The White Falcon

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The White Falcon - 15.02.1980, Qupperneq 3

The White Falcon - 15.02.1980, Qupperneq 3
Today 12:00 MOVIE: Raid on Entebbe 2:25 SOAP (adult) 3:00 GENERAL HOSPITAL (adult) 3:45 BODY BUDDIES 4:10 SESAME STREET 5:05 JOKERS WILD 5:30 NOVA 6:30 NIGHTLY NEWS 7:00 WHAT'S HAPPENING IN REYKJAVIK 7:05 WONDER WOMAN—The production of a World War II movie brings Wonder Woman to Hollywood. 8:00 FAMILY 8155 THREE'S COMPANY—The FBI comes looking for Jack—and he thinks they're after him for deserting from the Navy. 9:25 SUPERTRAIN*—A weak willed but likeable young man becomes involved in a bi- zarre comedy of er- rors and ends up holding some train passengers hostage. 10:20 *NEWS UPDATE 10:35 MOVIE: Cannonball (adult—1976) A spoof on an exciting cross country race. Featured in the cast is the pre-Rocky Sylvester Stallone. Stars: David Carra- dine, Robert Carra- dine, Judy Canova, Bill Kinney, Archie Hahn. 12:10 MOON MAN SPACE CONNECTION 1:00 ACTION THEATRE 2:45 SIGN OFF NEWS Saturday 9:00 CARTOON CARNIVAL 9:50 BATTLE OF THE PLANETS 10:15 BLACK BEAUTY**—A five-part adaptation of Anna Sewell's 1877 novel which takes place in late 19th century Mary- land instead of Vic- torian. Stars Mar- tin Milner, Ike Eis- enr inn, Eileen Bren- nan and Cameron Mit- chell . 11:05 DAKTAR1 12:00 NBA BASKETBALL: At- lanta vs San Antonio 1:55 CHALLENGE OF THE SEXES 2:35 SPECIAL: Winter Olympics 80—Jim McKay assesses the impact of the up- coming Winter Olym- pics on the normally placid town of Lake Placid, N.Y., which is serving as the site of the 1980 games. 3:30 VOYAGE TO THE BOT- TOM OF THE SEA 4:20 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 5:15 COMEBACK 5:40 PROJECT UFO* 6:30 WEEKEND NEWS UPDATE 1 6:45 WHAT's HAPPENING IN REYKJAVIK 6:50 WELCOME BACK KOTTER 7:15 THAT's HOLLYWOOD —Interesting crea- tures of fantasy and fright, such as the Blob, Godzilla, the Thing, and Harpies are seen on vintage film footage. 7:40 GOOD TIMES 8:05 CIRCLE OF STARS —Engelbert Humper- dinck in Concert with something spec- ial. 8:55 DIFFERENT STROKES 9:20 LOVE BOAT 10:15 WEEKEND NEWS UPDATE II 10:30 SATURDAY NIGHT al: 40 MOVIE: Kate Bliss and the Ticker Tape Kid*—A Texas style Robin Hood leads a band of dispossessed ranchers in haras- sing a land baron who cheated them out of their property. Stars Suzanne Plesh- ette, Don Meredith, David Huddleston, Tony Randall and Harry Morgan. 1:15 WESTERN THEATRE 3:00 SIGN OFF NEWS Sunday 11:00 MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN WORD 11:30 HEART OF THE BIBLE 12:00 ACHIEVEMENTS IN BLACK AMERICAN HIS- TORY—Black Religion in America. 12:30 AFC-NFC PRO BOWL 3:00 GET SMART 3:25 ANDY WILLIAMS San Diego Open (golf) 5:05 WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW 5:35 SIXTY MINUTES 6:30 WEEKEND NEWS UPDATE III 6:45 MUPPETTS 7:10 SPECIAL: The Tap Dance Kid—An enter- taining story of Willie Sheridan, an eight-year-old who loved tap dancing better than, as he put it, breathing. Stars James Pehlam as Willie. (Little House on the Prairie preempted by net- work) 8:00 BIONIC WOMAN—Jamie and her date are held captive by an extra terrestial being, seeking to warn approaching colleagues they face destruction in the Earth's atmosphere. 