Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2011, Qupperneq 62

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2011, Qupperneq 62
13:00 - 15:00 Laugavegur History WaLk A guided walk from Laugavegur 23 with various stops along Laugavegur. In Icelandic. FjaLLkonubakarí, Laugavegur 23 CraFts WorksHop For CHiLdren The title of the crafts workshop is Welcome. Chil- dren will work with the theme "dinner invitation" nationaL MuseuM, suðurgötu 41 13:00 - 16:00 s´iL te pLaît, raConte Moi une Histoire Marionettes tell tales and sing French children songs for kids from 2-5 years. aLLianCe FranCaise, tryggvagata 8 13:00 - 17:00 Fun, gaMes and CuLture Worldwide Friends offer facepaint, fun and games for children and adults as well as cultural events. Hús veraLdarvina, HverFisgata 59 studying eduCation SÍF welcomes passers-by with old TVs, candy and magic markers. Hitt Húsið, póstHússtræti 3-5 piCniC on kLaMbratún Various outdoor activities for picnickers on Klam- bratún. reykjavík art MuseuM -kjarvaLsstaðir, FLókagata 5 13:00 - 19:00 open House - jCi Junior Chambers International invites everyone to learn about its work and enjoy music, games and mini workshops. jCi, HeLLusund CHiLdren's Corner Playground and jump castle for children to play. gaLLerí FoLd, rauðarárstígur 14 13:00 - 21:00 Coast guard vesseL óðinn Former Captains of the Coast Guard vessel Óðinn invite guests for a tour of the vessel. reykjavík MaritiMe MuseuM, grandagarður 8 13:00 - 22:00 a date WitH tHe past Would you like a polaroid of you and your family in old costumes? reykjavík MuseuM oF pHotograpHy, tryggvagata 15 pHotograpHy exHibition For a LittLe boy Photographs by Karolina Boguslawska shot on her son's Lomography toy camera. reykjavík City Library, tryggvagata 15 44 aMeriCan MoMents A photography exhibition, documenting a young man's journey through the US. reykjavík City Library, tryggvagata 15 08:30 - 15:00 ísLandsbanki reykjavík MaratHon The 29th annual Reykjavík Marathon. Lækjargata 10:00 - 15:30 stories oF einar Citizen and bernHöFt baker 90-minute historic walk of the city centre. Starts at 10am, 12noon, 2pm. In Icelandic. arnarHóLL 10:00 - 16:00 erro - tHe piCturegaMe Erro the picture game is made from detachable cubes from Erro works. reykjavík art MuseuM - HaFnarHús, tryggvagata 17 10:00 - 22:00 repaired iteMs An exhibition of repaired items from the museum's catalog. nationaL MuseuM, suðurgötu 41 CoMe and pLay Come and play in the playroom at the National Mu- seum. Dress up, toys and other playful things. nationaL MuseuM, suðurgötu 41 Mountain vieW Exhibition of ceramic works by Guðlaug Geirsdóttir. Handverk og Hönnun, aðaLstræti 10 stitCH your naMe Put your name in the annals of history. Guests can stitch their name in a table cloth. nationaL MuseuM, suðurgötu 41 kjarvaL - key Works The key works of painter Jóhannes S. Kjarval from the collection of the Reykjavík Art Musuem. reykjavík art MuseuM -kjarvaLsstaðir, FLókagata 5 jór! Horses in Icelandic art. reykjavík art MuseuM -kjarvaLsstaðir, FLókagata 5 pHotograpHy exHibition - ásFjaLL Photographs by Pétur Thomsen, who has been documenting Mt. Ásfjall in Hafnarfjörður for three years. nationaL MuseuM, suðurgötu 41 WorksHop - CoLors oF tHe iCeLandiC Horse Art workshop for the whole family. reykjavík art MuseuM -kjarvaLsstaðir, FLókagata 5 art exHibition - MystiC, by koLbrún róberts The exhibition Mystic by painter Kolbrún Róberts. gaLLerý augnakonFekt, Laugavegi 95 