Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.07.2014, Síða 26

Reykjavík Grapevine - 18.07.2014, Síða 26
26 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 1 — 2011 The International Organ Summer in Hallgrímskirkja 2014 June 14 – August 17 Hallgrimskirkja's Friends of the Arts Society 32nd season 3\UJO[PTLJVUJLY[Z VU>LKULZKH`ZH[UVVU >LLRLUKJVUJLY[Z :H[\YKH`H[UVVUHUK:\UKH`H[WT^P[OPU[LYUH[PVUHSJVUJLY[VYNHUPZ[Z :JOVSHJHU[VY\T 19. 6. 12 noon Helga Þórdís Guðmundsdóttir, Víðistaðarkirkja/Iceland 26. 6. 12 noon Guðmundur Sigurðsson, Hafnarfjarðarkirkja/Iceland 3. 7. 12 noon Kári Allansson, Háteigskirkja & Anna Jónsdóttir soprano, Reykjavík/Iceland 10. 7. 12 noon Steingrímur Þórhallsson, Neskirkja & Hallveig Rúnarsdóttir, soprano, Reykjavík 17. 7. 12 noon Sigrún Magna Þórsteinsdóttir, Akureyrarkirkja/Iceland 24. 7. 12 noon Jón Bjarnason, Skálholt Cathedral/Iceland 31. 7. 12 noon Stéphane Rigat, orgel & Olivier Gillet trumpet, Marseille/France 7. 8. 12 noon Eyþór Ingi Jónsson, Akureyrarkirkja/Iceland 14. 8. 12 noon Gunnar Gunnarsson, Fríkirkjan í Reykjavík/Iceland 3\UJO[PTLJVUJLY[Z VU;O\YZKH`ZH[UVVU Hallgrímskirkja, Skólavörðuholti, 101 Reykjavík Sími / tel.: +354 510 1000, fax: +354 510 1010 - 14.6. 12 noon Björn Steinar Sólbergsson, Hallgrímskirkja Reykjavík 15.6. 5 pm Björn Steinar Sólbergsson, Hallgrímskirkja Reykjavík 21.6. 12 noon Hannfried Lucke, Lichtenstein- Salzburg/Austurríki 22.6. 5 pm Hannfried Lucke, Lichtenstein- Salzburg/ Austurríki 28.6. 12 noon Pétur Sakari, Helsinki, Finnland/ Finland 29.6. 5 pm Pétur Sakari, Helsinki, Finnland/ Finland 5.7. 12 noon Thierry Escaich, París Frakkland / France 6.7. 5 pm Thierry Escaich, París Frakkland / France 12.7. 12 noon Andreas Meisner, Altenberg Þýskaland / Germany 13.7. 5 pm Andreas Meisner, Altenberg Þýskaland / Germany 19.7. 12 noon Alessandro Bianchi, Cantu, Ítalía/ Italy 20.7. 5 pm Alessandro Bianchi, Cantu Ítalía/ Italy 26.7. 12 noon Lára Bryndís Eggertsdóttir Reykjavík, Ísland/ Iceland 27.7. 5 pm Lára Bryndís Eggertsdóttir Reykjavík, Ísland/ Iceland 2.8. 12 noon Maurice Clerc, Dijon Frakkland / France 3.8. 5 pm Maurice Clerc, Dijon Frakkland / France 9.8. 12 noon Eyþór Franzson Wechner, Ísland/ Iceland 10.8. 5 pm Eyþór Franzson Wechner, Ísland / Iceland 16.8. 12 noon Axel Flierl , Dillingen, Þýskaland/ Germany 17.8. 5 pm Axel Flierl , Dillingen, Þýskaland/ Germany Reykjavík Institutions Aka ‘The Untouchables’ We came up with a solution that would give us a chance to honour some of the perennial local favou- rites while still giving props to new and exciting places. We simply made a category that we call REYKJAVÍK INSTITUTIONS. What makes a ‘REYKJAVÍK IN- STITUTION’? By our definition, a ‘REYKJAVÍK INSTITUTION’ is a place or entity that’s time and time again proven itself as one of the best of its kind, and has remained a must-visit through the years. When achieving INSTITUTION status, an establish- ment is automatically disqualified from winning any ‘best of’ categories, because you’re beyond being ‘best,’ having been all consistently awesome for a long, long time. A REYKJAVÍK INSTITUTION is a must-visit for tourists to Reykjavík. A REYKJAVÍK INSTITUTION will retain its status as such until it starts sucking, in which case we will ceremoniously remove them from our list next year. Without further ado, here are our REYKJAVÍK INSTITUTIONS, along with some choice reader and special- ist quotes that argue their status: Kaffibarinn “Despite some ups and downs, Kaf- fibarinn has remained the undisput- ed reigning champion of Reykjavík nightlife and drinking for