The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 21.12.1984, Síða 1

The White Falcon - 21.12.1984, Síða 1
SEASON'S GREETINGS TO YOU AU An American mil itary tradition at Christmas is for the leader- ship to send greetings, not via Christmas cards, but in Naval, or Air Force, messages. Here are excerpts from this year's messages: Rear Admiral Ronald E. Narmi, Commander Iceland Defense Force, emphasized religious freedom and the importance of NATO in his message to military personnel in Iceland. "The religious freedom which all Americans and many others in the world enjoy would not be pos- sible without NATO's defensive shield," the admiral said. "The sacrifices you are making here in Iceland are an integral part of that collective commitment. Your personal contribution to the preservation of peace in the world is the greatest gift of all, one in which you can take great pride." AMERICA IS AT PEACE President and Nancy Reagan sent a holiday message to mem- bers of the Armed Forces around the world. "It is a happy holiday be- cause America is at peace and America is secure," the Presi- dent said. He attributed this face to the members of the Armed Forces and their "devotion to duty that permits us to celebrate this holiday season according to our own special customs and trad- tions." "At this time of Hanukkah and Christmas," the President said, "our religious freedom means so much to each of us. However, we know this is a particularly dif- please see GREETINGS on pg. 5 No more beards says CNO The Chief of Naval Operations.Admiral James D. Watkins, announced in a recent naval message that as of January 1, 1985, "all Navy men (will be) clean shaven with the exception of neatly trimmed and military appearing moustaches. . ." In explaining his decision, the admiral re- stated a favored theme, "Since the start of the decade," his message says, "Pride and Profes- sionalism in our Navy has grown. . ." He then listed some accomplishments of the Navy during that time calling it a "resurgence." Then the CNO cited what he called a "more im- portant factor." "Our Navy people," he wrote, "are placing in- creased emphasis on service and less emphasis on self. Today's Navy is properly seen as an example of good order and discipline, lean, strong and ready for sea." Admiral Watkins further stated that,"As a use- ful by-product, (this change) will also provide increased personal safety for those who must, on short notice, be prepared to wear OBA's, gas masks and, in general, work in stressing environ- ments which are becoming more hazardous as tech- nology, weapon sophistication, and hi-tempo op- erations continue to complicate our. . .lives in the work place." (Editor's note: See related Air Force story on page 5.) Iceland's Christmas traditions Contributed by J02 Dave Sawyer Haveyouseen the Christmas troll Gryla, or her husband Leppaludi? They live in the mountains and only come down during the Christmas season. . and not to buy Christmas presents! According to Icelandic legend, Gryla and Lep- paludi prowl the countryside looking for naughty children. If they find any they pop them into their sacks and carry them home to be eaten as the troll’s Christmas dinner. It takes a lot of wicked youngsters to appease the trolls enormous appetites and those of their 13 sons. By the way, the sons are now big enough to help momma and poppa with the Christmas shop- ping, which means even more danger for bad child- ren . It is expected that this story was concocted by the ancient Icelanders to encourage their chi 1dren to behave during the long, dark Icelandic winter nights. The legend has softened a bit in modern times. A marked change is the more recent descriptions of the troll sons. Nowadays they seem to look more like little elves in Santa suits than trolls Please see ICELANDIC CHRISTMAS on pg. 4


The White Falcon

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