

Hagtíðindi - 01.08.2000, Side 48

Hagtíðindi - 01.08.2000, Side 48
2000500 Tafla 2. Áfengissalan 1986–1999 Table 2. Sale of alcohol 1986–1999 Létt vín Wine Lítrar Litres Alkóhóllítrar Litres of pure alcohol Alls Total Bjór Beer Lítrar Litres Alkóhóllítrar Litres of pure alcohol Lítrar Litres Alkóhóllítrar Litres of pure alcohol 1986 3.214,0 812,6 · · 1.673,0 207,0 1.541,0 605,6 1987 3.283,0 855,6 · · 1.672,0 209,0 1.611,0 646,6 1988 3.227,0 847,2 · · 1.525,0 196,0 1.702,0 651,2 1989 9.498,9 1.045,0 6.946,7 359,9 1.168,6 144,8 1.383,6 540,2 1990 8.994,3 1.001,8 6.472,2 330,3 1.173,5 145,8 1.348,6 525,8 1991 8.675,2 996,9 6.043,3 307,1 1.260,3 155,5 1.371,6 534,3 1992 8.131,7 927,9 5.606,2 284,4 1.271,4 155,5 1.254,1 488,0 1993 8.241,7 882,3 5.864,0 295,8 1.250,9 150,7 1.126,8 435,9 1994 9.600,4 923,3 7.255,5 362,4 1.299,4 156,2 1.045,5 404,7 1995 10.558,0 962,7 8.179,6 408,7 1.372,2 163,9 1.006,2 390,2 1996 11.430,8 998,0 8.945,5 448,0 1.539,6 185,0 945,7 365,1 1997 12.464,7 1.050,1 9.826,1 496,8 1.720,9 199,4 917,7 353,9 1998 13.914,7 1.164,2 10.964,7 553,5 1.981,6 247,3 968,4 363,4 1999 15.438,9 1.254,8 12.206,1 614,1 2.257,4 266,0 975,4 374,8 Lítrar á hvern íbúa Litres per inhabitant 1986 13,21 3,34 · · 6,88 0,85 6,34 2,49 1987 13,35 3,48 · · 6,80 0,85 6,55 2,63 1988 12,91 3,39 · · 6,10 0,78 6,81 2,61 1989 37,58 4,13 27,48 1,42 4,62 0,57 5,47 2,14 1990 35,30 3,93 25,40 1,30 4,61 0,57 5,29 2,06 1991 33,63 3,86 23,43 1,19 4,89 0,60 5,32 2,07 1992 31,14 3,55 21,47 1,09 4,87 0,60 4,80 1,87 1993 31,24 3,34 22,23 1,12 4,74 0,57 4,27 1,65 1994 36,09 3,47 27,28 1,36 4,88 0,59 3,93 1,52 1995 39,49 3,60 30,59 1,53 5,13 0,61 3,76 1,46 1996 42,51 3,71 33,26 1,67 5,72 0,69 3,52 1,36 1997 46,01 3,88 36,27 1,83 6,35 0,74 3,39 1,31 1998 50,82 4,25 40,05 2,02 7,24 0,90 3,54 1,33 1999 55,70 4,53 44,04 2,22 8,14 0,96 3,52 1,35 Lítrar á hvern íbúa 15 ára og eldri Litres per inhabitant aged 15 year and over 1986 17,84 4,51 · · 9,28 1,15 8,55 3,36 1987 17,93 4,67 · · 9,13 1,14 8,80 3,53 1988 17,27 4,53 · · 8,16 1,05 9,11 3,49 1989 50,14 5,52 36,67 1,90 6,17 0,76 7,30 2,85 1990 47,04 5,24 33,85 1,73 6,14 0,76 7,05 2,75 1991 44,73 5,14 31,16 1,58 6,50 0,80 7,07 2,76 1992 41,42 4,73 28,55 1,45 6,48 0,79 6,39 2,49 1993 41,57 4,45 29,58 1,49 6,31 0,76 5,68 2,20 1994 47,93 4,61 36,23 1,81 6,49 0,78 5,22 2,02 1995 52,25 4,76 40,48 2,02 6,79 0,81 4,98 1,93 1996 56,03 4,89 43,85 2,20 7,55 0,91 4,64 1,79 1997 60,42 5,09 47,63 2,41 8,34 0,97 4,45 1,72 1998 66,47 5,56 52,38 2,64 9,47 1,18 4,63 1,74 1999 72,70 5,91 57,48 2,89 10,63 1,25 4,59 1,76 Skýringar: Sala sterks bjórs hófst 1. mars 1989. Frá og með 1. desember 1995 var einkaréttur ÁTVR til innflutnings áfengis og sölu til endurseljenda afnuminn og innflytjendum, framleiðendum og heildsölum, sem höfðu til þess sérstakt leyfi, heimiluð sala til endurseljenda. Frá árinu 1995 ná því tölur yfir sölu ÁTVR og annarra leyfishafa. Ekki er meðtalið það áfengi sem ferðamenn eða áhafnir skipa og flugvéla flytja með sér inn í landið.1998: Leiðréttar tölur frá frétt Hagstofunnar 25. ágúst 1999. Notes: The sale of beer began 1 March 1989. As of 1 December 1995 the State monopoly on the import and wholesale of alcohol was abolished and importers, producers and wholesalers holding a special licence were permitted to carry out the wholesale of alcohol. From 1995 and onwards, therefore, the figures relate to the sales of the State Wine, Spirits and Tobacco Authority (ÁTVR) as well as other licence holders. Alcohol imported by tourists, ship and aircraft crews is not included. Sterk vín Spirits Lítrar Litres Alkóhóllítrar Litres of pure alcohol



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