The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 04.12.1970, Page 2

The White Falcon - 04.12.1970, Page 2
Page 2 THE WHITE FALCON December 4, 1970 LETTERS TO It* s bunky business... but better that you say what you have to say In a letter to the editor than beat up your buddy because of Idea and Issue differences which need airing and discussion, vice the Inevitable black eye. The White Falcon has started,as of today, a “letters to the editor"page In a swooping effort to air your brainstorms or pet pee- ves. There are of course certain rules conc- erning the publication of letters. It goes without saying that they must be In good THE EDITOR taste. Second, due to space 11mltatl the editor must reserve the right to reject or shelve your letter until a later Issue. Third, In order to most accurately get your Idea across and still keep within space requirements It may occasionally be necess- ary to omit portions of your letter. To avoid our scissors try _to be brief. Also sign lt,„o If you desire we won' t publish your name, but we Insist on your signature on your submission. This Is your forum. Just drop off your letter anytime at the newspaper office. Give him a break, Admiral Dear Admiral Beling, Sir, I understand that you are in char- ge of people entering the NATO Base Iceland and that they must place their names on the entry approval list and await their turn. Please, Admiral Sir, I know that this old Gentleman has forgotten to request his entry approval, but he must be gran- teed permission to enter the NATO Base prior to 25 December... for we are all waiting for him. He promises to enter the base between the hours 0001 and 0500 on 25 December, accomplish his task and leave. I know it is not nice to ask the Ad- miral to break his own rules,but sir, many of us young and even the old peo- ple plead with you to grant this old Gen- tleman this request. We will ensure that he puts his request in earlier next year. We are attaching his formal re- quest to this letter. Thank you, U. S. Kids P. S. Sir, he also needs landing instruc- tions and some hay... Rudolph would like a little mint on his hay. Catch that thief Dear Editor, I hate to say it, and I do not want to point an accusing finger, but there is a thief loose on this base. What bothers me about this matter is that he, or she, must be very well liked because every- one covers for this person. It takes, normally, about three mon- ths to get standard Navy forms through the regular supply system. It is when these forms begin to be in short supply, usually around three months, that this particular midnight marauder gets un- derway. In comes the thief, out go the forms. When contacted concerning the thief, many people deny this thief's ex- istence and solemnly swear that an or- der for the needed forms had been plac- ed three months before. As a result, it becomes necessary to reproduce the desired forms locally. What leads me to my conviction that there is a thief on the loose is that re- sponsible people would not let this ex- pensive and time-consuming practice continue if it were caused by disinter- ested divisional supply personnel. I am sure these people don't justify their ac- tionswiththe philosophy that "It's easi- er andfaster to do it here, and the hell with the cost. " After all, the cost does The White Falcon U. S. NAVAL STATION KEFLAVIK, ICELAND CAPT Lloyd H. Thomas Commanding Officer CDR A.N. Kline Public Affairs Officer STAFF JOl Bill Wedertz...........Editor CT2 Ed Eineke..............Writer QM2 John Getker............Writer SN Wayne Plourde...........Writer AN Don LaChapelle..........Writer AN Robin Wagner......Photographer The White Falcon is published tri-weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in accordance with NAVEXOS P-35, revised July 1958, for free distribution to person- nel of the Naval Station, Kefla- vik. It is printed at the Naval Station Printing Plant from non- appropriated funds. not come out of their pockets, and in most cases, out of their departmental funds. It's justnot conceivable that the admin department, with its abundance of funds and agile minds, is absorbing this cost. I seek your help in aiding in the cap- ture of this midnight marauder as soon as possible. It will aid me tremendous- ly in my service to the base as a whole, and will, as a fringe benefit, even save me work. LI2 James Al Print Shop Super' Letters help POJV’s Dear sir, How long is six years? A long time you say, and of course you're correct. If you had left your 12-year-old son in 1964, he would by now have gradu- ated from high school; he'd be driving the family car; he'd be dating; he might even be in the service. In short, he would have changed from a young boy to a young man. In six years your daughter, who was three inches taller than all of her sixth grade boyfriends, who wore on her teeth those braces that she would "be thankful for some day," who looked to her father for guidance in her teens would now be a college student, or a secretary, or perhaps a wife. Six years is a long time. How long is it for the 300 plus U. S. servicemen who have been North Vietnam POW's since 1964, not to mention the over 1,200 who have been captured since? How long is each day that bringj endless monotony, constant an andunbelieveable loneliness; such' last not 24 hours, such days know no beginning nor end. The POW lives in an 8 by 11 room, (See LETTERS, Page 7) since? ich citys


The White Falcon

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