The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 14.01.1972, Page 6

The White Falcon - 14.01.1972, Page 6
Coffee cup and records in hand, Mark Lazar gets ready to do his "Morning Man" show. Photo Feature Station manager Tom Wiecks (Mr. Foolery) checks the record files to find the right music for his "Housewive's Special" program. by JOSN Lance O’Neal "This is AFRS at the NATO base in Keflavik, Iceland-------24 hour radio in the great North Atlan- tic ." AFRS, the 250 watt base radio station broadcasts the sounds people want to hear, all day, ev- ery day. "Serving the American audience —servicemen, wives, everybody" is the goal of the station, ac- cording to station manager Tom Wiecks. "It's very difficult to be all things to all people. We're hitting the majority of the audience with what they want to hear," Tom says. The news is taken from the Jim Roark answers one of his listener's requests during his Night Owl show. There's really nothing to running the audio con- trol board. All of the switches are labeled. 6 January 14, 1972


The White Falcon

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