The White Falcon

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The White Falcon - 12.06.1987, Qupperneq 2

The White Falcon - 12.06.1987, Qupperneq 2
Home employment what's the risk ??? In support of the intent of section 806 of Public Law 99-M5 (DoD Authorization Act, 1986) to' Increase employment opportunities for military spouses, private commercial enterprises are permitted in Military Family Housing (MFH) within certain guidelines. Applications to operate private commercial enterprises (such as tailoring/dressmaking, tax form preparation, etc.) in MFH must be made in writing to the installation commander or designee, via the Housing Office. The request must be approved in advance of starting the operation. The Housing Office will ensure that occupants are aware of all requirements to be met prior to the conduct of any enterprise. Overseas Status of Forces Agreements, potential government liabilities and host-country business practices should be taken into account as each request is considered. Legal advice must be sought if doubt exists concerning these issues. In no case will activities be authorized or continued at the expense of military community tranquility or safety. Home business combines risks and adventures Do you get up early and find yourself at work while others are 3till getting up? Do you check your bank statement as soon as it comes in? As a kid, did you have a paper route or sell lemonade? Do you trust your hunches and find it easy to make decisions? Do you keep new Ideas in your head and do you remember people's names and faces? Can you separate your home environment from your work environment even when they're one and the same? If you can answer yes to many of these questions, you may have what it takes to start a business from your home, according to small business experts. The booklet, "Starting and Managing a Business from Your Home," points out the advantages and disadvantages of home businesses, and will help decide the product, how to sell it, to whom and for how much. It also has information on establishing a business, keeping records, laws and taxes. The phrase "cottage industry" could be changed to "spare room industry" when speaking of businesses in the home. Homemakers, hobbyists, retirees, moonlighters and the disabled are a few of the groups attached to working out of the spare room. And the businesses can range from raising honey bees to making dolls to computer programming, typing services, catering, tutoring, photography, market research, you name it. Most home businesses are started by one person deciding that he or she (women are five times as likely to start this type venture) has something to sell that does not require a separate shop or office. First, an assessment of skills and capital is necessary. Your family may have less money currently because vou have left a job or because money that had gone into fun things in the past is now going into the business. The Small Business Administration booklet advises of the possibility of legal and professional accounting advice as well as knowing the existing competition in your field of interest. For your copy of the booklet, send $1.75 to Department 146R, Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, Colo. 81009.___________________________ Tie mte fafcem is an authorized, government - funded weekly publication of the Iceland Defense Force Public Affairs Office for members of the Defense Force. Contents of 71# M ft* AJkM are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense or the Iceland Defense Force. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, physical handicap, or any other nonmerit factor. 71# Vhit* Ftiemm is located in building 936, tel. ext. 4612/4332 and printed by the NAS Keflavik Print Shop. Deadline for news/information is close of business Thursday. COM ICEDEPOP..........Rear Admiral Eric A. McVadon Public Affairs Officer........Lt.Cmdr. W.D. Barron Assistant PAO.....................Fridthor Kr. Eyda/ Public Affiars Yeoman...............YN3 Mike Bah lire Editorial Staff A dvisor..........................JOC John Petersen Editor............................JOE Kerry Honore Reporter/L ayout.......................JOE Ed Baker Reporter..........................JOE Chi quit a Land Sports Reporter from NBS............J03 Jeff Briden Photographer..................PH3 Patricia Foraker Photographic Support.. .Fleet Imaging Facility Atlantic 2 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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