The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 01.10.1993, Blaðsíða 1

The White Falcon - 01.10.1993, Blaðsíða 1
The White Falcon Vol. 52 No. 38 October 1,1993 Serving the Iceland Defense Force Community ______________°__________________________o Icelandic Comer Where is the swimming pool? Hvar er sundlaugin? (Kvarth err sund-leu-in?) Stone cutter Base sculptor chips away at his latest proj- ect, see page 4. Look-a-like Twin brothers have parallel lives in Air Force, see page 5. Hispanic heritage A. T. Mahan High School celebrates Hispanic-American Month, see page 6. Did you know The Navy authorized the Enlisted Voluntary Early Out Program for Fiscal Year 94, see NAVADMIN 170/93. Inside Editorials........2 Briefs............3 Lyte Bytes........3 Features........4-6 ^Classifieds......7 Sports............8 SPACECOM Commander visits Keflavfk Gen. Charles A. Homer, Commander in Chief, U.S. Space Command, took time out during a visit to Naval Air Sta- tion Keflavik to answer questions on the role of the Space Command and how it works in conjunction with NASA. The purpose of the General’s visit was to receive briefings and orientation on U.S. Air Defense surveillance and opera- tions in Iceland. Gen. Homer emphasized how there is a need for continual research and devel- opement as well as making space more resonsible and efficient. “Programs keep building as space becomes more important to work with,” Homer said. “We don’t have a change in mission, just a change in emphasis.” Homer went on to discuss how the military is becoming more space orien- tated for the sake of supporting war fight- ers. (Photo by J03 (SW) Andreas Walter) Opportunities remain for today’s sailors Retention team eases confusion Dubois answers questions after giving an hour-long briefing at Andrew’s Theater last Friday. Story and photo by J02 Carlos Bongioanni Despite continuing personnel draw- downs in the U. S. military, those respon- sible for retaining servicemembers have not seen their work load get any lighter. Recently, the Chief of Naval Opera- tion (CNO) Retention Team wrapped up a 12-day whirlwind tour of Naval bases in the Mediterranean, Middle East and United Kingdom by stopping in Keflavik before returning to Washington. While here, retention team representatives met with Naval Air Station Keflavik’s Navy enlisted and officer community. “There’s a lot of confusion on all the changes taking place in the military,” stated Senior Chief Dave Dubois, NC Detailer and member of the retention team. “We came out to explain how it all See RETENTION on page 5.


The White Falcon

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