The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 27.09.1974, Blaðsíða 3

The White Falcon - 27.09.1974, Blaðsíða 3
...IT HELPS "Let's All Get Together—It Helps," the slogan of the DoD Overseas Combined Federal Campaign, ties in with the current theme of the American Red Cross, "The Good Neighbor." Both express the value of joint action. In a brief definition, the American Red Cross is an emergency-oriented organization. Its overall aims are three-fold: to help prevent emergencies that are avoidable, to prepare persons for emergen- cies that are unavoidable, and to help people cope with those emergencies that do occur. Red Cross extends a helping hand in personal and family emergencies to members of the nation's armed forces around the world at some 1,900 military in- stallations and medical facilities. At home, chap- ter services to military families alone totaled 1,623,636 in 1973. Red Cross provides rapid commu- nications from faraway locations to home communi- ties, friendly counseling, and when needed, funds for servicemen and their families facing crises. 14 National Health Agencies participate in Overseas CFC The National Foundation March of Dimes is work- ing to prevent birth defects through research, med- ical services, prenatal care and education pro- grams. Birth defects are forever, unless you help. Give generously through the Overseas Combined Fed- eral Campaign. The National Society for the Prevention of Blindness, founded in 1908, is the oldest voluntary health agency nationally engaged in the prevention of blindness through a comprehensive program of community services, public and professional educa- tion and research. The National Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation I fights cystic fibrosis and other lung diseases af- fecting five million children through its 110 Care and Research Centers and through public education and research programs. The National Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults is the world's oldest and largest voluntary health agency giving direct care and treatment services to the handicapped of all ages. The National Association for Retarded Citizens and its 1,500 member units is a voluntary organiza- tion devoted to promoting the welfare of the men- tally retarded. " The National Association for Mental Health helps the mentally ill and leads the fight against mental illness through programs of research, education and service. Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America sup- port an international research program; and, pro- vide free clinical services to those afflicted by dystrophy and related neuromuscular diseases. All this, thanks to your generosity. ^ The Arthritis Foundation fights one of America's ftading crippling diseases (17 million victims) by financing research centers, clinics,6 training pro- grams . It emphasizes that disability can be pre- vented with early diagnosis and proper treatment. The American Heart Association spearheads in- creasingly successful programs against heart attack, stroke and other cardio-vascular diseases affecting 25 million Americans, accounting for more deaths than all other causes combined. The American Cancer Society fights cancer on three fronts: research, education and service. Protect yourself by learning cancer's seven warning signals and have an annual health check-up. The more than 300 affiliates of United Cerebral Palsy provide diagnosis, treatment and therapy for the 600,000 children and adults afflicted with the multi-crippling conditions. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society, empha- sizing scientific research, gives help and hope to approximately 500,000 Americans suffering from MS and related diseases. 200 chapters provide a va- riety of patient services. The National Kidney Foundation is seeking the total answer to kidney disease—detection, treat- ment and cure—through research, public and pro- fessional education, and help to patients. The American Diabetes Association seeks funds for a cure, diabetes detection, public information, scientific knowledge for health professionals and improving life for diabetics. NATO BASE REPRESENTATIVES FOR OVERSEAS COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN: ACTIVITY NAME EXT. 57th FIS Lt. Rominger 4108 Coast Guard CWO Stephens 3209 Det 14 2Lt Tot a 4224 NavCommSta CW02 Benacci 5119 ComFAirKef Ltjg Hammock 4189 Marine Barracks SSgt Scott 7320 NavSecGruAct Ens King 7633 ComFAir Ltjg Hammock 4203 HqSq AFI IstLt Gainey 7494 Det 3 IstLt Dearborn 79122 Dependent School Mr. Rail 7412 NavFac Ens Wicker 5101 AFI Maj Seaback 7222 Det 360 A1C Myers 7235 NavSta LCdr Menard 7410 FWF AG1 Miley 7829 932nd AC6W SMSgt Joseph 6205 ROICC Mr. Ward 2227/28/29 IDF Ltjg Gramprie 7504 Page 3 Sept. 27, 1974


The White Falcon

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