The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 01.10.1993, Blaðsíða 2

The White Falcon - 01.10.1993, Blaðsíða 2
Oil l !-•! I-IL iUP J Fire Prevention Week By Huraldur Stefansson NAS Keflavik Fire Chief On October 9,1871, the infamous Chicago fire killed 250 persons and destroyed 17,430 buildings, at a cost of $168 million. In commemoration of the date, Fire Pre- vention Week is always the Sunday through Saturday period which includes October 9. The observance originated in 1911, when the Fire Marshals Association of North America established Fire Prevention Day. Later in 1922, President Warren G. Harding pro- claimed the establishment of Fire Prevention Week. Since then, the message of fire safety has been brought to the public not only during Fire Prevention Week but also throughout the whole year. NAS Keflavfk’s Fire Department has planned several activities for the commemo- ration: Large fire prevention posters will be distributed throughout the base on Monday. Approximately 100 fire prevention lectures/ demonstrations will be conducted during the week. (Poster stands and display racks will be installed in places of public assembly.) Operation EDITH (Exit Drill in the Home) will be introduced to all elementary school students, and Family Escape Plan material for the home will be distributed. The Fire Department will reward students who turn in completed exit/escape plans. EDITH will be conducted Wed. at 5:30 p.m. Fire engines will sound sirens throughout the housing areas. All families are urged to participate. Facts About Fire □ Approximately 5,500 people die in fires in the U. S. annually, including about 100 firefighters. Another 30,000 civilians are in- jured. □ The U. S. fire deaths rate, per million people, are almost twice the average com- pared to other industrialized nations. □ Each year, fire kills more Americans than all the major natural emergencies combined, including floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes. □ Fire is the third leading cause of acciden- tal death in the home. At least 75 percent of all fire deaths occur in residential area. □ Cooking is the leading cause of apart- ment fires and the second most frequent cause of single family residential fires. These fires often result from unattended cooking and human error, rather than from mechanical failure of stoves or ovens. El Careless smoking is the leading cause of residential fire deaths. Smoke detectors and smoldering resistant bedding and upholstered furniture are significant fire deterrents. □ Children under age of five are at serious risk of being killed in a fire — more than double the average population. El About 25 percent of fires that kill young children are started by children playing with matches. Another house cal It was a beautiful Thursday morning. T' base housing residents were exiting the! building when they heard a smoke detector go off. As they ran up to the third floor to investigate, they smelled smoke in the corri- dor. The man knocked on the apartment door to find out if anybody was home. His wife went to call the Fire Department. A few minutes later, Fire Department personnel arrived and forced their way into the locked apartment, but no one was found in the smoke filled room. The cause of the fire: A curling iron, which was plugged into an electrical outlet and wrapped inside a towel, overheated and set the towel on fire. The fire men unplugged the curling iron and extinguished the fire with water. Once again, the Fire Department had to respond to a fire caused by carelessness... a fire that could have taken a life or caused severe damage. The Fire Department encourages housing residents to be careful while using electrical appliances such as curling/clothes irons, coffee pots, etc. They should always bo unplugged when not in use. Otherwise, can expect our enemy “Fire” to pay us a vis] and the luck may not always be with us for our protection. w October rains bring foretaste of Old Man Winter October marks the arrival of winter as temperatures become cooler and the probability of snow increases. An average of 5.2 inches of precipitation makes Octo- ber the wettest month of the year. Measurable rainfall occurs on an average 21 days of the month, while snowfall occurs only twice. Hours of darkness exceed those of daylight. On the first of October there are 11 hours and 21 minutes of daylight compared to only eight hours and nine minutes on the 31 St. (Provided by the Nival Oceanography Command Facility) Average temp: Average max. temp: Average min. temp: Extreme max. temp: Extreme min. temp: Dominant wind direction: Average wind speed: Extreme max. wind gust: Average precipitation: Max. 24-hour rainfall: Max. monthly rainfall: Average monthly snowfall: Max. monthly snowfall. 41F/5C 44F/7C 37F/3C 57F/14C 18F/-8C North-northeast 14 knots (16 MPH) 68 knots (78 MPH) 5.2 inches 1.7 inches 9 inches 2 inches 12 inches TheWhite Falcon Commander, Iceland Defense Force RADM Michael D. Haskins Public Affairs Officer LT Joseph L. Quimby Deputy Public Affairs Officer Fridthdr Kr. Eydal Draftsman DM2 Danielle J. Kim Editor J02 Carlos Bongioanni Journalists J03 (SW) Andreas Walter The White Falcon is printed by the NAS Keflavik Prim Plant. Photo processing is provided by Beet Im- aging Command Detachment Keflavik. The While Falcon is an authorized, gov- ernment-funded weekly publication of thelce- land Defense Force. Contents of The White Falcon are not necessarily the official views of or endorsed by, the U. S. Government, the Department of Defense or the Iceland Defense Force. Everything advertised in this publica- tion shall be made available without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, physical handicap, or any other non-merit factor. The While Falcon is located in Bldg. 936, tel. ext. 4612 or 4552. 2 The White Falcon


The White Falcon

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