The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 23.07.1993, Blaðsíða 5

The White Falcon - 23.07.1993, Blaðsíða 5
COMNAVRESFOR visits Keflavik By J03 (SW) Andreas Walter The former Commander, Iceland Defense Force (COMICEDEFOR) and present Com- mander, Naval Reserve Force, RADM Tho- mas F. Hall visited Naval Air Station, Keflavik this past week. RADM Hall, the 22nd COMICEDEFOR, was hosted by RADM Michael D. Haskins, the present COMICEDEFOR. During the three day stay in Iceland, RADM Hall met with Ambassador Robert T. Amason, Direc- tor, Defense Department, Ministry for For- eign Affairs. He also attended briefings on Fleet Air Keflavik operations and Naval Re- serve issues and current events. Hall had a chance to renew old ties with the base community when he participated in a live radio show broadcast, “The Elderly Brothers Reunion” at NBS with CW04 Tom Jones, Officer in Charge, Navy Broadcasting Service Detachment, Keflavik. During his tour as COMICEDEFOR, Radm Hall was co-host to this weekly radio show. In addition to his official duties, Hall had time to engage in a game of basketball with the NAS team at the base gym. RADM Hall’s tenure at NAS, Keflavik was marked with many improvements to basewide appearance and attention to Qual- ity of Life issues. Spencer retires today CDR William E. Spencer, Air Op- erations Department Head, Naval Air Station, Keflavik, retires today from the Navy after 21 years of active duty service. The 10 a.m. ceremony was held in Hangar 885. He plans to retire in Pensacola, Fla. with his family, wife Connie and daughters Christie and Karen. Spencer’s replacement will be CDR Randall Lueker, who comes to Keflavik from Adak, Alaska. World’s largest ice breaker drops anchor in Keflavik harbor Story and photo by J03 (SW) Andreas Walter The U.S. Coast Guard ship, Polar Sea, tied up at Keflavik pier last week for a three-day ^tay. The ship, homeported in Seattle, Wash., Is enroute to the Northeast coast of Green- Hand, and then on to a large open water area, or polynya, in the Arctic latitudes. There, its 150 man crew will assist 34 sci- entists from locations around the world to conduct various experiments on algae blooms. The trip is the second of its kind and will bring the Northeast Water Polynya project to its conclusion. The 400 foot ship is expected to stay in the area for five weeks. The capable vessel can travel a maximum of 28,274 miles without refueling, a distance that is more than once around the world. Noncombatant Evacuation Order drill tests base’s readiness By LT Bill Burns Naval Air Station (NAS), Keflavik, con- ducted a Noncombatant Evacuation Order (NEO) drill this past Wednesday in conjunc- tion with this year’s Northern Viking Exer- cise. According to LT Mary Hill, the NAS Ad- ministrative Officer, the purpose of the NEO |vas two fold: to test the air station’s ability Jro evacuate family members in the event of an emergency and to educate family members in the procedures necessary to make an evacu- ation in an orderly process. Family members boarded special NEO buses Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. in the housing areas. After completing processing at Admin., the Personnel Support Office, Medical and Legal, they went to the Air Terminal to sign up for the flight. The actual flight will depart Tuesday on an Air Force C- 141 to McGuire Air Force Base and return mi August 6. Passports were the only docu- ments needed for the exercise. In an actual evacuation scenario, family members would need the following: A completed Household Goods Inventory form. a CMnpleted DD Form 1337, the appropriate service document designating a guardian for the children of single parents and dual-mili- tary couples, Automobile Title and Registra- tion, Motor Vehicle Shipment ApplicatiMi, Proof of IdentificatiMi (Passports as well as ID cards), other important papers such as insurance policies, marriage certificates, birth certificates, wills and shot records. This NEO drill provided personnel with a free ride to the United States without having to use one of their Environmental and Moral Leave trips. For more information, contact the NAS Admin. Office at ext. 2545. July 23,1993 5


The White Falcon

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