Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2011, Qupperneq 64

Reykjavík Grapevine - 12.08.2011, Qupperneq 64
Live Music - RobeRt the RooMate The quartet Robert the Roommate plays folk in- spired pop music. NoRRæNa féLagið, ÓðiNsgata 16:00 - 17:00 guided touR - LiteRacy Guided tour of the exhibition Literacy. LiviNg aRt MuseuM, skúLagata 28 16:00 - 18:00 suRface appeaRaNces A well dressed couple panhandles and collects bot- tles to recycle. kjöRgaRðuR, Laugavegi 59 16:00 - 20:00 aRt exhibitoN - peRsoNa Joint exhibition by artist Hulda Hlín Magnúsdóttir and puppeteer Katrín Þorvaldsdóttir. tjaRNaRgata 40 16:00 - 21:30 Live Music Various live music from post war years to Tango and much more. kRaMhúsið - daNce studio, skÓLavöRðustíg 12. 16:00 - 22:00 gestuR guNNaRssoN - ReadiNg Author Gestur Gunnarsson reads selections from his book. In Icelandic. Reykjavík MaRitiMe MuseuM, gRaNdagaRðuR 8 LiviNg pRiNts Open studio at The Icelandic Printmakers Associa- tion. Reykjavík aRt MuseuM - hafNaRhús, tRyggvagata 17 stRike the iRoN Blacksmiths at work, using old techniques. It is time to strike the iron while it is hot. coRNeR of vestuRgata aNd aðaLstRæti 17:00 - 17:30 the Reykjavík bRass baNd The Reykjavík Brass Band plays songs by Helgi Helgason. gRöNdaLshús eLdRa, ÞiNghoLtsstRæti 14 Live Music - vigRi The band Vigri play by Óðinstorg NoRRæNa féLagið, ÓðiNsgata 17:00 - 18:00 aRchitectuRe - kjaRvaLsstaðiR Architect Hugrún Þorsteinsdóttir offers a guided tour of Reykjavík Art Museum - Kjarvalsstaðir. Reykjavík aRt MuseuM -kjaRvaLsstaðiR, fLÓkagata 5 MedievaL MaNuscRipts - eddas aNd sagas Guided tour in English. ÞjÓðMeNNiNgaRhúsið, hveRfisgötu 15 17:30 - 18:00 pReseNtatioN of japaNese cuLtuRe Presentation and discussion about Japanese cul- ture and lifestyle. Reykjavík city LibRaRy, tRyggvagata 15 Live Music - guðRíð haNsdÓttiR Faroese singer Guðríð Hansdóttir performs at Óðin- storg. NoRRæNa féLagið, ÓðiNsgata 18:00 - 18:30 daNce piece - WithiN it A dance performance by Nicole von Arx, performed by Ólöf Helga Gunnarsdóttir Reykjavík aRt MuseuM - hafNaRhús, tRyggvagata 17 Live Music - LaMe dudes The band Lame Dudes plays live music. NoRRæNa féLagið, ÓðiNsgata 18:00 - 19:00 Live Music - teituR The Faroese musician Teitur Lassen performs. haRpa - NoRðuRLjÓs, austuRbakki 2 Live Music - gíMaLdiN aNd coMpaNy, eggeRt Alt-country band Gímaldin and Company and Egg- ert Feldskeri play. eggeRt feLdskeRi, skÓLavöRðustíguR 38 18:00 - 23:30 passioNate taNgo iN the goLdeN RooM Passionate Tango in the Golden Room of Hotel Borg at 6pm and 8pm. Free tango lessons. Danc- ing until midnight. hÓteL boRg, pÓsthússtRæti 11 18:30 - 23:30 sWaRMiNg Locusts iN baNkastRæti zeRo Poet Einar Már Guðmundsson and musician Bjart- mar Guðlaugsson join forces at Sjávarbarinn. sjávaRbaRiNN, gRaNdagaRði 9 19:00 - 22:00 the duet heiMa The duet Heima invites everyone to a concert from the balcony of their home. gRettisgata 5 19:30 - 22:30 tÓNafLÓð 2011 Musicfest - Rás2 / vodafoNe Tónaflóð 2011 will be held at Arnarhóll. Among art- ists are Jón Jónsson, Mugison, Bubbi & Sólskug- garnir and Whitesox All-star Band. aRNaRhÓLL 20:00 - 20:30 the aRtist taLks British artist Nikhil Nathan Kirsh talks to guests about his exhibition. gaLLeRí foLd, RauðaRáRstíguR 14 20:00 - 21:00 guided