The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 12.03.1993, Blaðsíða 3

The White Falcon - 12.03.1993, Blaðsíða 3
J Armed Forces News Briefs MASKEF recognizes outstanding stairwells W The new Stairwell of the Quarter program at Naval Air Station (NAS), Keflavfk, establishes a routine inspection program to recog- nize outstanding performance by residents who share responsibility for maintaining a common area. Winners are selected by a panel consisting of the NAS Command Master Chief (CMC), the Air Force Senior Enlisted Advisor, and the Iceland Defense Force CMC. Recognition will be given to each family in the stairwell selected as Stairwell of the Quarter. Housing areas affected include: Upper and Lower Commissary; Tree, Bird, Flower, Berry and “SP” housing (minus senior officers); and buildings 670 and 671. Call the Housing Office at ext 6123 for more information. SGLI reminder Washington, D. C. (NNS) — Active duty and reserve status service- members have until March 31 to increase their life insurance cover- age under the Serviceman’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI) program without proving good health. The maximum amount of coverage available under SGLI increased from $100,000 to $200,000 on Dec. 1,1992. Increasing coverage to the new, higher limit requires a total monthly premium of $16, up from $8 required for $100,000 coverage. Obtaining coverage above the automatic level of $100,000 will become more difficult or impossible for some individuals after March 31. After that date, the company underwriting SGLI for the military can require proof of good health before increasing coverage above $100,000. Interested personnel must complete form SGLV 8286, available at the Navy Personnel Support Detachment or at the Air Force Military Personnel flight. Call ext. 2116 (Navy) or ext. 7098 (Air Force) for Separation pay for civilians Washington, D. C. (AFNS) — Separation incentives and voluntary early retirement authority will be offered to civilians 30 to 60 days before any reduction in force announcements. The incentives will be used for selected occupations and locations in the Air Force and will be offered for resignation, early retirement or regular retirement. The number of involuntary separations avoided will depend on how many employees opt for the incentives. Depending on that number the Department of Defense could save more than $100 million over the next several years in payroll and separation costs, officials said. Answers to ‘Feedback’ questions — ing acc During recent editions of Navy Broadcast- Iing Service Detachement, Keflavflc’s “Feed- :k”, CAPT Charles T. Butler, Command- ig Officer, U.S. Naval Air Station (NAS), keflavflc, received numerous telephone calls with a variety of questions. Here are some of the answers to your questions: Question: Can we get the door by the Navy Federal Credit Union (NFCU) Auto- mated Teller Machine (ATM) open between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. so that we can use it? Answer: The NFCU’s ATM, located in the Viking Mall, must be secured between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. When there is no pedestrian traffic during these hours, the ATM is subject to vandalism at Viking Mall. The unsecured outer door has caused sev- eral problems. When NFCU employees re- ported to work Jan. 12, there was a 2 1/2 foot snowdrift inside the building. Had the outer door been secured, this would have been avoided. It also causes the building to be unnecessarily cold. A few weeks ago there was an incident of vandalism, in which the secured inner door prevented any possible damage to the ATM machine. All areas, except the club facilities, close prior to the securing of the inner door to the ATM. There is presently no real need for access to be made available 24-hours a day. check presented to the clubs will accom- sh the same as cash. Additionally, the TM machine in the lobby of the air terminal provides both U.S. and Icelandic currency. Question: Why are the new buses, that are equipped with safety features, not using them? Answer: Currently, the bus drivers use the flashing yellow hazard lights as a warning signal to drivers. The reason they do not use the flashing red lights or the pop-out stop sign with a flashing red light is because the Ice- landic Police have requested, in the past, that we do not use them, because they are not used off base and the Icelanders are not familiar with them. We are investigating to see if these safety features are in violation of Icelandic laws, and if not, we will consult with the Icelandic Police and start using them immediately. One possible problem will be the combina- tion of high winds and the flimsy pop-out stop signs attached to the sides of the busses. Question: I called Public Works to report water coming in the landing in the back of my building and that all repairs to upper and lower commissary have been canceled. Answer: Public Works Department in- vested thousands of dollars and considerable effort to prevent flooding after recent heavy snowfalls and the subsequent thaw. Unfortu- nately, in some places, small amounts of water ottered into common areas and stair- wells. No repairs or improvement work to Upper and Lower Commissary Housing has been canceled. In fact, there are moderniza- tion improvements and repair projects to improve building interiors and exteriors that are awaiting funding from higher authority. As a stop-gap measure we prepared a plan to remove sod and soil from the vicinity of the callers building (building 929) and a number of others with similar problems. This action will allow water to be diverted to storm drains. This work is being prioritized with all other important repair work for our 1322 family housing units. We have been agres- sive in seeking funding for the large moderni- zation projects and funding for a more com- prehensive maintenance contract. Question: Why can’t we smoke in hall- ways of our housing units? Answer: NAS, Keflavflc Instruction 5100.13A.5.C. dated Feb. 12, 1993, reads “Tobacco smoking will not be permitted in: auditoriums, conference rooms, office recep- tion areas, classrooms, libraries, gymnasi- ums and other public areas.” Stairwells and common areas in Family Housing are consid- ered public areas. Question: Could we move to the first floor of Upper Commissary or to a different hous- ing area? Answer: We accept requests for reloca- tions in the manner and for the reasons de- scribed in NASKEF instruction 11101.13G. These requests must be submitted and ap- proved by the requestor’s command and then directed to the Housing Director. Requests not covered by the standard categories of (cont’d on pg. 4) March 12,1993 3


The White Falcon

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