-punk sound. And there we were jumping up and down at the front like total fools. I grab a spot by the mixing desk to take in the set from Sólstafir. And my giddy aunt, they were absolutely mind- blowing awesome. After their so-so performance at last year’s Eistnaflug, this year saw a completely different ap- proach and attitude. I daresay those of us lucky enough to witness the night’s show were seeing a bands chrysalis moment as they transcended from lo- cal metal legends to international rock gods. Playing a mix of new material and stuff from their ‘Köld’ album, each track felt pounding and supercharged, and they went back to their classic blood red light show after last year’s white arc lights and dry ice debacle. It was truly music to lose yourself in. By far the best band of the night. I, like many other people, ventured outside straight afterwards to drink and go “woah, dude” and “man, that was immense!” In fact so many people left after Sólstafir that Secrets Of The Moon ended up playing to a venue that was only two thirds full. And to be fair to SOTM, they gave it a really good go with their rumbling take on death met- al. But alas everyone’s thoughts were still on the previous act and getting to- tally wasted. Full Metal Racket! Moonshine! Elf abuse! Nipples! Fifteen hour road trips! Eistnaf lug 2011 had it all! THURSDAY Who played: Dánarbeð, Man- slaughter, Hamferð, Dimma, Carpe Noctem, Innvortis, Atrum, Alice in Chains Tribute Band, S.H. Draumur, Sólstafir, Secrets of the Moon 36 BOB CLUNESS GUðNý LÁRA THORARENSEN Thorcars U S E D C A R R E N T A L c h e a p e r w w w . t h o r c a r s . c o m phone + 354 869 6133
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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