8:55 M*A*S*H 9:25 ROCKFORD FILES—The outspoken author of a book advocating traditional roles for women hires Rockford to investi- gate her suspicion that a feminist group has her mar- ked for murder. 10:15 WEEKEND NEWS UPDATE FINAL EDITION 10:30 DALLAS (adult)—Pam acquires a new friend, Leanne, but is unaware of her shady past. 11:25 PERRY MASON 12:30 CAROL BURNETT 12:45 SIGN OFF NEWS IV. Monday 12:00 1:40 2:10 3:00 3:45 4:10 5:10 5:35 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:50 8:50 9:25 10:15 10:30 11:20 12:55 MOVIE: Kate Bliss and the Ticker Tape Kid. DIFFERENT STROKES ROCKFORD FILES GENERAL HOSPITAL (adult) SOUPY SALES SESAME STREET $20,000 PYRAMID JUKE BOX TELL A VISION NIGHTLY NEWS GRIZZLY ADAMS THE ADVOCATES—A de- bate over whether the CIA should en- gage in covert ac- tivities in foreign countries. ACHIEVEMENTS IN A- MERICAN BLACK HI^^^ Womcn^^^^ —With the help guest Abbey Lincoln, Mary Jane Hewitt tells the plight of the black woman in America from 1619, when the first blacks were brought to America, until the time of the Civil War. REAL PEOPLE NEWS UPDATE AGAINST THE WIND —Mary and Jonathon witness a conspiracy against a Colonial government official by the officers of the Rum Brigade so that they could con- trol labor on their land for more prof- it. LADY OF THE HOUSE (adult)—Sally Stan- ford's life is traced from child- hood through the thirties and forties when she ran a bor- dello on fashionable Nob Hill to her p itical career Councilwoman. St! Dyan. (Documents' drama) ibie 9 SIGN OFF NEWS Tuesday 12:00 AGAINST THE WIND 12:50 WELCOME BACK KOTTER 1:15 REAL PEOPLE 2:05 LOVE BOAT 3:00 GENERAL HOSPITAL (adult) 3:45 LEARNING CORPORATION OF AMERICA** 4:15 ELECTRIC COMPANY 4:45 CHARLIE CHAN 5:15 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 5:40 WILD KINGDOM 6:05 SHA NA NA 6:30 NICHTLY NEWS 7:00 INCREDIBLE HULK 7:55 ACHIEVEMENTS IN A- MERICAN BLACK HIS- TORY—Black Women in America (part II) —The concluding segment of black women in America has host Mary Jane Hew- itt and Guest Abbey Lincoln pick up the story after the Civ- il War and the years of the black code. 8:25 CAROL BURNETT 8:50 BLACK SHEEr SQUADRON —A cocky Navy squadron, fresh out of flight school, is assigned to help the Black Sheep sink a Japanese radar ship in the Solomon Slot. 9:45 ALICE (adult)—When Alice gets the chance to sing in a club she is unaware the club is a hang- out for prostitutes. 10:15 NEWS UPDATE 10:30 BEST OF CARSON —Guests include comic Don Rickies, singer Jane Oliver, science fiction writer Ray Bradbury, and Angel Cheryl Ladd. 11:45 THE FBI 12:40 SIGN OFF NFWS *Series ends **Series begins ***Time change (Programs identified as ADULT viewing contain words, phrases, scenes or subjects which may be offensive to a segment of the audience. Parental discretion is advised.) Programs may change without notice Wednesday 12:00 INFORMATION SPECIAL: The Return 12:40 BLACK SHEEP SQUADRON 1:35 ALICE (adult) 2:05 THE FBI 3:00 GENERAL HOSPITAL (adult) 3:45 LATINO CONSORTIUM 4:15 SESAME STREET 5:15 CELEBRITY CHARADES 5:40 MY FAVORITE MARTIAN 6:05 CANDID CAMERA 6:30 NIGHTLY NEWS 7:00 WHITE SHADOW—It’s a grim moment for Car- ver High's team, when its star player Warren Coolidge is approached by an un- scrupulous business agent, who wants to turn him pro. 7:50 THE FITZPATRICKS 8:45 SPECIAL: The State of the Union: Repub- lican View—Bill Brock, republican national chairman, and members of the Republican Party give their views of the state of the union and rebut some of President Car- ter's remarks. 