The White Falcon - 14.01.1972, Page 11
1968 Chevy convert., excel,
cond.. Call Marx, Ext. 5263/
1967 VW good cond., 4 new
snow tires, $950. Call Daugh-
erty, Ext. 5130/3238.
1966 Dodge Dart V8, 4 sp.,
excel, cond., $925. Call Wil-
helm, Ext. 8543.
1966 Corvair conv., auto.,
$525. Call Wilhelm, Ext. 8543.
1965 VW, sunroof. Call Wil-
helm, Ext. 8543.
1964 Chevy II, 6 cyl. stand,
trans., 4 snow tires, new front
brakes, waterpump exhaust; prim-
Iered for painting. Call Aron,
^MAC to receive
nine Aeromedical
Jet Transports
Military Airlift Command is
getting nine C-9 "Nightingale"
Aeromedical Jet Transports. The
original 12 aircraft order was
completed in December, 1969.
The aircraft is a specially
designed model of the DC-9 com-
mercial jetliner, outfitted as a
flying hospital ward. It cam
carry up to 40 patients on lit-
ters , or a combination of litter
patients and ambulatory patients
in regular sets.
The Nightingale is used to
airlift patients between ports of
entry from overseas and military
hospitals for specialized treat-
ment and to transfer recuperating
patients to facilities near their
Sony TC-230 tape recorder w/
speakers & mics, $130.; 220 v.
Icelandic electric iron, $5;
220 v. Icelandic electric hair-
dryer. $5. Call Daughtery, Ext.
2 pr. Coral lined drapes, cus-
tom made, $70; 2 Air Force Gar-
rison hats, sz. 7 1/4. Call Bay-
er, Ext. 8364.
Pentax Spotmatic w/35, 55,
135 mm lenses; Soligar 85-230
zoom; 5 asst, filters; cases etc.
all like new; $400. Call Weeks,
Ext. 8225 after 5.
Baby bassinet, used 2 mo.,
$12. Call Aron, Ext. 4267 after
5 p.m.
4 reg. tires, 6:45X14; 2 snow
tires, 6:95X14; all white walls;
$10 ea. Call Albright, Ext.
Baby carriage, European style,
good cond.. Call Marx, Ext.
School lunch menu
Students at A.T. Mahan will be
offered the following lunches
next week:
• Monday — Grilled cheese
sandwich, soup, juice, pineapple
chunks and milk.
• Tuesday — Ham salad sand,
w/lettuce, soup, juice, fruit
pudding and milk.
• Wednesday — Hot dogs,soup,
fruit juice, Scooter Pie and
• Thursday — Luncheon meat
sand, w/lettuce, soup, Hawaiian
punch, ice cream and milk.
• Friday — Hamburgers w/rel-
ish, soup, asst, juices, fruit
cocktail and milk.
Old or used Christmas cards,
will be used by charitable organi-
zation in Reykjavik. Send to
AFIDOK by messenger envelope. For
info., call Grandmason, Ext.
2-3 bdrm. house in Kef. area
for end of Feb. or in March. Call
Scottow, Ext. 8288/8710.
Homes for 4 7-week-old kit-
tens. Call Dison, Ext. 8362.
2-3 bdrm. apt. in Keflavik
area, in Feb. Call Mattison, Ext
Apt. in Kef. or Njar. area
immed. Call Holman, Ext. 8190 or
Guest House.
Refrig. & transformers. Call
Swails, Ext. 8506.
5 ft. sofa, 2 end tables, cof-
fee table, dbl. bed w/headboard..
■Call Fisher, Ext. 2121 days.
1-2 bdrm. apt in Kef. area for
March or April. Call Ordine, Ext
Transformers. Call Purdue,
Ext. 7100.
1 bdrn. furn. apt. in Kef. or
Njar. area for Feb. 1. * Call
Preston, Ext. 3286/5101.
Promotion dates from Aug.
advancements are nearing
Sailors who earned their pro-
motions in the August exams can
expect definite promotion dates
this month.
The Bureau of Personnel had
delayed setting the dates because
of the chances of unavailable
funds, but those personnel con-
cerned should receive their defi-
nite dates in upcoming Plans of
the Day.