well over a decade. They are a true nightlife insti- tution.” Bæjarins bestu “Everyone goes there. All the time. For over 70 years now. Not exactly gourmet dining, but a really freaking great snack nonetheless.” Ísbúð vesturbæjar “It’s hard to explain the charm to out- siders, just tell them to go there. The ever-present queue speaks for itself.” Hornið “For a restaurant to remain so consis- tently on top of its game for over thirty years is one huge achievement. They are cosy, dependable and ever-tasty.” Mokka “They brought ‘coffee’ to Iceland, pretty much”. Tíu dropar “Quintessentially Icelandic in every way. The coffee, the cake, the vibe. If I were to point a visiting friend to ‘the essence of Iceland,’ this is where I would send him.” Kolaportið “If Kolaportið weren’t around, we’d need to establish it immediately, lest we vanish back to the dark ages of commerce.” Bókin – Bókabúð Braga “It’s hard to imagine Reykjavík with- out it. So let’s not.” Brynja “This neighbourhood hardware store almost predates Laugavegur, and they always serve you with a smile (and don’t mind throwing in some good ad- vice when needed).” Austur-Indía félagið “Probably your safest bet for fine din- ing in Iceland, period.” Jómfrúin “This Danish ‘smørrebrød’ house pro- vides a unique atmosphere and taste you won’t find elsewhere in town... or in the world for that matter.” Prikið “Serving old men their morning cof- fee since way back, and somehow combining that with serving beer and hip hop to young folks since the late ‘90s. And burgers. And milkshakes. A one of a kind place with spirit and soul.” Sundhöll Reykjavíkur “The Guðjón Samúelsson designed Sundhöll Reykjavíkur with its maze of locker rooms is a beautiful build- ing, and the nude sunbathing facili- ties, soothing hot pots and an atmo- sphere that has remained relatively unchanged since the 1930s all add to its appeal. While some of Reykjavík’s other pools might offer more diver- sity, Sundhöll Reykjavíkur remains a unique and enduring local favourite.” Feel like we missed one? Drop us a line at explaining why a given place should be merited INSTITUTION status, and we shall consider it for our 2014 edition! Through compiling our second annual best of list back when, we reached the conclusion that some of these places are so firmly established as local favourites that naming them “best of” anything is sort of redundant. Furthermore, we thought having to compete with local favourites was almost unfair to all the new places trying to make their name. There will only ever be one Ísbúð Vesturbæjar, and it will probably remain Reykjavík’s fa- vourite ice cream joint for as long as they don’t mess up horribly. That shouldn’t mean we can’t get excited and dish out props to other ice cream vendors. sushisamba Þingholtsstræti 5 • 101 Reykjavík Tel 568 6600 • Laugavegur HverfisgataL æ kj ar ga ta Sk ól as tr æ ti Þ in g ho lt ss tr æ ti Skólavörðust. Amtmannsstígur In g ó lf ss tr æ ti Lækjar- torg Our kitchen is open 17.00–23.00 sun.–thu. 17.00–24.00 fri.–sat. Amazing 6 course menu Starts with a shot of the Icelandic national spirit “Brennivín“ Arctic char with cucumber andcoriander Smoked puffin with yuzu mayo Minke whale with celeriac purée Reindeer burger with portobello mushroom Icelandic free range lamb fillet with cinnamon potato And to end on a high note .... “Skyr“ panna cotta with white chocolate and raspberry sorbet 6.990 kr. A unique Icelandic Feast 26 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 10 — 2014


Reykjavík Grapevine

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