The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 11.06.1993, Blaðsíða 4

The White Falcon - 11.06.1993, Blaðsíða 4
Arbor day celebration By Mark J. Ebbert “Give fools their gold and knaves their power, let fortune’s bubbles rise and fall, who sows a field or trains a flower or plants a tree, is more than all.” Celebrate Arbor Day with your family this year by adding a special tree to your Icelandic home. Among the trees to be planted in the Lava Garden Park Saturday in support of Arbor Day will be Icelandic birch, woolly willow, felt leaf willow, and cordova mountain pine. Trees are also available to individual commands or organi- zations for planting across the base at schools, around buildings or other public areas. You can become a part of the Adopt-A-Tree Program and sponsor the planting of a historical tree (one that will make possible the dream of starting a new Icelandic forest) in your name, in honor, or in memory of a loved one for $25. You will receive a certificate of authenticity, and an engraved name plate on the dedication board. On buying a tree: containerized trees are available at local nurseries throughout the growing season. Larger specimens (with big root balls) are usually balled and burlapped. These trees suffer less shock from being transplanted and become estab- lished more quickly when planted with the soil they’ve been growing in. Bare-root trees are inexpensive and lightweight for easy handling. They are commonly sold through mail order nurseries, and planting time is limited to when the trees are dormant. Shipped in damp packing material, these trees must be planted immediately after you receive them, before the roots dry out. Nursery tree seedlings are the least costly of tree stock, allowing you to buy them in volume. Because they are small, they require a few extra years to mature. Look for a tree with healthy green leaves and even growth. Branches on dormant, bare-root stock should be pliable. Reject bare-root trees that have dry or broken roots. Select only trees that are hardy in this climate. Buy trees form reputable nurseries, cheap trees aren’t always a bargain in the long run. On planting a tree, unpack the tree and soak in water six to 12 hours. Do not plant with packing material attached to roots and do not allow roots to dry out. Dig a hole wider than seems necessary so the roots can spread without crowding. Remove any grass within a three foot circular area. Plant the tree as deep as it stood in the nursery without crowding the roots. Partially fill the hole and pack the soil firmly with heel. Construct a water-holding basin around the tree. Give the tree plenty of water. Pour protective mulch, such as wood chips or peat moss, around the base after the water has soaked in. Water the tree generously every week or 10 days the first year. Fertilize soon after spring growth. Steve Campbell helps plant an Icelandic birch tree. For the third year in a row, seniors from A. T. Mahan High School contributed to the base's beautification efforts by planting trees at the high school. The localA chapter of the Society of American Military Eng, neers (SAME) provided the 23 trees, one for eaci graduating senior and one for the class of ‘93. "In order to make this place more aesthetically appeal- ing, we felt it was appropriate for us to get involved," said LT Dan Therrien, SAME Vice President. The trees were acquiredfrom a farm in Reykjavik for $26 a piece. (Photo by J02 Carlos Bongioanni.) Building recovers from wind damage Warehouse OIF, otherwise known as the Portamod, recently received a new fabric covering. The building, previously used by Air Force Supply, was destroyed in 1991 when high winds ripped the Tension Mem- brane Structure from the frame. Members of Keflavlk Contractors spentfive days last week unfurling, stretching and lashing down the oversized tent. "The benefits of these structures are that the buildings can be quickly disassembled and set up with relative ease. For example,We recently took down eight Portamods in Subic Bay, Philippines for reuse elsewhere," said Bob Brown, representative for the Seaman^ Corporation, manufacturers of the coverin, (Photo by J03 (SW) Andreas Walter) an w 4 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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