The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 17.09.1993, Blaðsíða 10

The White Falcon - 17.09.1993, Blaðsíða 10
Commander Fleet Air Keflavik Mm. Achievement Medal LT Soares YN2 Reichmann Letter-pf Commendation BMl McIntyre DP3 Conley Naval Facility, Keflavik Navv Achievement Medal LT John R. Palumbo OTAC William N. Rogers OTA1 Jeffrey A. Weddle OTA1 Michelle E. Weddle OTM1 Denis E. Murphy Letter of Commendation DP2 Timothy R. Pomerleau OTA1 Patricia A. Piazza OTM3 April D. Quackenbush Good Conduct Award OTAC William N. Rogers OTM3 Kiric E. Veselka Erocked to present paierade LT Harry Barber U.S. Naval Security Group Activity Keflavik Navv Achievement Medal CT02 Kevin McVey Frocked to present paver a de LT Sung M. Baker Advanced to present rank CTASN Rebecca L. Meeke Marine Corps Security Force Company Promotion to present rank July 1 Cpl. D.F. Leon LCpl. M.A. Shizak Jr. LCpl. P.N. Biolzi LCpl. J.J. Chappel LCpl. R.E. Fowler LCpl. P.S. Vanderpoel LCpl. C.A. Simpson III Promoted to present rank August 1 Sgt. D. Cuadron Cpl. J.B. Glover Cpl. M.B. Myers LCpl. T.F. Bielawski LCpl. R.E. Blystone LCpl. D.R. Borchardt LCpl. B.F. Bums LCpl. R.C. Shell LCpl. M.T. Wright Good Conduct Medals Sgt. T.W. Potter (2nd award) Cpl. A. Maldonado (2nd award) Meritorious Mast Cpl. J.C. Dunlop LCpl. M.E. Sampson LCpl. J.R. Dobbs LCpl. J.P. Alshefski LCpl. J.R. Booth LCpl. L.T. Paul LCpl. E.V. Peek PFC S. B. Peoples Cable repairs to interrupt phone service Cable replacement work on board Naval Air Station, Keflavik, began the first week of September. The work is continuing and will cause some minor inconveniences with loss of telephone services. Below is a schedule for work in the following housing areas. Dates and times are subject to change due to weather and/or unforeseen circumstances. Today 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Excavation, cable laying, install pedes tal next to bldg. 925. Monday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Splice cable to bldg. 923,924, 925. Tuesday/ 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Splice cable to bldg. 919,921,922 and Wednesday 932 (Community Center). Thursday 9 .am. to 4 p.m. Splice cable to bldg. 916,917, 918. Sept. 24 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Splice cable to bldg. 914 and 915. Sept. 28 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Clean up/Quality Control checks. NATO Base Volunteers of, the month 932 Air Defense Squadron Wives Cheryl Crise 56 ARS Wives Group Alyce Taylor NSGA White Hat Association CTR3 Christopher Whitney NSGA Women’s Group Roxy Rowton Officer’s Wives Club Patty Young Parent Teacher Organization Amy Reed Lee Van Moerquerque Rockv Roader MSI Greg Gonzales Master of Arts Degrees Stephen Belch, Management Sean Fox, Management/Human Resource Development Relief training is on the way Do you qualify for an interest-free loan to repair your car? Can someone help you establish a household if you should get married and move off base? Get answers to questions like these which affect your quality of life. From Sept. 27 to Oct. 1, Kim Nelson, field representative from the Navy-Ma- rine Corps Relief Society headquar- ters will conduct a class at the Family Service Center, Mon. to Wed., 8:30 a.m. to noon, and Thurs., 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The course will cover a variety of topics from military pay, allowances, Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society policies, programs, procedures and opportunities. Upon completetion of this course, students will receive a di- ploma. There is no obligation to vol- unteer, but those who do will reap the rewards. Enrich your life by helping fellow shipmates and marines during emergencies. Call Sherrie Osterman, Chairman of Volunteers, at ext. 6703 or LCDR King at ext. 4401 for more information. 10 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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