Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.04.2014, Blaðsíða 36

Reykjavík Grapevine - 04.04.2014, Blaðsíða 36
A R T OPENINGS AND ONGOING Apr. 4 - May 8 How to use the listings: Venues are listed alphabetically by day. For complete listings and detailed information on venues visit www. Send us your listings to: Opening ART 67 The Order In Chaos Artist Sigurbjörg “Sibba” Einisdót- tir plays with the contrasts found in Icelandic nature, where complete stillness and utter chaos coexist. Opens April 12 Runs until April 30 Artótek Lestur/Reading Guðrún Kristjánsdóttir displays a mixture of recent and older artwork that relate to reading in various ways, like a painting that recites an old verse from the first of the Poetic Edda Völuspá: Áminning um von. Opens May 2 Runs until June 1 ASÍ Art Gallery Things Guðmundur Thoroddsen spent some time thinking 'bout things. The things on display are pure eye candy and only exist to stimulate the viewer’s vi- sual senses, which they might betray. Opens April 12 Runs until May 11 i8 Gallery A Portrait Of A Sculptor As A Sculpture, With A Sculpture By The Sculptor Hreinn Friðfinnsson's new video instal- lation show has quite possibly the most meta exhibition name of the year. Opens April 5 Runs until April 26 The Nordic House SJÄLÖ 9 This interdisciplinary scientific-art group exhibits pieces on otherness and exclusion, inspired by a Finnish quarantine island. Opens April 5 Runs until April 27 Reykjavík Art Museum - Hafnarhús Icelandic Academy Of Art’s Annual Graduation Show The 66 graduating BA students from the Department of Fine Art and the Department of Design and Architec- ture unveil their final projects to the public. Opens April 26 Runs until May 11 SÍM Irrational Research Þórdís Erla Zoëga asks herself what else could be out there in the uni- verse. The theme of her visual art ex- hibition is her interest in undiscovered organisms and the theory of evolution. Opens April 4 Runs until April 23 The Reykjavík Museum Of Photography Nightlight In Skotið Henning Kreitel’s photo exhibition 'Nightlight in Skotið' is inspired by the architectural structure of the old city centre of Reykjavík. As such, Reykja- vík is characterized by gaps of unused space letting light interact with shapes and colors which were captured by Henning. Opens on May 2 Runs until June 24 Týsgallerí Heimir Björgúlfsson LA-based artist Heimir Björgúlfsson ex- hibits his recent artwork consisting of photorealistic and popartsy collages and paintings at Týsgallerí. Opens April 17 Runs until May 11 Wind and Weather Gallery Still Life? Ragnheiður Káradóttir composed a mixed media art installation, in which she has a transcendent approach and looks at her work as a dialogue between infinite subconscious states that are interacting non-verbally. Opens May 1 Runs until June 30 Museum of Design and Applied Art Kosmos Dew is a growing group of Icelandic product designers who work with international manufacturers. Dew's designs have a strong link to Icelandic heritage, seeking inspiration in Ice- land's diverse landscapes and history of traditional craftsmanships. Opens March 26 Runs until June 8 Spark Design Space Project East: Inspiration The project investigates the influence of East Iceland on art, making use of its natural resources, traditions, new and old methods and human resourceful- ness. Opens March 26 Runs until May 17 Ongoing Árbær Museum A guided tour in English through this open air museum, which consists of twenty buildings, happens daily at 13:00. Admission 1,100 ISK. On permanent view ASÍ Art Gallery Fragment, Fracture, Fold, Violation Anna Jóelsdóttir’s exhibition reflects on society's practice of creating personal narratives from memory which inevita- bly lead to interpretations and misinter- pretations of human interaction. Runs until May 18 The Culture House An exhibit showcasing principal me- dieval manuscripts, such as Codices Regii of the Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, law codices and Christian works, and the Icelandic Sagas. On permanent view Child Of Hope - Youth And Jón Sig- urðsson Exploring the life of Icelandic national hero Jón Sigurðsson, made especially accessible to children, families and school groups. On permanent view Millennium - Phase One A selection of pieces from the collec- tion of the National Gallery, including a variety of works by Icelandic artists in the last two centuries. On permanent view The Library Room The old reading room of the National Library displays books of Icelandic cultural history dating from the 16th century to the present day. On permanent view The Einar Jónsson Museum The museum contains close to 300 artworks including a beautiful garden with 26 bronze casts of the artist's sculptures. On permanent view Hafnarborg ShopShow Shop Show displays new Scandinavian design focusing on sustainability and exploring the designer’s role as a key player within the evolution of an in- novative community. Runs until May 11 Fancy Cake In The Sun Kunstschlager | Mar. 22 to Apr. 20 | Free! Complex Eco-Friendly Kid's Drawing Ingirafn Steinsson and Unndór Egill Jónsson’s collaboration Ingirafn Steinsson and Unndór Egill Jónsson present their dreamy vision of how tools in a far-removed future are no longer mass produced, but hand-made in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way, and knowledge is passed on in a more fluid and organic manner than what we’ve grown accustomed to. What could pass for simplistic art is in fact the result of a refined reflexion. Hopefully it won’t take an apocalypse or two to reach their vision, because it is an aesthetically pleasing one to behold. FQL ila-HÖNNUN 17:00 - 21:00 HAPPY HOUR Draft Beer from: 500.-kr Red Wine / White Wine from: 750.-kr %UDYy/DXJDYHJXU 5H\NMDYLN GRÓFARHÚS 6th Floor Tryggvagata 15, 101 Reykjavik Opening Hours: Mon–Thu 12–19 Fridays 12–18, Weekends 13–17 Reykjavik Museum of Photography ADMISSION FREE “One of the 10 best free museums in Europe” – The Guardian/Travel


Reykjavík Grapevine

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