The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 27.09.1974, Blaðsíða 6

The White Falcon - 27.09.1974, Blaðsíða 6
5 AIMD sailors honored in ceremony Five sailors of the Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Depart- ment (AIMD) were honored last week in a ceremony held in Hangar 831. Lieutenant Commander G. M Menard, AIMD Officer, presented Letters of Commendation from Rear Admiral Harold G. Rich to ADJ1 Marvis A. McManus and ADR1 Clyde A. Swasey. The two men received the honors for their outstanding performance of duty during the crash and recovery of a C-117 aircraft near Hofn last November. ADR1 Swasey was also commended for his performance during the salvage of another downed C-117 in January. A fifth Good Conduct award was presented to AE1 Daniel L. Briggs and to ADRC Bobby E. Chamblee. ADJ1 Jackie D. Stout received a third Good Conduct award. TOP PHOTO: AWARD RECIPIENTS ARE: (left to right) ADRC Bobby E. Chamblee, ADJl Jackie D. Stout, AE1 Daniel L. Briggs, ADJl Marvis A. McManus and ADRl Clyde A. Swasey. BOTTOM PHOTO: ADJl McManus and ADRl Swasey are presented with Letters of Commendation from RAdm. Rich. Presenting the awards is LCdr. G.M. Menard, AIMD Officer. NRS revises pricing policy A recent directive from the Navy Resale Systems Office have revised the price changing proce- dures in commissary stores. According to the directive, when it is necessary to increase the prices of items sold in the store, the price of items already on the shelf will not be in- creased. However, if prices are reduced, the price of shelf stock will be reduced. Also, if two or more units of the same -item marked at different prices are purchased, the lowest price will be charged for all units. These procedures are effective immediately. Page 6 Dining-in set for Oct. 19 A dining-in for all officers of the NATO Base is scheduled for Oct. 19 in the Officer's Club, according to Commander William J. Locke, coordinator of the event. No-host cocktails will be served in the Geysir and VIP Rooms of the club at 7 p.m. This will be followed by dinner in the International Room at 8 p.m. Each command will have a co- ordinator who will contact offi- cers within his own command and provide them an opportunity to purchase tickets. "Officers not contacted by their command representative and desiring to make reservations should contact anyone in the of- fice of the Secretary of the Joint Staff of Headquarters, Ice- land Defense Force at ext. 7212," advises Cdr. Locke. The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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