The White Falcon - 22.02.1985, Side 4
FYI CFor your information)
Ski trip to Skaiafell
The Tour Office will be offer-
ing bus trips to Skaiafell on
Sunday, 24 February 1985.
Busses for the ski trips will
depart from the parking lot in
front of the Viking Mall at 9
a.m. Persons wishing to sign up
for the bus trips must do so in
person no later than 1 p.m. on
the Friday before the trip.
PTO Toy and Book sale
The A.T. Mahan Elementary
School Parent-Teacher Organiza-
tion is having a Used Book and
Toy Sale (for "kids" of all
ages) on Saturday, February 23
from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in
the multi-purpose room at the
elementary school. Donations
are needed! The PTO is looking
for books, toys, games, comics,
puzzles and computer brochures -
in good, clean condition. The
drop-off point for all items is
the elementary school main of-
fice any time during school
hours. If you are interested
in helping, please contact June
Fraim at 4452 or Anne Gwinn at
7867. Proceeds from the Book
and Toy Fair will purchase much-
needed computer software for use
by all students in grades 2-6.
Congratulations to John M.
and Andrea L. Keegan. They are
now the parents of a baby girl.
Jennifer Alison was born on Dec-
ember 18 at 6:27 p.m.
Robert J. and Michelle Beaudry
are proud to announce the arriv-
al of their new son. He was
born on February 8 at 10:40 p.m.
His name is Dustin Cane.
Great Chili Cook-Off
How's your home-made chili?
Why not let NAVFAC's celebrity
judges find out. You could win
big money! First place winner
in this contest earns $75.00,
second place wins $35.00, and
third place wins $25.00. All it
takes is for you to cook your
special recipe, home-made chili
and enter. The contest will be
held at the Community Center,
Saturday, March 2, at 1200. The
entry fee is just $3.00. If you
have any questions concerning
contest rules, please contact
UT2 Ron Caldwell at 6108/4486 or
0TM2 Terry Stanaback at 7308 or
4486. They'll be happy to give
all of the info you need to be a
winner in the "Great American
Chili Cook-Off".
If you don't want to enter,
come on down to the Community
Center and sample some delicious
chili or have a hot dog or ice
cold soda.
Marine Promotions
The following Marines were
recognized for their outstand-
ing performance during the month
of January 1985 at a recent Pro-
motions/Awards Ceremony held on
February 1:
Promoted to Lance Corporal
William H. PRUITT
Richard T. RHODES
William D. SMITH
Promoted to Private First Class
Thomas S. KAROL
Michael D. MUNN
Michael S. TYLER
Dwayne A. WARD
Mitchell M. WOLFE
Craig M. and Diana K. Speh
are now the parents of a new
boy. Christopher Allen was born
February 9 at 4:21 p.m.
Received Letters of Appreciation
1st Lt. Gary G. KERN0P
Gunnery Sgt. Harold D. DAVIS
Icelandic Cheese tasting
The Commissary cordially in-
vites everyone to an Icelandic
Cheese Tasting Event on Febru-
ary 28 from 1 to 6:30 p.m. The
preparation will be conducted by
Osta-Og Smjorsalan, the Iceland-
ic Cheese and Butter Company.
This will give you a chance
to broaden your knowledge and
tastes, of various Icelandic
dairy products that the Commis-
ary carries.
Mind your Ps and Qs
er been admonished to “mind
your Ps and Qs” or, in other
words, to behave our best.
Oddly enough, “mind your Ps
and Qs” is derived from a
method of keeping books in
Seamen drank ale in tav-
erns, and the keepers of the
taverns would extend credit
until payday. The keepers kept
a tally of pints and quarts con-
sumed by each sailor on a
board behind the bar. Next to
each person’s name, a mark
was made under “P” for pint
or “Q” for quart whenever a
seaman ordered another
On payday, each seaman
was liable for each mark next
to his name, so he was forced
to “mind his Ps and Qs” or
get into financial trouble. To
ensure an accurate count by
unscrupulous keepers, sailors
had to keep their wits and re-
main somewhat sober. Sobrie-
ty usually ensured good behav-
ior, hence the meaning of
“mind your Ps and Qs.”
The White Falcon February 22, 1985