The White Falcon

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The White Falcon - 13.08.1993, Qupperneq 1

The White Falcon - 13.08.1993, Qupperneq 1
 elandic words of the week: How do you feel? Hvernig lidur per? (Ka-ver-nig leethur ther) wrap up Northern Viking con- cludes, see pages 4-6. Big gift The Marines make a hearty donation, see page 3. 0 Rescue at sea Joint service effort saves verely ill sailor, see oage 3. Friendship tourney Local Icelanders and NATO Base personnel go a round of golf, see page 8. Inside Editorials.........2 More news..........2 Weather............3 Tidal Info........3 Features........4-6 Classifieds.......7 Sports............8 Vol. 52 No. 32 August 13,1993 Serving the Iceland Defense Force Community JWhite Falcon 35TH Wing bids farewell to Allen, welcomes new commander Story and photo by J02 Carlos Bongioannl In July of 1991, Col. Thomas L. Allen took over as the Vice Commander, Air Forces Iceland (AH). Within the two years that followed, Allen saw much change. He went from Vice Commander to Com- mander in 1992. Then this year, he put on an additional hat as Com- mander, 35TH Wing, as the Air Force in Iceland restructured itself. Like most people coming to Iceland for the first time, Allen said he didn't really know what to expect. However, as he prepares to leave, he has no doubt in his mind this has been a rewarding assignment. “I have marveled at the quality of the people here,” said Allen. “It’s amazing how small this operation is, and yet, every single unit in the Wing has won some kind of award since I've been here. That speaks of the caliber of people we have.” Allen also praised the way the different services worked to- gether to accomplish the mission in Iceland. He likened the joint operation to a marraige. “Because of the strong person- alities present, there will always be friction between members of different services, but they al- ways seem to work it out.” Allen pointed to instances when shops from different serv- ices pitched in to help each other Col. Thomas Allen (right), outgoing Commander, 35TH Wing!Air Forces Ice- land, wastes no time in acquainting Col. Bran McAllister (Center) to his new duties as Wing Commander. The two spoke with Col. Robert Gmyrek during a Northern Viking briefing at the Combined Operations Center. when something was lacking. “I believe the leadership of the two previous admirals has made it possible for jointness to come about. RADM Haskins has spe- cifically focused on getting eve- rybody to work in unity to fulfill the mission.” In addition, Allen stated he is pleased with the emphasis being placed on coordinating a “Qual- ity” program that deals with base problems in a joint fashion. Along with his wife Anne and son Matthew, Allen will move to Washington, D.C. where he’ll work at the Pentagon. His son Benjamin is a student at Yale and his daughter Emily will start her Freshman year at Harvard. Allen passes on his command in much the same fashion as his position was passed on to him two years ago, amidst the hustle and bustle of a major exercise. Commenting on his first im- pressions of his new assignment, the new Wing Commander, Col. Bran McAllister, said he’s al- ready learned “There is no other Wing like this in the Air Force. Nobody can appreciate it until they come here. It’s a surprise to find out how many diverse mis- sions there are.” During his first week in Ice- land, McAllister visited with nearly every Air Force member stationed here. He said he imme- diately took note of the level of dedication exhibited by base personnel. “Despite the severe climate, everybody seems to have a posi- tive attitude. The people here are extremely mission oriented. That’s something you won’t find at every base,” noted McAllister.


The White Falcon

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