Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.04.2014, Blaðsíða 21

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.04.2014, Blaðsíða 21
Step into the Viking Age Experience Viking-Age Reykjavík at the new Settlement Exhibition. The focus of the exhibition is an excavated longhouse site which dates from the 10th century ad. It includes relics of human habitation from about 871, the oldest such site found in Iceland. Multimedia techniques bring Reykjavík’s past to life, providing visitors with insights into how people lived in the Viking Age, and what the Reykjavík environment looked like to the first settlers. The exhibition and museum shop are open daily 10–17 Aðalstræti 16 101 Reykjavík / Iceland Phone +(354) 411 6370 sushisamba Þingholtsstræti 5 101 Reykjavík Tel 568 6600 Laugavegur HverfisgataL æ kj ar ga ta Sk ól as tr æ ti Þ in g ho lt ss tr æ ti Skólavörðust. Amtmannsstígur In g ó lf ss tr æ ti Lækjar- torg Our kitchen is open 17.00–23.00 sun.–thu. 17.00–24.00 fri.–sat. Amazing 6 course menu Starts with a shot of the Icelandic national spirit “Brennivín“ Arctic char with cucumber andcoriander Smoked puffin with yuzu mayo Minke whale with celeriac purée Reindeer burger with portobello mushroom Icelandic free range lamb fillet with cinnamon potato And to end on a high note .... “Skyr“ panna cotta with white chocolate and raspberry sorbet 6.990 kr. A unique Icelandic Feast 21 Words Sindri Eldon Put Yourself Into A Horse Benedikt Erlingsson’s Hross Í Oss (“Of Horses And Men”) Film Still from 'Of Horses and Men' REVIEW For all of Iceland’s cinematic history, a tendency has prevailed to portray rural Iceland as a base and hateful place, in- habited by a crude, simple folk of few words and many vices, a place whose stark natural beauty is tempered only by the ugly depression endemic to its populace. While I can’t exactly disagree with the factual accuracy of this as- sessment, it sure as hell becomes a tired cinematic trope the eightieth time or so that you sit through two hours of it. So imagine my surprise when Hross Í Oss* bravely attempts to mount this severely beaten and thoroughly dead horse, and actually succeeds in making the carcass seem fresh. ‘Carcass’ is a word I would, in fact, closely associate with Hross Í Oss. We see a few of them in it, and never is one of them shown with quite enough dig- nity to refer to it as a ‘body.’ The film is, essentially, a series of short, sharp vi- gnettes, each one focussing on one or more resident of an unnamed Icelan- dic valley, and each one involving one or more horses. Said vignettes usually end in gruesome injury and/or death, alternately human and equine, all of it senseless and caused by stupidity, pride and negligence. Rather than try to anthropomor- phise the horses in any sentimental way, the humans are instead ani- malised, as if their physical closeness to and dependence upon nature has brought them closer to it, in both form and function; an admittedly simplistic theme, I suppose, but certainly not ob- jectionably so. The confrontational per- niciousness of human nature and moti- vation is unflinchingly contrasted with the valley’s horses and their... well, their horse-ness. I mean, they’re horses. They’re just going to do horse things. But the film pays careful attention to them, too, attempting (sometimes suc- cessfully, sometimes not) to turn the horses’ passive nature into a tangible thing, an element that is as much a part of Erlingsson’s mise-en-scène as any camera frame or angle. Furthermore, every major character relates far better to the film’s horses than to each other. The horses are where they deposit their emotional bur- dens, inadvertently exposing the true natures and personalities of the people around them, and bearing mute witness to every character study as the humans show their best and worst sides. They quarrel, celebrate, fail, succeed and die as the horses and the camera watches impassively. Despite its generally morbid sub- ject matter, there is a veneer of bleak humour to it all, delivered with a dis- tinctly Central European drab, club- like simplicity. There is a total absence of tearjerker performances, soul- wrenching denouements or melodra- ma of any kind in Hross Í Oss, and it is one of the film’s foremost strengths, in my opinion. Tales are told with care- fully cast faces, written into Ingvar Sig- urðsson’s awkward sensitivity, Char- lotte Bøving’s gently lusting eyes and Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir’s stern disap- proval. The film’s few conversations are tersely banal, while veteran cin- ematographer Bergsteinn Björgúlfs- son’s ever-excellent work similarly emphasizes the negative spaces of Iceland’s wilderness rather than mas- turbating any obvious landmarks. The film is occasionally marred by an overzealous need to force-feed us with its message of how ‘we’re all really animals,’ and ‘how do we look through a horse’s eyes?’ Gratuitous close-ups literally show the horses’ eyes reflecting the world around them, and the mating rituals of horses and humans alike are closely intertwined in Hross Í Oss’s sole central storyline, to the point where the overt symbolism and parallels began to annoy me slightly. Nevertheless, Hross Í Oss is a com- petently and confidently put-together little film, a minor triumph whose strengths are as silent and hidden as that of its cast of characters, both two and four-legged. It is bold, unassum- ing, honest and occasionally horrifying, but never delivering more nor less than what it promises: a simple film about simple folk and their horses. *You’ll notice that I’m refraining from using the English translation of the title, as it is awful, and whoever thought of it should have their head examined (or just hire a translator the next time—my rates are very reasonable). “Despite its generally morbid subject matter, there is a veneer of bleak humour to it all, delivered with a distinctly Central European drab, club-like simplicity.”


Reykjavík Grapevine

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