The White Falcon


The White Falcon - 26.02.1988, Side 6

The White Falcon - 26.02.1988, Side 6
NOCF following the fronts (Top photo) A63 Lee P. Anderson makes changes to the upper level wind Indicators for Weathervision on Channel 2 after receiving changes over a teleprinter. (Photo at top right) A61 B. ‘Willy* Williams takes the most recent synoptic data received and plots isobars on a surface weather chart for use in preparing his weather briefings. (Bottom photo) AG3 Patricia A. Burns types a request for weather information on a tele- typewriter as more information comes up on the teleprinter. (Photos by J03 Andrew Karalis) *NQCF* continued from front page between the eastern coast of Canada and the Unit States,' said AGC Calvin L. Gar man, Command Chi and Operations Officer for NOCF. “In the states you have so many reporting stations that you can normally track a system and watch its charac- teristics. But once that thing leaves the east coast of North America you have very little data. The only data you actually have over the ocean area is the information that comes in from a few coastal places in Greenland, the ships at sea, and weather buoys." Even though NOCF lacks weather data coming across the Atlantic, “We can forecast the weather 24 to 36 hours with reasonable accuracy and give outlooks that are pretty reasonable up to about 96 hours," said AGC Garman. Recent improvements for NOCF include some new equipment, but most have been in the way of ASW oceanography. The improvements in new equipment headed to the weather side of NOCF will greatly improve their service to customers. One machine that is coming in will replace a few of the older machines and give them weather information they need almost instantly. This equipment could be used in the case of a commercial pilot requesting weather information from the duty forecaster vi radio for a particular area he's flying into. The Weather Office will also install some n equipment on the airfield called a seilometer. It measures the cloud base height, which is very 6 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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