Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.07.2014, Qupperneq 6

Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.07.2014, Qupperneq 6
6 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 1 — 2011 Best Love-Hate Relationship: The Progressive Party & The Media Ever since the Progressives came to pow- er (again) barely over a year ago, they and the media have been locked in a tempes- tuous symbiosis so strong you can hardly imagine the one surviving without the other anymore. The Progressives will, depending on when you talk to them, either accuse the media of “bullying”—a word they may be deliberately overus- ing to sap it of all meaning—or person- ally thank them for getting them seats on Reykjavík city council for all the negative press they got. We the media, in turn, en- sure that they never stop getting any at- tention. Why would we? It’s worked out well for both of us. Best Animal Story: Hunter The Lost Dog It’s no secret that we love animal sto- ries here, and this one was pretty epic. Hunter is an American border collie that somehow extricated himself from his travel pen on a conveyor belt at Keflavík International Airport and made a break for it. Hunter’s owners offered a 200,000 ISK finder’s fee and Icelandair have promised two plane tickets to the person who delivered the dog back to the air- port. For days you couldn’t scroll through an Icelandic news website without seeing those big, doleful eyes looking up at you. Amazingly, Hunter made it all the way to Þórshöfn, a few hours’ drive from the airport, where he was found completely unharmed. There was even a video of the owner-and-dog reunion. In a news cycle where animal stories include harpooned whales and castrated pigs, this was a heart-warming reprieve. Best Comedy Gold Mine: Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson Remember that love-hate relationship? Part of the “love” part is that Iceland has for a Prime Minister a man who will in- vent or (more charitably) confuse the facts, sometimes citing specific figures without any evidence for his claims, seemingly unaware that there are people listening to him, some of whom might check up on whether what he says is true or not. Sigmundur Davíð doesn’t possess the political savvy to re-word or back- pedal when proven wrong; instead, he lashes out at his critics for the crime of criticising him. A few days later and the cycle begins anew. A public figure this consistently wrong would be more amus- ing if they weren’t actually leading the country. But hey, you take your comedy where you can get it. Best Reason To Hate This Country: The Ministry of the Interior The case of Tony Omos is the kind of thing that makes “only in Iceland” come to mind. There are government ministers in Nordic countries who have resigned over using the wrong credit card or get- ting a friend a low-level NGO position. Not Iceland! Here, you could keep your job as the head of a ministry despite be- ing subjected to a criminal investigation, with police searching computers and phones until they find that at least one of your direct assistants is strongly suspect- ed of having deliberately fabricated dis- paraging claims about an asylum seeker, written them up as memo, and then hand-fed that memo to select members of the press. Why? Because that’s Iceland. Best International Mis- reporting On Iceland: Gálgahraun We would be the first to admit that even we play up certain stereotypes about Ice- land and Icelanders, but this story is a perfect illustration of sacrificing the ac- tual news for the sake of said stereotypes. The Gálgahraun Lava Fields, a subject of paintings by legendary Icelandic artist Johannes Sveinsson Kjarval and legally protected in 2009, got slated to have a se- ries of residential roads carved through them last year. A few brave souls went to the site of planned construction and lay down in front of the machines, only to be dragged away by police, setting off a le- gal battle that has lasted half a year. The story abroad? They were trying to save elf homes from destruction. We can under- stand why the Gálgahraun story by itself might not be the stuff of international headlines, but add a little elf magic and presto! It’s a quirky story about quirky Icelanders being quirky! Best Basket For All The Eggs: Tourism Remember about ten years ago when we couldn’t stop writing about what an amazing financial miracle Iceland was? How it seemed like everybody and their grandmother was trading bonds or start- ing an investment company, the money was just going to keep on coming, and anyone who doubted our methods or stability was just a jealous hater? Happy days are here again! Only this time, the people giving us money are coming here, too. Time and again, the rush of one com- pany or group of landowners to capital- ise as much as they can off of tourists is met by other Icelanders who warn that maybe we’re getting too greedy. Those people, my friend, are jealous haters. Best Whale-Related Story: Hvalabjór Sure, the current back-and-forth between the US and Iceland over whale hunting is intriguing, but the introduction of Hvalabjór—“whale beer”—seemed like it was deliber- ately calibrated for maximum rage inducing amongst anti-whalers. Re- plete with claims from the brewery that drinking the beer would make one “a true Viking” (and what does that even mean, by the way?), the “whale” in Hvalabjór was mostly dried and powdered whale bits in quantities so minute they likely had no effect on the f lavour whatsoever. This didn’t stop anyone from point- ing out that the whale bits may have been years old, or come from the less savoury parts of the whale. The Hva- labjór story took an issue that has been and is a very divisive one, for our readers included, and provided some much-needed and entertain- ing cartoonishness of oblivious self- parody. Best Public Figure: Jón Gnarr Big surprise here, eh? Still, it would be deliberately obtuse to ignore Jón Gnarr’s impact. The media has fol- lowed his political career from com- edy-as-protest in the form of sati- rising the self-aggrandising nature of politics, to a politician (although Jón himself would almost assur- edly disagree with the job title) in the scope of international focus. He has continued to represent the bet- ter nature of our country—its toler- ance, friendliness and individual- ity—while maintaining his humility. Even though he’s left city hall after just one term, bear in mind that he’s the first mayor of Reykjavík to even last a whole term in the past 30 years or so. Whether he makes another run at politics again or not, Jón Gnarr has definitely been one of the most refreshing public figures Iceland has had in a very long time. Best Of The News Words by Paul Fontaine In reviewing the past year in news, you will see certain pat- terns emerge: certain public figures, events and topics that seem to ignite social media and office break room conversa- tions for days, weeks or even months. Arguments are had, alliances are formed, and people are unfriended over these very stories. These are news trends that never really go away; they just change form and come back to pay repeated visits, for better or for worse. Let Grapevine take you back over the past year to savour the delectable banquet that is the very best the news has had to offer. Best of | News reservations: +354 575 7575 PLEASED TO MEAT YOU! HAMB URGER FACT ORY TH E ICE"N DIC Hungry? Go to THE food spread in the info section The Hamburger Factory is Iceland's most beloved gourmet burger chain! Our 15 square and creative burgers are made from top-quality Icelandic beef and would love to "meat" you. Visit Iceland’s largest art museum Reykjavík Art Museum HAFNARHÚS TRYGGVAGATA 17 / 101 RVK ÁSMUNDARSAFN SIGTÚN / 105 RVK KJARVALSSTAÐIR FLÓKAGATA / 105 RVK Guided tours in English every week Thursdays at 6 p.m. – Hafnarhús Fridays at 1 p.m. – Kjarvalsstaðir Open daily One admission to three museums 2014 summer exhibitions – 120 years of Icelandic art Hörður Ágústsson, 1975. Ragnar Kjartansson, God, 2007. 6 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 0 — 2014
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