The White Falcon - 21.12.1984, Side 2
There is a cure for loneliness during the holiday's
(Editor's note: This article was submitted by
the professionals at The Family Services Center.)
Are you faced with the possibility of being
alone for the holidays? It seems odd that holi-
days,such as "the big three"-- Thanksgiving,Christ-
mas and New Years -- normally sources of great
joy, can also become times of stress. But it is
completely natural for people to become depressed
during the "holiday season."
Awareness of your feelings and expectations is
the key to coping with holiday stress. It's im-
portant to recognize your feelings for what they
are. Many people deny them or repress them. At
a time when everyone is supposed to feel happy,
there doesn't appear to be room for feelings of
Personal perspective----------------------
Christmas is a special time of the year and that
big day is around the corner. ManyNATOBase res-
idents are completing their Christmas shopping now.
Bernice Swingle-For
me, Christinas is a
special time to be
with family and
friends. It's a happy
season that gives you
a warm glow; it's a
feel ingyou don't get
any other time of the
year. This Christmas
we'll be having din-
ner with friends.
SGT Jerry Ruth- Be-
cause of the Lord we
don't have to die
(spiritually) any-
more. This year, we
will celebrate with
some brethren of our
church. We'll get
together and remember
the true meaning of
sadness or loneliness. Yet many people experience
these feelings and then feel guilty or angry at
themselves for not feeling the way everyone else
seems to.
The holidays are a time of great expectation
and if we expect too much of ourselves , and others,
we can set ourselves up for disappointment. With
unrealistic expectations, we may build up the hol-
idays so much that there is no possible way for
them to be as good as we anticipate.
Sometimes people compound the difficulty by be-
coming hard-pressed financially at this time of
year. They worry about having enough presents or
expensive gifts. But remember that a gift given
in warmth is more appreciated than a gift given
out of obligation or fear of appearing less gen-
erous than others.
We asked four shoppers to tell us what makes
Christmas special for them and what they will be
doing on this particular day.
Judy Lewin-My child-
ren make it special.
They get excited
waiting for Santa
Claus. My eldest
child knows it's time
with the tree goes
up. This Christmas,
we have a new little
one who will keep us
busy. We'll have
dinner with friends.
Annette West - Being
with loved ones and
getting cards and
packages from someone
far away. This year,
my husband has in-
vited some friends
over. Even though
we're not family,
we'll make it a family
type thing.
THE WHITE FALCON 4s published weekly by the Ice- COMICEDEFOR
land Defense Force Public Affairs Office for Mil- Public Affairs Officer .CDR Dorothy J. Schmidt
itary and civilian personnel and their dependents stationed in Iceland. It is printed by the Naval Editorial Staff
Station Print Shop with appropriated funds per NAVSO P-35. Opinions expressed herein are not ne- Editor
cessarily those of IDF, DOD, or the U.S. Govern- Photographer
ment. The White Falcon office is located in Bldg. Layout/Reporter
936 on the NATO Base, Ext. 4612. Layout/Reporter .J03 Elizabeth Rathbone
December 21, 1984 The White Falcon