Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2011, Qupperneq 63

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2011, Qupperneq 63
13:20 - 13:30 China national aCrobat troupe China National Acrobat Troupe performs in relation to the grand opening of Harpa. Again at 3:40pm. harpa - útisvið, austurbakki 2 13:30 - 16:00 25 years birthday Celebration of radio bylgjan Radio Bylgjan celebrates its 25 years birthday with a fantastic show on Ingólfstorg. Among entertainers are Paul Oscar, Jón Jónsson & Friðrik Dór, Sveppi & Villi, Steindi Jr., Á móti Sól and Hvanndalsbræður. ingólfstorg 13:30 - 16:30 sungazing at austurvöllur Seltjarnarnes Astronomy Club and the Astronomy Web invite people to look at the sun. austurvöllur 13:30 - 17:30 guided tour - the art of harpa Guided tours of the art work in Harpa, Music and Conference Centre. Starts 13:30, 15:30 and 16:30. harpa, austurbakki 2 14:00 - 14:30 know your pearls Short introduction on how to recognize real pearls from fakes, and what decides the price., njálsgata 62 something the plaCe suggested Can situations be manufactured and exhibited through a window and still feel inviting? Dance per- formed by Raven. hemmi og valdi, klappparstígur opening - the norden festival A Nordic entertainment and music program kicks off with Fanna Mannskor, a men's choir from Nor- way. norræna félagið, óðinsgata 14:00 - 15:00 guided tour - kjarvalsstaðir Guided tour of the exhibition Jór! and the Colours of the Icelandic Horse. reykjavík art museum -kjarvalsstaðir, flókagata 5 amongst the ladies and tarts Birna Þórðardóttir leads a walk through history. Music by Magnús R. Einarsson. Translated into 5 languages. skólavörðuholt - by the statue 14:00 - 15:30 your inner Child Sóla the storyteller arrives in the storymobile to tell stories for children of all ages. In Icelandic. hallargarðurinn, fríkirkjuvegur 11 14:00 - 16:00 musiC, sCulpture and waffles Waffles and coffee. Sculptures by Þorbjörg Pálsdót- tir and live music. ingólfsstræti 21 a philosophy Café - the end of Culture Where does culture begin? Where does it end? Can we destroy it? Is there good and bad culture? In Ice- landic. iðnó, vonarstræti 3 haðarstígur - open invitation Residents of Haðarstígur invite people over for cof- fee, cake, song and joy. haðarstígur Coffee and waffles Residents of Þingholt and Skólavörðuholt invite people to their homes to enjoy waffles and coffee. Adresses: Ingólfsstræti 21 a // Freyjugötu 28 // Þing- holtsstræti 27,3h // Baldursgötu 1 // Grettisgata 34 // Óðinsgötu 8b // Bergþórugötu 20 // Grundarstíg 4, 2h // Spítalastígur 4, 3h // Mímisvegi 2 // Bal- dursgata 9 // Þingholt and skólavörðuholt area let's hug Free hugs for pedestrians on Laugavegur. laugavegur 25 14:00 - 16:30 viking kids in reykjavík How was life for kids during the Viking age? Guided tour. In Icelandic. landnámssýningin, aðalstræti 16 14:00 - 17:00 gallery tukt Joint exhibition by artist Birna María Styff and Sigrún Erna Sigurðardóttir at Gallery Tukt. hitt húsið, pósthússtræti 3-5 Children's Craft workshop A Nordic themed crafts workshop at the house of the Norden Association. norræna félagið, óðinsgata performanCe art - hitt húsið Lively performance art programme, courtesy of Hitt Húsið Youth Centre. hitt húsið, pósthússtræti 3-5 life in Clay and art - gallery dunga Art, music and fashion at Gallery Dunga. gallerí dunga old harbour, geirsgata 5 art workshop for kids Workships for kids, fish and boats. reykjavík maritime museum, grandagarður 8 drawing Competition for Children Drawing Competition for Children. Silver jewelry for the winning entry. húnoghún, skólavörðustígur 17b 14:00 - 18:00 open house at the faroese Consulate Faroese art, food and drink, literature and music at the Faroese Consulate. sendistova færeyja, austurstræti 12 japanese Culture on sCreen Short videos introducing various Japanese topics. Place: 5th floor screening room reykjavík City library, tryggvagata 15 unnur's tea house Qigong, tea and sortiments. Astrology readings for guests. njálsgata 33 a