The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 19.03.1993, Síða 8

The White Falcon - 19.03.1993, Síða 8
Fitness center shapes up with new loolA Story and photo by J02 Carlos Bongioanni The base gym at Naval Air Station, Keflavfk, has undergone a transformation in recent days. The most noticeable change has been the opening of the cardio-vascular room and the conversion of the front entrance area into a lobby. For the past two years, the lobby func- tioned mainly as an exercise area, while one of the old racquetball courts was being turned into a cardio-vascular room. Now that the two areas are set up, the customers and staff at the gym are pleased with the new look. “It was very uncomfortable working out in the lobby,” said Danny Shaffer, a frequent visitor to the gym. “Every time somebody came through the front door, you’d get hit with a blast of cold air. The conditions back here (in the cardio-vascular room) are much more pleasant.” The new location of the cardio-vascular room isn’t the only improvement. Vince Ingram is one of many customers who appre- ciates the increased number of exercise machines available for use. “With this new set-up, there are no hassles with signing in and waiting for a machine to open up. I also like the atmosphere with the new and bigger television and ste- reo system,” said Ingram. According to MWR Athletic Di- rector Dan Bamthouse, the car- dio-vascular room will eventually consist of a maximum of six tread- mills, four bikes and three stair climbers. “The extra treadmills will replace some of the bikes we have now. They’ll be installed after we receive a back-order of new, more-durable running boards and other upgraded component parts,” said Bamthouse. Customers can also expect to benefit from the new lobby. “It’s a common area. People can use the area to take a break between workouts, get a drink or socialize with friends,” he added. “But, more importantly, it allows people to do what they’re supposed to do in this lobby - that is, change their shoes.” In related news, the gym has undergone other changes in the past two weeks. All four racquet- ball courts and the gym floor were refinished for the first time in three years. The floors will be ready for use by Monday. Vince Ingram and Sam Steinline make use of the gym's cardio-vascular room. A winning combination Exercise plus a proper diet! Racquetball challenge ladder top 20 list 1. Jay Morgan 11. Bruce Fatz 2. Charles Butler 12. Jose Gallardo 3. John Wyatt 13. Bob Lamneck 4. Dave Adams 14. Ken Soderberg 5. Arnold Vice 15. Robert Brunhoebcr 6. Roger Christian 16. Steve Nurre 7. Ronald Cooper 17. Bob Butters 8. Larry Blevins 18. Bill Conoscenti 9. Matt Manning 19. Tom Goodman 10. Tom Betro 20. Mark Catlin Anybody wishing to play racquetball competitively can do so through the gym’s challenge ladder. To get on the top 20 list, you must first challenge and then beat the person at the number 20 spot. From there, you can challenge anybody up to three positions above your current position. If after two attempts, you are unable to win a match against the person three slots ahead, you must challenge the next person directly ahead in the standings. An upcoming racquetball tournament from Marc] 29 through April 4, will directly affect the current standings. For more informati contact Matt at ext. 6491. son^^^ 8 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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