The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 08.08.1986, Blaðsíða 6

The White Falcon - 08.08.1986, Blaðsíða 6
Stopping smoking: a success story AFNS— Why stop smoking? Being tired of the habit was reason enough for MSgt. Victor VanLoan, assistant flight chief with the 318th Fighter- Interceptor Squadron at McChord AFB, Washington. The sergeant said he was tired of his many sore throats, colds and viruses. He was tired of burning holes in his clothes, tired of smelling tobacco smoke in his home, and tired of feeling he had no energy. A smoker for 20 years, Sgt. VanLoan decided to quit smoking while being treated for a sinus infec- tion at the base clinic. ‘The doctor suggested I join a smoking cessation class starting in a week,' he said. "The class taught me how to cope with the frus- trations of stopping smoking. The main thing I learned was that you have to be willing to stop smoking and you have to want to stop smoking." Capt. Elizabeth N. Smith, health promotion coor- dinator and in charge oFthe base's smoking cessa- tion program, said the four-week program consists of twice-weekly one-hour sessions. 'We combine the use of .nicotine resin gum with a special support group program, taking care of the physiological and psychological dependencies of smokers,' said Capt. Smith. ‘We also give partici- pants a list of additional local support resources.' According to Sergeant VanLoan, program partici- pants had the freedom of adapting procedures to suit themselves. 'The program suggested that some of the smokers cut down the number of cigarettes smoked per day. I just went cold turkey; it was the hardest thing I've ever done," he said. "When the going gets rough people need things to help them.' he explained. 'The group offers the support they need. And.the program teaches them to understand their habit and offers techniques to help them substitute other behaviors for smoking.' The sergeant was taught that smokers react differently to quitting smoking. 'For instance,' he said, 'some people get the shakes. I coughed and coughed. Some people gain weight. I gained seven pounds, which the program helped me lose." During the first two weeks of the program, Sgt. VanLoan was tempted by other smokers to start smoking again. 'Now, when I'm around a smoker the smoke burns my throat and make me nauseous," he said. The Sergeant advises people who don’t smoke to not start. "Today a smokfng habit is a liability," he said. 'Years ago smoking was the thing to do, but by the year 2000, I believe smokers are going to be in a difficult position. "I quit smoking because I was tired of it and the grip smoking had on my life. As a former smoker I don't know anything good I could say about smoking except, 'I quit." SMOKING smart! 6 The White Falcon August 8, 1986


The White Falcon

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