japanese tea Corner Presenter: Ms Etsuko Satake. Place: 2nd floor reykjavík City library - tryggvagata 15 white signal The band White Signal plays on the pier by the Rey- kjavík Maritime Museum. reykjavík maritime museum, grandagarður 8 14:00 - 20:00 the brighter side, with málfríður markan Málfríður Markan exhibits choice photos from her travels across the country. bíó paradís, hverfisgata 54 14:00 - 22:00 open house - introduCtion, s78 The Gay and Lesbian Association, S78 introduces its work. Live music and activities. félagsmiðstöð samtakanna '78, laugavegi 3, 4.hæð 14:00 - 23:00 festisvall - design market Design market, ReykVeek and others at Faktory. faktorý bar, smiðjustíg 6 iðnó musiC feast Tómas R. Tómasson's Latin Band, Varsjárbanda- lagið, Glóðir Tríó and more perform in Iðnó. iðnó, vonarstræti 3 14:30 - 16:30 hog Chapter iCeland Charity run HOG Chapter Iceland offers a ride around the pond. All proceeds donated to charity. austurvöllur 14:30 - 17:00 Calligraphy - workshop Only 6-10 participants each session. Workshops start at 2:30pm, 3:30pm, 4:30pm. reykjavík City library, tryggvagata 15 15:00 - 15:30 misChief and mayhem Storytime with children's radio show hosts Brynhil- dur and Kristín. national museum, suðurgötu 41 honorary sea fountain Tourboat Magni creates a honorary sea fountain north of Harpa. harpa, austurbakki 2 15:00 - 16:30 workshop - mommy spider A workshop for the whole family focused on themes from the works of Louise Bourgeois. national gallery of iCeland, fríkirkjuvegur 7 15:00 - 16:00 arChiteCture - hafnarhús Architect Hugrún Þorsteinsdóttir offers a guided tour of Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús. reykjavík art museum - hafnarhús, tryggvagata 17 15:00 - 17:00 musiC and seafood DILL retaurant offers grilled scallops while Eyland, jazz band entertains. norræna húsið, sturlugata 5 Children games Courtesy of seeds The voluntary organization Seeds orchestrates games for the children. einar jónsson museum, freyjugata 15:00 - 17:30 do you want to danCe? Open dance lessons: Bollywood, Afro, Belly danc- ing, Zumba, Salsa, Balkan and more. kramhúsið - danCe studio, skólavörðustíg 12 . 15:00 - 21:00 a Celebration of psalms Various performances, including Psalms 2011 and other works. hallgrímskirkja, skólavörðuholt 15:00 - 23:00 kirsuberjatréð welComes guests Kirsuberjatréð invites guests to enjoy music, art and design. kirsuberjatréð, vesturgötu 4 art opening - elinborg lützen Art exhibition by Faroese artist Elinborg Lützen (1919-1995) in Harpa Concert Hall. harpa, austurbakki 2 musiC, art and fresh fish from tjöruhúsið Bands Reykjavík! and Sudden Weather Change open their rehearsal studio for a day of music, art and fine food. Fresh fish meals courtesy of Ísafjörður’s Tjöruhúsið. járnbrautarstöðin (grandi), hólmaslóð 2 15:30 - 16:30 live musiC - tómas r. einarsson latin quartet Tómas R. Einarsson's Latin Quartet plays live. harpa, austurbakki 2 15:30 - 17:00 aCCordion danCe The Reykjavík Accordion Society invites you to a dance. lækjargata 16:00 - 16:30 piano ConCert Pianist Jón Sigurðsson play works by Bach, Mozart and Liszt. national museum, suðurgötu 41 ART Music PERFORMANcE WORKsHOP Misc ART Music PERFORMANcE WORKsHOP Misc seattle in the City hall In celebration of Reykjavik's and Seattle's 25 year Sister City Anniversary the American Culture night guests will be offered to experience a diverse cul- tural program from Seattle. Among the artists is the up and coming pop/rock band Tomten, native Americans from the Quileute tribe will perform na- tive dances and their unique music, Bob Culbert- son, one of the most influential Chapman Stick player of the world and the performers of Giraffe & Staff puppet company. Guests will also be offered a taste of Chateau Ste. Michelle wine and a warm cup of Seattle's Best Coffee. Delta provides trans- port for the American artists to Iceland. City hall Tomten Bob Culbertson 14:00 - 23:00
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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