The White Falcon

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The White Falcon - 12.07.1974, Qupperneq 6

The White Falcon - 12.07.1974, Qupperneq 6
79105: Commander’s Action Line \_'____________________________ y CALLER: Are there any plans for adding external storage to the older Coral Sea Housing? If not, I would like to suggest this as a project. *C.A.L.: The need for external storage for housing on base is recognized by the Housing Divi- sion. Storage sheds have been planned for all on- base housing, this includes the older Coral Sea type units. CALLER: I would like to complain about the soap dispenser in the laundromat. I understand that sometimes it can't hold as much soap as a normal day would require. I would like to suggest another soap dispenser be put in. Very often the present one is either not filled enough or it is completely empty. When this occurs at a time when it is im- possible to get soap from the Exchange or Mini-Mart it creates a hardship. *C.A.L.: Another soap dispensing machine will be installed in the laundromat to insure that an adequate quantity of soap will be available for patrons' use. CALLER: I would like to know why the Navy Ex- change is selling a book, which has a list price of $1.50 printed on the jacket, for the same price. I'm also curious about the licorice sold at the Ex- change. It states 39 cents on the package, yet the Exchange is selling it for 40 cents. This seems like an excessive markup when the selling price ex- ceeds the manufacturer's suggested retail price. I'm wondering how many other items are sold with a ridiculously high markup. *C.A.L.: A book with a list price of $1.50 is sold for $1.35, therefore, it appears you were overcharged and should obtain a refund for the dif- ference from the store manager. Your assistance in bringing such matters immediately to the attention of the cashier or store will correct further er- rors. The cost price for candy products has increased up to 35 per cent industry-wide, therefore, the price has gone up. Packages of candy marked with the older manufacturer's suggested price of 39 cents are sold at less than that until the stock is depleted. The current higher price did appear on some of the packages you refer to and this error has been corrected. None of the items we sell include what could be called a high markup, let alone a "ridiculously high markup." The Navy Exchange gives the best price possible consistent with prividing sufficient monies for the welfare and recreational fund. CALLER: I just heard on the Armed Forces Digest^ that stateside Navy Exchange cigarette sales are going up 30 cents per carton and those sold in overseas stations are going up to $1.90 per carton. Why is it that we are paying stateside (tax-free) prices while stationed in Iceland? I understand that even ships sell tax-free cigarettes once they are beyond the three-mile limit from the Continen- tal U.S. What is the justification for the local Navy Exchange's exemption from this? *C.A.L.: Effective June 26, 1974 the price for a carton of cigarettes is going up by 30 cents per carton in all stateside and overseas Navy Ex- changes, and is the direct result of two manufactu- rer cost increases and the effect of the recent mi- nimum wage increase on the entire Navy Exchange System. The stateside price is not tax-free as Federal taxation does apply, thus accounting for the higher price at home. The prices charged at overseas shore stations and in ship stores afloat are tax-A free and thus lower with neither Federal nor State* tax being applicable. However, the price charged in overseas shore Exchanges is the higher of the later two categories and for many valid reasons— mainly the overhead, labor and transportation costs which must be paid by these Exchanges and not by a ship stores afloat. Your local Navy Exchange price for cigarettes is the same price charged at any overseas Navy Exchange and is established by the Navy Resale System Office at the lowest necessary price. Tour Office yourselt) SPEND A DAY IN THE WESTMANN ISLANDS. Special daily flights to the islands, which include airfare, transportation, sight- seeing with lunch and a visit to the Aquarium, is being offered. The flight leaves Reykjavik at 8 every morning and returns at ap- proximately 7 p.m. Special dis- count for airfares alone is also being offered. CAMPING TOURS to Thorsmork or to Landmannalaugar are available now, departing every Friday eve- nings and returning on Sundays. There are also departures on Wed- nesday mornings. A WEEK AT T0RREM0LINAS on the sunny coast of Spain. For $160 Page 6 you can have an apartment just minutes from the beach, with a swimming pool right outside the door. The price includes accom- modation, air travel and trans- fers to and from the airport. This tour leaves Keflavik July 20 and returns July 27. Special discounts are available for chil- dren. Due to the limited accom- modation available, make your re- servations as early as possible. THE VERY POPULAR EIGHT-DAY TOURS TO LONDON are again availa- ble. The low price of $227 in- cludes airfare and hotel accommo- dation with breakfast. Flights are scheduled to leave July 25, August 1, 15 and 29. SPECIAL FARES ARE NOW AVAILA- BLE for flights to Copenhagen. There will be flights leaving July 25, August 6 and 25. The length of time you spend in Co- penhagen will be up to you, as the ticket is good for 45 days. The July 20 Summer Bus Tour will be across Iceland's southern lowland, through Hveragerdi, Sel- foss and to Fljotshlid district. If weather permits, you will have the opportunity to have lunch near a beautiful waterfall. For information and reserva- tions on all these tours, call the Tour Office at ext. 4200 or 5111. The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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