WeLCoMe, Friends Exhibition of carved sheep horns. nationaL MuseuM, suðurgötu 41 10:00 - 23:00 art exHibition - perspeCtives Art exhibiton, Perspectives - On the Borders of Art and Philosophy. reykjavík art MuseuM - HaFnarHús, tryggvagata 17 erro - asseMbLage Exhibition of assemblages by artist Erro reykjavík art MuseuM - HaFnarHús, tryggvagata 17 reykjavík runWay 2011 Display of clothes from the fashion design competi- tion Reykjavík Runway 2011. reykjavík art MuseuM - HaFnarHús, tryggvagata 17 a taste oF reykjavík Photography exhibition ,,A taste of Reykjavík cour- tesy of SEEDS volunteers." á næstu grösuM, Laugavegur 20b 11:00 - 11:30 tHe reykjavik tree The Mayor of Reykjavik, Jón Gnarr, designates the 2011 Reykjavik Tree.The Reykjavik Forestry Service nominates the Reykjavik Tree annually, in coopera- tion with the City of Reykjavik. oLd CeMetary by sudurgata 11:00 - 12:00 guided tour in engLisH oF tHe nationaL MuseuM Guided tour in English of the permanent exhibition of the National Museum of Iceland. nationaL MuseuM, suðurgötu 41 11:00 - 18:00 Lottery The winning prize is porcelain item designed by Kogga and Magnús Kjartansson in 2004. kogga keraMikgaLLerí, vesturgata 5 11:00 - 21:30 CuLture nigHt at gaLLery FoLd Games for children and adults, prizes, performanc- es and art exhibitions at Gallery Fold. gaLLerí FoLd, rauðarárstígur 14 11:00 - 22:00 tHe CoLLeCtor - art CLub Introduction of the art club The Collector. Sign up for a chance to win a prize. gaLLerí FoLd, rauðarárstígur 14 taste reykjavík in tHe Hidden store A Collective of Young Designers offers a Taste Rey- kjavík in the Hidden Store. Unique opportunity to enjoy art and design. Leynibúðin, CoLLeCtive oF young designers, Laugavegur 21 12:00 - 13:00 gíMaLdin, trausti LauFdaL - Live Gímaldin and Trausti Laufdal, live and unplugged at Cafe Roma. CaFe roMa, rauðarárstígur 8 12:00 - 19:00 CHristMas books at CryMogea Guests get an opportunity to preview this year's Christmas books. CryMogea, barónsstígur 27 12:00 - 20:00 Quiz A light quiz game. bergstaðastræti 10 12:00 - 22:00 LiteraCy Exhibition combining artwork based on the interplay of text, forms and spaces. Guided tours at 4pm and 8pm. Living art MuseuM, skúLagata 28 12:00 - 23:00 art exHibition - Living joint exhibition courtesy of bakkaskeMMa, grandagarður 16 13:00 - 13:30 CuLture nigHt opening CereMony Mayor of Reykjavík, Jón Gnarr, formally opens the Culture Night program. Harpa - útisvið, austurbakki 2 ART Music PERFORMANcE WORKsHOP Misc ART Music PERFORMANcE WORKsHOP Misc What is Reykjavík Culture Night? An annual event in the city since 1996, Reykjavik Culture Night has become an es- sential part of cultural life in Iceland, with thousands of people strolling the streets of the city on this exciting and eventful night. Culture Night offers the chance to enjoy a variety of activities ranging from guided tours, traditional shows and exhibitions to more unusual happenings. A number of cultural institutes such as galleries, ateliers, shops, cafes, churches, restaurants and bars in downtown of Reykjavik stay open until late. In short: if you find yourself in Reykjavík during Culture Night, soak yourself in it, you're guaranteed one of the best times to be had in Iceland, as it offers a great chance for experiencing arts, culture and other activities in a uniquely Icelandic way.
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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