The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 09.04.1993, Síða 1

The White Falcon - 09.04.1993, Síða 1
FALCON Icelandic phrases of the week: %f\ w This is pretty t*etta er Fallegt $ yp (Thet-ta er Fot-let) I love you Eg elska J>ig (ee-eg el-ska Thig) Vol. 52 No. 14 April 9,1993 Serving the Iceland Defense Force Community Viking Thunder to impact all I By J02 Colleen “Ghostwriter” Casper Viking Thunder, a quarterly exercise, will take place Tuesday and Wednesday. “The exercise is designed to test the capabilities of the defense force against any kind of contin- gencies. This includes exercising the Navy P-3 aircraft and Air Force F-15 aircraft,” said RADM Michael D. Haskins, Commander, Iceland Defense Force. “The exercise is different than those con- ducted in the past because everyone will be involved.” He continued, “The goal is to involve the entire base while exercising the military forces in their war-time roles,” he stated. The Naval Air Station, Keflavik Coordi- nator for Viking Thunder, LCDR Denny Johnson said, “Family members will be af- fected by the exercise. Parents should be repared for minor delays and be patient ause the delays will be temporary,” he ntinued. Lt. Col. Gordon Rogers, Assistant Chief of Staff, Plans and Exercises, Iceland Defense Force, said, “We have been working to mini- mize the impact of family members while at the same time providing war- time scenarios for military members.” Air Forces Iceland Director of Exer- cises and Evaluations, Capt. Sean Fox said, “This exercise should demonstrate just how well the branches of service work together and what areas we need to improve in.” Johnson concluded, “This is the first time the Navy has been a complete par- ticipant in this exercise and I expect more exercises of this nature in the future.” Changes during Viking Thunder -Child Development Center (CDC), Learn- ing Tree A" outh Center will extend their hours to 7 p.m. Call ext. 7603 for more information. -MWR clubs will offer reduced services. (Pizza will not be delivered.) For Windbreaker information, see page 6. -Marine Klub will be closed. -USO will close its kitchen at 7 p.m. and the facility at 8 p.m. both days. -Navy Exchange, Mini-Mart and Commis- sary, will each close for an unannounced 15 minute period. -Wendy’s will close at 8 p.m. Mon., Tues., and Wed. Civilian clothes authorized for Navy personnel (AMC) owned or contracted aircraft to allow personnel to wear civilian clothes. The change is the result of a request by AMC to have all services review uniform requirements for these flights. Air Force, Army, Marine Corps and Coast Guard headquarters have not made uniform changes yet, but are working with the Iceland Defense Force to have a consolidated uniform policy for all DoD military personnel. Naval personnel must wear “appropriate” attire for travel and may not wear tom or soiled clothing. ^TR m ■T R ick Bauer, VP FORTY-NINE, volunteered to participate in the elementary school's observance 'ational Children's Reading Day. Community members volunteered their time to read books ’arious classes at the elementary school. (Photo by J02 Colleen C. Casper) Alcohol related accidents a costly way to live life U.S. traffic Injury costs vs. various comparative costs 12 3 4 S <7 S 9 10 1112 13 14 15 April is Alcohol Awareness Month. For more information on alcohol and nu- trition, see page 3, or call ext. 7333. (Chart is based on 1985 statistics pro- vided by Navy News Service.)__________


The White Falcon

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