The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 08.01.1971, Síða 3

The White Falcon - 08.01.1971, Síða 3
January 8, 1971 THE WHITE FALCON Page 3 Caller: How is the housing list deemed fair when some people can get 36 points extra credit when others get no extra credit? r C.A.L.: The newly revised family housing instruction (ComFair- Keflnst 1110.1B)is practically a verbatim copy of OpNavInst 11101.13D. On the surface, the rules don't _____________________________________ ass seem fair to the man who comes from CONUS, but stop and think of the man who has spent three years with his family at another over- seas assignment. That man has no roots or ties in the states (e.g. no house for his family to await entry approval in Iceland). Is it fair to make him find suitable accomodations during his 30-day leave, come to Iceland, and move his family again a few months later? This is an extreme case, obviously, and the percentage, is less than two percent of the Kef- lavik population, according to CWO Harder, who makes the housing assignments. The catch is whe- er the man in this extreme case eligible for stateside shore ty, and preferred another over- seas assignment which he request- ed. In that case, he would be assigned the points for his pay grade and wait like everyone else. So the numbers of names on the housing list with up to 40 points will be few, and housing turnover here is sufficient to absorb any impact on the current waiting list. Therefore, if you are an E-6 and you arrive here with six points (plus a point for each month you've wad ted since arriv- al), your chances are good that any extreme case such as an E-5 from Japan (who would have 41 points if he served a three-year tour there) would not appreciably alter your opportunity for fam- ily housing. CAL agrees with Com- FalrKef that this system is a positive step in the right direc- tion of providing equal treatment for all hands, yet gives special consideration to those who have served deployed or overseas tours prior to their tour in Iceland. The number of men coming from an unaccompanied tour (let's say in- luntry Vietnam) will be greater an the number of men in our earn- er extreme case. This category of men will have greater inpact on the housing list, since there will be 12-13 points assigned him immediately, plus the number of points for his pay grade. This will give him 19-20 points in the case of a CPO. Further questions on the housing may be directed to ComFairKef Admin., phone 4189 or 7142. Caller: Why can't we wear dungarees in the bowling alley? C.A.L.: The bowling alley is a recreational facility, and cur- rent regulations permit only uni- form of the day or appropriate civilian attire. For any recrea- tional activity, appropriate civ- ilian attire is defined as clo- thing which is worn for that par- ticular activity, and may be worn while proceeding to and from that activity. Therefore, in the case of bowling, appropriate civilian attire includes (but does not ex- clude casual wear such as slacks and sports shirt) bowling shirt and slacks. Dungarees are con- sidered a working uniform, and do not fall into the category "uni- form of the day." Caller: Why aren't Playboys available at the exchange? C.A.L.: See photo. The first baby of the year, Michelle Anna Swink, waited until January 4 to make her debut at the station dispen- sary. (Photo by Wagner) Births 70-71 Nine more births have been re- corded at the NATO base dispensa- ry within the past month. • Teresa Lynn, daughter of RM2 Richard J. and Violet A. Rog- hair; born Monday, December 14. • Daniela Angela, daughter of SSgt. DosyA. and Gloria J. McCary; bom Tuesday, December 15. • LaRee Kay, daughter of CT2 Ray D. and Joy L. Hahn; bom Fri- day, December 18. - • Eric Ryan, son of SSgt Franklin D. and June E. Orr; bom Sunday, December 20. • Deanna Lea, daughter of CT3 Roy E. and Judith A. Hollar; bom Friday, December 25. • Christa Lee, daughter of RM1 Robert C. and Mildred C. Win- ters; bom Friday, December 25. • Jennifer Ann, daughter of Lt.(j.g.) DavidW. and Joann Elam; bom Saturday, December 26. • Andrew Charles, son of Lt. Theodore J. and Ruth G. Ehlers; bom Thursday, December 31. • Michelle Anna, daughter of 0T1 DouglasE. and Cathy A. Swink; bom Monday, January 4, 1971.


The White Falcon

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