The White Falcon - 23.04.1993, Blaðsíða 5
Air Force Squadron maintains physical security
By J02 Colleen “Ghostwriter” Casper
R(‘Charlie four, fox five, maintain cover
til out of alarm red,” were codes used by
members of the4557th Security Police Squad-
ron as they reacted to scenario events during
exercise Viking Thunder.
Several of the 90 members of the squadron
had the opportunity to maintain security at
the West End. This indluded being prepared
for all contingencies so aircraft could con-
tinue to operate.
“The exercise allowed the squadron to
react to any hostile situation such as bomb
threats, air attacks, ground attacks and test
their ability to maintain security in the area,”
stated TSgt. Norman E. Wilkinson, Area
Security Supervisor.
During the 36-hour period the squadron
ran approximately 20 different scenarios,
where many times inter-service cooperation
was an important factor.
According to TSgt. Ernest L. Haglund,
Exercise Evaluator Team Member, “We
worked with Navy security and they sup-
ported us tremendously. When called, they
were there with large numbers of personnel
and were enthusiastic to participate.
“About 75 percent of the squadron at the
West End had never participated in a Viking
Thunder exercise before. Their training re-
ally paid off-that and the participation of the
other services made the exercise very realis-
tic for the squadron,” Haglund explained.
A 1C Renwick L. Downing said, “I gained
valuable experience about searching for
people in the terrain and how to handle people
after they have been captured. I also learned
what the Navy’s role when it comes to han-
dling hostile personnel.”
Back at headquarters, TSgt. John T. Jor-
dan, a member of the Ground Defense Opera-
tions Center at the Command Operation
Center added, “The exercise was eye-open-
ing for everyone. People learned how other
services respond to scenarios and we were
also able to identify areas for improvement.”
(Photo by J02 Colleen C. Casper)
Viking Thunder impacts the entire base. Opposite
page top: The NAS Kefiavikfire department responds
to a simulated mass casualty exercise at hanger 831.
Bottom: Air Force ground security personnel keep
intruders from advancing on an F-15 preparing for
take-off. This page clockwise from top: Through
rain, snow, sleet and even MOPP level four, the mail
is delivered. Marine sentry inspects an ID card as se-
curity tightened around the base. An Air Force Secu-
rity guard keeps vigil over the base during a simulated
ground attack.
(Photo by DM2 Daniel Kim)
April 23,1993