9:15 ACHIEVEMENTS IN A- MERICAN BLACK HIS- TORY—Early Black Cinema. 9:45 SOAP (adult)—Burt is still trying to get into the Guin- ness Book of Rec- ords; Jessica is sad to discover Detec- tive Donohue is mar- ried; and Eunice tries to convince Dutch she is no lon- ger fooling around. 10:15 NEWS UPDATE 10:30 MOVIE: Frankenstein —A brilliant scien- tist unleashes a disaster when he creates a living being from remains of the dead. Based on Mary Shelley's gothic horror story. Stars Robert Rox- worth, Susan Stras- berg, Bo Svenson and Heidi Vaughn. 12:35 SIGN OFF NEWS Thursday 12:00 INCREDIBLE HULK 12:55 M*A*S*H 1:25 GRIZZLY ADAMS 2:15 MAGAZINE**—A series of monthly, woman- oriented news maga- zines. This instal- lment reports on Battered Wives, Don- ahue, and Fur Fever, (series estimated to run 5 weeks) 3:00 GENERAL HOSPITAL (adult) 3:45 DANCE FEVER 4:10 ELECTRIC COMPANY 4:40 HOT FUDGE SHOW 5:10 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 5:35 HEE HAW 6:30 NIGHTLY NEWS 7:00 THE WALTONS—A fam- ily of five gypsies moves uninvited into the Baldwin home while the sisters are away. When John Boy learns their reason, he impulsiv- ely invites them to come home with them. 7:55 DOCUMENTARY: In Search of Noah's Ark 9:30 SPECIAL: Torch of Champions—In a pre- lude to the 1980 Winter Olympics, Peggy Fleming and Jean Claude Killy give us a look at the history of the winter Olympics and what we may expect in the 1980 version. 9:55 CELEBRITY REVIEW 10:20 NEWS UPDATE 10:30 MEETING OF THE MINDS (Part II) Host Steve Allen continues the conversations with Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Machiavelli, Aris- totle, and Eliza- beth Barrett Brown- ing. 12:30 SIGN OFF NEWS Friday 12:00 MOVIE: Frankenstein 2:05 SOAP (adult) 2:35 CAROL BURNETT 3:00 GENERAL HOSPITAL (adult) 3:45 BODY BUDDIES 4:10 SESAME STREET 5:05 JOKERS WILD 5:30 NOVA 6:30 NIGHTLY NEWS 7:00 WHAT'S HAPPENING IN REYKJAVIK 7:05 WONDER WOMAN 8:00 FAMILY—Nancy is in love with Joe, a school psychologist who has just asked her to marry him. Their relationship is put to a test when he is accused of molesting a child. 8:55 THREE'S COMPANY —Jack stands in for his friend Larry as the paid escort of a woman who plans more than just a cozy dinner. 9:25 QUINCY**—In this first segment of this return series, Quincy finds himself in a life-or-death race to isolate a mysterious poison that has already claimed two lives and poses a deadly threat to his best friend, Sam Fujiuama as well. (series estimated to run 22 weeks) 10:15 NEWS UPDATE 10:30 MOVIE: The 300-Year Weekend (adult)—A psychologist, hol- ding a group en- counter session at his office, finds himself a full par- ticipant. One of the woman in the class is his mis- tress. 11:55 MOON MAN SPACE CONNECTION 12:40 ACTION THEATRE 2:20 SIGN OFF NEWS


The White Falcon

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