The White Falcon

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The White Falcon - 13.08.1993, Qupperneq 8

The White Falcon - 13.08.1993, Qupperneq 8
112 tee off for Friendship Golf Tournament By Lisa Koffler 61 Icelanders and 51 Americans took to the green recently for the Friendship Golf Tour- nament. The tournament kicked off Saturday morning at the Keflavik Golf Course with 112amateurgolfers representing theSudumes area and Naval Air Station, Keflavfk. “This tournament marked a reunion of Friendship Golf Tournaments held between the Nato base and the clubs from the Sudumes Penninsula in the past,” explained Tom Kub- alewski, Recreation Director for the base gym. “The reunion was a complete success.” Awards were given in three categories: Closest to the Hole, Scratch, and Handicap. Those coming closest to hole numbers 3, 7, 13, and 16 were, respectively: Mike Rosen- baum within 83 cm, Richard Coming within 91 cm, Johnny Gomez within 4 m, and Tad Hannich within 1.64 meters. In the Scratch category, Mike Rosen- baum was awarded first place for his score of 73 after a sudden death play-off to Elias Kristjansson. Prostur Astporsson took third place in this area with his score of 75. Gavin Reaves shot a 60 and took first place in the Handicap catagory. Pete Flemming’s 62 won a close second place and Chris Mitchell took third with a 64. As for the overall team awards, NAS Keflavfk’s myriad of first, second and third ranking individuals did not hold strong enough to the prevailing Keflavfk Course Club. Regardless, all seemed to enjoy the day, in spite of the looming clouds. “I think the rain showers actually helped to improve the scores,” double-award winner Mike Rosenbaun theorized. “The rain was sorely needed on the green, although Phil Hunter, Golf Club pro, had the course in fan- tastic shape.” Rosenbaum added that the enjoyment and camaraderie among the Icelandic and Ameri- can golfers, both on and off the green, was very important. “It was an absolutely fantas- tic tournament. The players enjoyed them- selves and the company offered by the other participants.” This year’s participants already have their sights set on next year’s gathering. Kub- alewski hopes that his successor will push for the event to occur next year. Midnight Madness raquetball tourney proves a success By Lisa Koffler The fourth Midnight Madness Raquetball Tournament was quite a hit this past Satur- day. The pre-registration of sixteen individu- als yielded ten players for the double elimina- tion raquetball competition at the base gym. Regardless of the title of the tournament, the games actually began at 11 p.m. Due to the quantity of scheduled competitors, and even with the early commencement, the games “It was a great tournament from every aspect” continued well into the early morning hours. “Each person sweated his way through, until 4:30 a.m.,” said Tom Kubalewski, Recreation Director for the base gym. “It is evident that the Midnight Madness Tourna- ments are just as popular today as they were when we started.” First place Saturday night went to Clar- ence Branson of the 35th Supply Squadron. Steve Nurre of the Coast Guard clenched sec- ond place, and NAVFAC’s Jeny Harvey employed a strong forearm for the third place title. With the focus of attention last week being Northern Viking ’93, a favorable out for the raquetball tournament was qi tionable. However, it was quite a success,' and as far as Tom Kubalewski was con- cerned, “It was a great tournament from every aspect.” 8 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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