The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 23.04.1993, Page 1

The White Falcon - 23.04.1993, Page 1
HITE FALCON Iceland phrase of the week: I don’t speak Icelandic, only English. Eg tala ekkl Islensku bura Ensku. (Ee-eg ta-la ek-ld Is-len-sku ba-ra En-sku.) Vol. 52 No. 16 April 23,1993 Serving the Iceland Defense Force Community Two Navy members make adjustments to their protective chemical gear during last week’s Viking Thunder exercise. Viking Thunder tests base’s readiness Photo and story by J02 Carlos Bongioanni Naval Air Station (NAS), Keflavik, went into alert status as base personnel examined their emergency response capabilities for three days last week. The quarterly exercise, known as Viking Thunder, simulated a war- time environment in which an imaginary, opposing force attacked Iceland. According to RADM Michael D. Haskins, Commander, Iceland Defense Force, the pur- pose of the exercise was to find out what areas of readiness base forces needed to improve. ^ “We performed every emergency drill pos- «le,” said Haskins. “Most importantly, the Wrmy, Air Force, Navy, Marines and civilian work force learned to work together. As the exercise progressed, communication and co- ordination among the services improved greatly. “Whatever inconvenience was felt by the base community was well worth it. Today we are much better prepared for an emergency than we were before the exercise... In a real war-time situation, we’re guaranteed to win.” Until recently, Viking Thunder has been primarily an Air Force exercise. However, Washington, D.C. (NNS) — Secretary of Defense Les Aspin has ordered changes in the way the armed services do business as the first step in rationalizing their roles and mis- sions for the new, post cold-war world. One of the key changes Aspin ordered involves how forces based in the United States are to be commanded. Aspin acted on the recommendations made by Gen. Colin Powell, Chairman the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in a report to Congress on roles, missions and functions of the services. The chairman’s report is mandated by law. the past two exercises have seen a dramatic increase of participation from the other serv- ices at NAS, Keflavik. CAPT Charles T. Butler, Commanding Officer NAS, Keflavik, said he was particularly pleased with the (Viking Thunder continued on pg. 4) The Congress required that the secretary trans- mit the report with his comments. Aspin stated, “We know today that forces based in the United States will play a key part in projecting power overseas in the future. That’s why I agree wtih Gen. Powell that we should put those forces under one Com- mander-in Chief. I am directing the chair- man to expand the responsibilities of the Commander-In-Chief Atlantic to include air and ground combat forces based in the conti- nental United States as well as the Navy At- lantic Fleet and Marine Forces Atlantic.” SECDEF makes roles, mission changes


The White Falcon

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