The White Falcon

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The White Falcon - 14.01.1972, Qupperneq 8

The White Falcon - 14.01.1972, Qupperneq 8
Dear Mr. Foolery: My friend Philbert says your column is tasteless. So far he's eaten five of them, so I guess he should know. Couldn't you do something to spice it up a little? —Margrette Philbert sounds like a nut, Meg. Tell him that each week this space is peppered with salt commen- tary, gingerly mixed with sage observations on our thymes. See if he swallows it. Dear White Falcon guy: I wanna no how your sposed to look up a werd in the dicshunary if you dont no how to spel it anyway in the fist place. Huh? —Stan To 874493275 - Due to the reorganization of our filing system, it has been necessary to change your name. Now we must ask that you cross out your old name on any cards, passes, licenses, etc. that you may have in your wallet/purse, and write your new name in. If you are one of our married clients, be as- sured that every effort has been made to assign a matching name to your husband/wife, if at all pos- sible . Your new name is: Alice Jarfsoo. Thanks for your help, Alice. —The Bank Dear Bank: But my insurance company already changed my name to Gretchen. Dear Tom: What would you do if I sang you a song? Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me an ear --- I'll sing you a song. (And I'll try not to sing out of key). —Sgt. Pepperini Dear Sarge: Do you know "Stardust"? Look, punk - We're getting pretty (unprintable) tired of getting your stupid letters. While it's true that some people refer to us as "The Syndi- cate", we don't have anything to do with syndicat- ing newspaper columns. And if we DID ever get that legit, we sure as (unprintable) wouldn't touch that (unprintable) excuse for a (unprintable) column you keep sending us (and that better stop quick if you like breathing). Biggest (unprintable) I ever saw. Someday somebody's going to shove that type- writer of yours (unprintable), and you'll find it's pretty hard to type that way. —Harry the Hook New hours of operation for base facilities Significant cost increases in labor and material in recent months have necessitated the raising of some prices and the revision of operating hours in a number of Navy Exchange activities. Without these schedule changes, major price increases would have resulted in most of these activities. In the establishment of the new hours of opera- tion, customer service, convenience, and uniformity of operating hours were major considerations. For your convenience the following changes that have taken place over the past few weeks are con- solidated below: • MAIN RETAIL STORE, TOYLAND, CLOTHING, BEVERAGE SHOP, TV/RADIO REPAIR Monday Tuesday, Wed., Fri Thursday Saturday Closed 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m. 9:30 a.m.-l p.m. Monday Tuesday, Wed., Fri. Thursday Saturday • LAUNDRY Monday Tuesday thru Friday Saturday Closed 10:30 a.m.-6 10:30 a.m.-8 9:30 a.m.-l Closed 8 a.m.-l p.m. 2 p.m.-6 p.m. 9:30 a.m.-l p.m. Navy Achievement awarded Chief Tritt is the Maintenance Officer, Lt. Leroy Grice. Lt. Grice was presented a NAVSTA Keflavik Service plaque during the same ceremony, held in the Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department. January 14, 1972 8


The White Falcon

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