The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 14.01.1972, Page 4

The White Falcon - 14.01.1972, Page 4
A Word to the Wives by Dorothy Byrne Are you a bored young housewife with no children and no job? Men, are you weary of sitting around the bar at the club or looking at the four walls of your room? Are you looking for something that is fun to do? Are you seeking something constructive to do for ____________________________________ Keflavik base? Then gather around and listen! Whether you are a school teacher, a house- wife, a BEQ or BOQ resident, or a high school student, this may be your thing! Mrs. Teresa Pasek has come up with a great idea. She suggests beginning a Little Theater group here in Keflavik. Now you don't have to be an actor to join in a Little Theater group. Some of you men may enjoy, building things. You could offer your talents for set building. Some of you are budding artists. You could paint the backgrounds. Some of you love to sew. You could design costumes. Would you like to be a promp- ter, a lighting technician or a stage hand? Can you direct? Do you have musical talents? Do you have a play or two you've written hidden away under your pillow? Would you like to be the makeup man or woman? Would you like to gather props? Do you like to or- ganize and co-ordinate things? Then, hop over to your tele- phone and call Mrs. Pasek at 8649 after 5 p.m. If you answered that last question about organiz- ing, call right away. She would appreciate your help in getting the group started. If you have no experience, don't fret. This is your chance to learn. What could a Little Theater group do here at Keflavik? Won- derful things! Mrs. Jean Johan- sen has indicated that she would welcome your guest appearances on her "Coffee Break" TV show. Surely your children would look forward to a monthly children's theater production either live at the Youth Center or Andrews Thea- ter, or on TV. Best of all, if you get toge- ther and organize now, you will be an operational pool of talent when our local TV station gets video tape capability this sum- mer . Who knows, ladies, you may even develop your own local soap opera. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and join in the fun. Put your hidden talents to work to help build something construc- tive . If you think this may be your thing, call Mrs. Pasek at 8649 today. ***** Mrs. Jappi Masters entertained the NCO Wives at her quarters, 605E, on Wednesday, January 12th at 10 a.m. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Karol Nolte and Mrs. Helen Collins. ***** Hostesses for the social to be held on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the 56 Club are Mrs. Shirley Clemmons, Mrs. Carol Everly and Mrs. Joyce Cahalan. ***** A Hobo theme will liven up the Officers Wives Club luncheon on Tuesday at noon at the Officers Club. Ladies are requested to wear their "grubbies". "Vittles" will be served at 1 p.m. follow- ing a punch hour. Mrs. Roni Bou- dreaux is chairman for the host- essing group, the 57th F.I.S. Wives. Mrs. Linda Boles is in charge of entertainment. ***** CPO Wives dress in Hawaiian or South Sea fashion for their Hail and Bless Luau on Saturday, Janu- ary 22 at the CPO Club. Cock- tails will be at 6:30 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. "The Country Gentlemen" will provide dance mu- sic. Mrs. Meridith Lancaster is chairman. Mrs. Edie Beaulieu is chairman of the CPO Wives luncheon at 1:30 p.m. Jan. 25 at the CPO Club. ***** Last week's column stated that admission is free at the Aquarium at Hafnarfjordur. Actually, the statement was wrong, because there is an admission fee, so I suggest that you bring some kro- nur with you. QUESTION: What do you think of Admiral Zumwalt's Z-Grams, and which one is your favorite? WHERE ASKED: Navy Exchange Lobby BENNETT RICE • AWAN Larry Bennett, ComFair- Kef: "It would be the one about leave time you are allowed before going overseas or the one about hair cuts---or perhaps this new one, 102, about tours of the bases and the troops looking sloppy." A • LCpl. Gary Rice, Marine Baifl racks: "I think they are pretql good and fair to the serviceman. I think the regulations are very fair. I don't really have a par- ticular favorite." HALL REAVES • Sgt. Robert Hall, 57th FIS: "I think he's got a good idea going to get the opinion of the people. I can't say I have a particular favorite. I think the Air Force should take some of his ideas and push them a little bit." • SSgt. Stan Reaves, 57th FIS: "Truthfully, some of them are good, but some aren't. They want to liberalize the hair, which is decent, but how far do you wantj to carry it? Some guys look go« but some guys look wild. Th^ just don't take care of it." NEXT WEEK'S QUESTION: Do you think the drug problem in the military is exaggerated? January 14, 1972 4


The White Falcon

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