touR - koNa/feMMe Guided tour of the exhibition Kona/Femme - Louise Bourgeois. In Icelandic. NatioNaL gaLLeRy of iceLaNd, fRíkiRkjuveguR 7 fReNch accoRdioN Music Jóna Einarsdóttir plays French café music on her accordion. Reykjavík city LibRaRy, tRyggvagata 15 iNteRNatioNaL jazz duet Pianist Luke Howard (Australia) and bassplayer Ja- nos Bruneel (Belgium) perform opuses from their CD Open Road. NoRRæNa húsið, stuRLugata 5 20:00 - 22:00 jazz iN kjaRvaLsstaðiR Classic jazz pearls for visitors. Reykjavík aRt MuseuM -kjaRvaLsstaðiR, fLÓkagata 5 opeNiNg - the Reykjavík jazz festivaL A two-week jazz fest kicks off on Culture Night. The inaugural concert offers performances by some of Iceland's best jazz musicians. haRpa - NoRðuRLjÓs, austuRbakki 2 ReadiNgs aNd peRfoRMaNce aRt A program featuring performance art and readings in relation to the museum's current exhibition. LiviNg aRt MuseuM, skúLagata 28 20:00 - 22:30 25 yeaRs of byLgjaN coNceRt 25 years of Icelandic music reviewed and explored. Iceland's most beloved musicians celebrate Bylg- jan-Radio station's 25th anniversary. iNgÓLfstoRg, aðaLstRæti coNceRt A program featuring some of Iceland's most popular bands, Nýdönsk, and Magnús and Jóhann. hLjÓMskáLagaRðuRiNN 20:00 - 23:30 coMe aboaRd Live music and entertainment program at the Whale Watching Center, Reykjavík Harbour. hvaLasetuR eLdiNgaR, ægisgaRðuR festisvaLL - Live Music Live music program, courtesy of Gogoyoko and Hemmi og Valdi. heMMi og vaLdi, kLapppaRstíguR 21:00 - 21:30 Live Music - iceLaNdic cLassics Singer Valgerður Guðnadóttir classic Icelandic songs. NatioNaL MuseuM, suðuRgötu 41 21:00 - 22:00 Music piece - skyboxx Skybox is a music piece by Hallvarður Ásgeirsson, accompanied by a video work by Anne Herzog. NatioNaL gaLLeRy of iceLaNd, fRíkiRkjuveguR 7 MusicaL pRogRaM - aRias aNd duets Four classically trained singers perform arias, duets and classical songs. dÓMkiRkjaN í Reykjavík, við teMpLaRasuNd 21:00 - 23:00 Live Music Live musical act. Fræbbblarnir, Halli Reynis and Ojba Rasta play by Við Tjörnina. við tjöRNiNa, teMpLaRasuNdi 3 22:00 - 22:30 RoMaNtic soNgs fRoM the 20s aNd 30s Trio KremKex performs romantic songs from the pre-war era. Bella Notte, O my darling and other classics. fRíkiRkjaN í Reykjavík, fRíkiRkjuveguR 5 ART Music PERFORMANcE WORKsHOP Misc ART Music PERFORMANcE WORKsHOP Misc 22:30 - 23:00 the iNauguRatioN of haRpa The lights in the glass facade will be turned on for the first time. A magnificent work of art by Ólafur Elíasson. haRpa, austuRbakki 2 23:00 - 23:30 fiReWoRks Breathtaking fireworks display to finish off the even- ing. Sponsored by Vodafone. the haRbouR Culture Night at Landsbankinn Art historian Aðalsteinn Ingólfsson gives a guided tour of Landsbanki's works of art at: 12:00, 12:45 and 13:30. 14:00 Children's program with Tin- na the fairy, Sproti and Felix. 15:00 The Sagas in a modern lan- guage. 16:00 Icelands most beloved stand-up comedians, Mið - Ísland. 17:00 Up and coming musician Jón Jónsson performs. Program is subject to change Landsbankinn is a proud sponsor of Culture Night. Program is subject to change. Check or www.visitreykjavik.isfor a final schedule
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Reykjavík Grapevine

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